
超星习题 6455

由于粉末冶金的生产工艺与陶瓷的生产形式上类似,因此粉末冶金的这种生产工艺也称为( )。

粉末冶金基本工序为( )。

粉末冶金优点有( )。

粉末冶金的缺点有( )。

库利奇用粉末冶金技术制造出电灯钨丝,使1880年爱迪生发明的电灯真正得到普及,为现代粉末冶金工业发展迈出了第一步。随后,粉末冶金技术成为许多难熔金属材料如( )的唯一生产方法。




粉末颗粒的表面状态是十分复杂的,一般粉末颗粒越 ,外表面越发达。同时粉末颗粒的缺陷越多,内表面也就越 。()

粉末的化学成分分析与常规金属的分析方法基本相同,根据其反应类型和操作方法的不同,主要分为 分析法和 分析法。()





粉末的粒度和粒度组成主要与粉末的制取方法和工艺条件有关, 和 可通过调节还原温度和电流密度,在较宽的范围内改变粉末粒度组成。()
















液相烧结能否进行的条件是液相对固相的润湿角为( )。

液相烧结应该满足三个条件,下面不属于的是( )。

下面不属于粉末烧结机制的有( )。

烧结驱动力则主要来自体系的( )降低。

下列不属于无限互溶系烧结的影响因素( )。

液相烧结的液相数量一般控制在( )以内。

在( )的作用下,液相发生流动并填充孔隙空间。

以co为主的气氛为( )烧结气氛。










粉末体在压模内受压时,压坯会向周围膨胀,模壁就会给压坯一个大小相等、方向相反的反作用力,这个力就叫( )。

下面不属于粉末烧结机制的有( )。

金属氧化物还原法中,最常见的还原反应类型为:( )

对于细长类零件,应当选择( )进行压制。

粉末冶金和其他成形工艺相比,下列哪种说法是错误的( )。

( )是目前的一种新型光机材料,适合光机一体化制造。

粉末冶金工业中金属粉末化学成分的分析主要是来测量粉末的纯度,也就是粉末中杂质的含量,主要包括氧含量和其他杂质元素含量。常规测定方法是( )

雾化法中雾化介质对金属液流的作用方式不包括:( )

压坯开裂的本质是( )。

在粉末的预处理中,( )工艺可使氧化物还原,降低碳和其他杂质的含量,提高粉末的纯度,消除粉末的加工硬化,稳定粉末的晶体结构。

用复压-复烧工艺生产的结构钢零件,其材料密度可达到( )。

若零件的形状很复杂,用传统粉末冶金工艺难以成形,特别是产量大的小型零件,一般趋向于选择( )。

下列不属于无限互溶系烧结的影响因素( )。

烧结铁基结构材料的力学性能与( )无关。

粉末的化学成分分析与常规金属的分析方法基本相同,根据其反应类型和操作方法的不同,主要分为 分析法和 分析法。( )

1. 粉末的粒度和粒度组成主要与粉末的制取方法和工艺条件有关, 和 可通过调节还原温度和电流密度,在较宽的范围内改变粉末粒度组成。( )

在粉浆浇注成形工艺中,胶体的稳定性取决于( )。

粉末体在压模内受压时,压坯会向周围膨胀,模壁就会给压坯一个大小相等、方向相反的反作用力,这个力就叫( )。

下面不属于粉末烧结机制的有( )。

金属氧化物还原法中,最常见的还原反应类型为:( )

对于细长类零件,应当选择( )进行压制。

粉末冶金和其他成形工艺相比,下列哪种说法是错误的( )。

( )是目前的一种新型光机材料,适合光机一体化制造。

粉末冶金工业中金属粉末化学成分的分析主要是来测量粉末的纯度,也就是粉末中杂质的含量,主要包括氧含量和其他杂质元素含量。常规测定方法是( )

雾化法中雾化介质对金属液流的作用方式不包括:( )

压坯开裂的本质是( )。

在粉末的预处理中,( )工艺可使氧化物还原,降低碳和其他杂质的含量,提高粉末的纯度,消除粉末的加工硬化,稳定粉末的晶体结构。

用复压-复烧工艺生产的结构钢零件,其材料密度可达到( )。

若零件的形状很复杂,用传统粉末冶金工艺难以成形,特别是产量大的小型零件,一般趋向于选择( )。

下列不属于无限互溶系烧结的影响因素( )。

烧结铁基结构材料的力学性能与( )无关。

粉末的化学成分分析与常规金属的分析方法基本相同,根据其反应类型和操作方法的不同,主要分为 分析法和 分析法。( )

1. 粉末的粒度和粒度组成主要与粉末的制取方法和工艺条件有关, 和 可通过调节还原温度和电流密度,在较宽的范围内改变粉末粒度组成。( )

在粉浆浇注成形工艺中,胶体的稳定性取决于( )。

which of the following is not true about britain?

which of the following is not considered a characteristic of london?

which of the following is the exception of truth of london?

the tower of london, a historical sight, located in the center of london, was built by ___________.

united kinddom is actually a country of countries.

the scots and welsh have a strong sense of being british.

britain is a country with a history of invasions.

the anglo-saxons began to settle in britain in the 11th century.

when did scotland join the union by agreement of hte english and scottish parliaments?

where do the majority of people in scotland live?

northern ireland is the allest o f the four nations, but is quite well-known in the world for ________.

both the scottish and welsh people elect their members of parliaments to the london parliament respectively.

belfast, the capital of northern ireland, is a large city with millions of people.

the good friday agreement was finally approved in 2019.

who were the earliest invaders in england?

when was the glorious revolution in great britain?

who were the original speaker of english in great britain?

in the late 8th century england was invaded from scandinavia and in the 11th century they suffered invasions from norman french.

during the wars of roses, white rose stands for york family and red rose for lancaster family.

the glorious revolution was a bloody revolution and starting point of british constitutional monarchy.

which of the following is not a characteristic of british government?

which of the following is not a true description of the queen's role?

which of the following is not a feature of the house of lords?

which of the following is not based on the fact of house of commons?

great britain is both a parliamentary democracy and a constitutional monarchy.

britain, like israel, has a written constitution of the sort which most countries have.

it is no doubt that great britain is the oldest representative democracy in the world.

in great britain, the process of state-building has been one of evolution rather than revolution, in contrast to other countris like france and the united states.

in 1689, parliament passed _________________________ to ensure that the king would never be able to ignore parliament.

in great britain, the head of the state is the king or queen, while the real center of political life is __________.

strictly speaking, the parliament today consists of three parts, the queen, house of lords and ____________.

the most important function of the parliament is to ________________.

which of the following writer did not belong to romantici of british literature?

which literary form flourished in elizabethan age more than any other form of literature?

several gifted women played a significant part in the 19th century literature in great britain. which of hte following is an exception?

which of the following is generally considered to be the masterpiece by emily bronte?

which of the following is not considered to be great tragedies of william shakespeare?

william shakespeare's plays are generally categorized into historical plays, comedies and tragedies.

william shakespeare is considered as a great poet and much is known of his personal life.

john keats, percy bysshe shelley and george gordon byron brought the romantic moverment to its height.

charlotte bronte and emily bronte are noted for their respective novel jane eyre and oliver twist.

charles dickens is regarded not only as a great novelist, but also as social critics in the 19th century.

in great britain, the great majority of parents send their children to ___________.

in great britian, children from the age of 5 to 16 ____________.

if a student wants to go to university in great britian, he will take the examination called ____________.

which of the following is not true?

which of the following schools would admit children without reference to their academic abilities?

the purpose of british education is not only to provide children with literacy and the other basic skills but also to socialize children.

public schoos are part of the national education system and funded by the government.

grammar schools select children at the age of eleven and provide them with a general education.

british universities are public bodies which receive funds from central government.

the enduring feature of british education is the continuing debate over what should be taught in schools.

the two oldest universities in great britian are ___________________ and cambirdge university.

parents can choose between sending their children to state schools or _____________.

comprehensive schols provide a general education, teaching students everything from ____________ subjects like literature and science to more practical subjects like cooking and carpentry.

gcea in british education stands for ___________

fa in british sports stands for ___________.

in terms of territory, the united state is the ___________ country in the world.

how many colonies were established along the east coast of america by great britain?

what is not the branch of american government?

how many judges are there in the american supreme court?

which of the following is not a traditional american food?

christopher columbus discovered america in 1492.

the first english permenant settlement was found in california.

george washington, banjamin franklin, and abraham lincoln were regarded as the founding fathers of the united states of america.

the united states is regarded as a melting pot and salad bowl.

the united states is a country of immigrations with low social mobility.

which of the following statements was correct around the time of the american revolution?

the following were teh founding fathers of the american repblic except____________.

the theory of american politics and the american revolution originated mainly from ________.

"no taxation without representation" was the rallying cry of __________.

which of the following is not in the new england?

emancipatin proclamation was issued after the american civil war.

by the early 1760s, the 13 colonies in north america were ready to separate themselves from great britain.

massachusetts was established by english puritans who separated themselves from roman cacholic church.

the state of pennsylvania used to be inhabited by the quakers.

the american revolution officially proclaimed the birth of a new american nation.

in 1782, the frenchman who settled in pennsylvania first asked the question "what is an american" in his book _____________.

the new world of america was peopled as a result of two long-continuing immigration movements, the first one from _____________ and the second from europe.

american indians had developed three birlliant civilizations before the europeans arrived. these three civilizations were muyan, inca and ___________.

new england was founded by a group of religious believers called ___________.

the first permanent settlement in north america was established in today's _________ state.

which of the following is the only branch that can make federal law and levy federal taxes?

which of the following is not a power of the president?

which of the following is not guaranteed in the bill of rights?

which of the following is not the reason for the higher arrest rates among minority groups?

which department is the branch of interpreting laws in the united states?

the us constitution set up a federal system with a strong central government.

the main duty of the congress is to make laws, including those which levy taxes that pay for the work of the federal government.

when the war of independence was over, the united states was one unified nation as it is today.

the president has the authority to appoint federal judegs, and all such court appointments are subject to confirmation by the house of representatives.

americans have to join a political party in order to vote or to be a candidate or public office.

the us federal government consists of the following three branches: the executive, _________, the judicial.

groups who try to persuade congresen to vote for or against a bill are known as _________.

the supreme court is composed of one chief justice and _______ associate justices.

the two major political parties are democratic, which is thought to be more liberal, and ____________, which is believed to be more conservative.

the congress is ided into ______________ with 435 members who serve two-year terms, and senate with 100 lawmakers who serve six-year terms.

which of the following did not belong to romantici in great britain?

several gifted women played a significant part in the 19th century literature. which of the following is an exception?

which of the following subjects are not offered to elementary school students?

both public and private universities depend on the following sources of income except_______.

large universities are always better, and more desirable universities are always more expensive.

one of the things that decides whether an applicant can be accepted by a college is his or her scores on the scholastic aptitude tests.

harvard university was originally founded to train governemnt officials.

it takes at least four years to get a bachelor's degree from an institution of higher learning in the us.

which of the following businesen was responsible for the invention of movies?

which of the following was considered the first projection device in the united states?

three of the following of studios were part of the five "majors", which of them is not?

the term "popular culture" (commonly known as pop culture) was coined in the 20th century.

although the united states has produced most commercial films in the 20th century, movies did not originate in america.

independent filmmakers such as steven soderbergh and quentin tarantino had significant commercial success in the 1990s.

which is the largest city in scotland?

northern ireland is the allest of the four nations, but is quite well known in the world for __________?

according to the good friday agreement, northern ireland today should be governed by the following jurisdiction except__________

which of the following statements is not correct?

which of the following is not based on the fact?

which of the following is not an effect of immigration on british society?

which of the following is a tragedy written by william shakespeare?

several gifted women played a significant part in the 19th century literature. which of the following is an exception?

which of the following is not true in uk?

which of the following is not true about the characteristics of britain?

there are two major national parties in the uk.

the leader of the conservative, margaret thatcher started a series of reforms. an extensive program of privatization was carried out, and she was successful in an all round way.

much early british literature was concerned with christianity, and anglo-saxon produced many versions of the bible.

the oldest institution of government in britain is the monarchy.

britain, like israel, has a written constitution of the sort which most countries have.

in 1215, some feudal barons and the church forced king john to sign the __________ to place some limits on the king’s power.

strictly speaking, the parliament today consists of the queen, __________ and the house of commons.

one of the oldest of early “old english” literary work is a long poem from anglo saxon times called __________.

william shakespeare’s plays fall into three categories. they are _________, comedies and history plays.

the two oldest universities in britain are oxford and ___________.

three of the following are characteristics of london. which of the four is the exception?

which of the following parties in scotland still wants an independent scotland?

which of the following agreement is accepted by both catholic and protestants in northern ireland?

which of the following is not a characteristic of british government?

which of the following is not related to the constitution of uk?

which of the following is not true description of the queen’s role?

which of the following is not characteristic of the hereditary aristocracy in the uk?

which of the following writers was the most famous scottish writer?

in uk, the great majority of parents send their children to ________.

which of the following schools would admit children without reference to their academic abilities?

children from the upper middle class usually have a better education than those from the working or middle class.

the majority of irish people were descendants of original celtic people who inhabited british isles before the roman arrived 2000 years ago.

writers of romantic literature are more concerned with imagination and feelings than with the power of reason.

there was a general flowering of culture and intellectual life in europe during the 17th and 18th centuries which is known as the renaissance.

the commonwealth of nation includes all european countries.

during the civil war in the 17th century, those who represented the interests of parliament are called __________, and those who supported the king were called loyalists.

in britain, the official head of state is the queen while the real center of political life is __________.

in 1689, parliament passed __________ to ensure that the king would never be able to ignore parliament.

____________ written by geoffrey chaucer is often studied by middle school and college students today

the island of great britain is made up of england, __________ and wales.

are there any differences between the way chinese teachers and british teachers greet their students?

on the first day of class, it is usually a good start to get students say something.

make sure to always affirm each student’s effort, no matter how poor the production is.

be positive about your class, but you don’t have to elaborate on its benefits specifically. students usually understand why they would take a particular class.

when students answer your questions, you may want to give them more confidence and praise, you can use adjectives like ‘______’ or ‘______’ to describe their ‘voice’, like ‘_______’ or ‘________’.

all teachers must lay down some guidelines for the behavior they expect from their students. you can start by saying, ‘__________________________’ and then list them 1, 2, 3, 4, and so on.

to know the students better, you may ask them to explain something unique about them by saying, ‘______________________________.’

write down the chinese equivalents of the following terms. front of the tongue _________________________

write down the chinese equivalents of the following terms. narrow lips _________________________

if students are making some mistakes, you can say, ‘__________________’ or ‘_________________________.’

when you want students to say a new word, most teachers want the students to repeat, you can tell your students, ‘________________________.’ sometimes you may want them to try more times, you can say, ‘________________________.’ or ‘___________________.’

how can you help students learn to read phonetic symbols? use one example to illustrate.

english spelling is closely linked to phonics, but the english phonics system is often irregular, so you will have to help your students find the patterns and distinguish when to use them.

syllabic spelling requires you to pause between syllables when spelling the word aloud, rather than say each letter with equal weight and speed.

when students misspell a word with a perfectly reasonable phonetic alternative, it’s always good to praise their phonics skill by saying, ‘this is a really good try.’

once a student has mastered the spellings, he/ she doesn’t have to check that he/she can still spell the words in a week’s or month’s time.

there might be good, average and poor spellers in a class. an old-fashioned spelling test is usually a good idea to tackle their spelling needs.

be sure your students understand that they may fail in the class if they don’t work hard.

focusing on the errors may lead to students’ lack of confidence. once a composition is evaluated, students should not be required to read it again.

write down the chinese equivalent of the following term. purse lips _________________________

write down the chinese equivalent of the following term. tongue between the teeth __________________________

write down the chinese equivalent of the following term. the back of the bottom teeth ___________________________

if you want your students to practice the pronunciation of a word, you can ask, ‘_____________________’, or ‘_______________________?’

guide students to correct the spelling mistakes in the following sentences. where is the liberary? ____________________________________________________________________________

how can you teach the students to use ‘tense’ correctly? use examples to illustrate.

how else can you ask ‘how are you’? would it make any difference what day of the week or time of the day your lesson is?

it is better to have students write many short compositions than a few long ones.

it makes sense to remind students of writing skills they learned in preceding compositions during the preparation period and hold them responsible for improving skills through two or three writing assignments.

when teaching a remedial lesson, make sure it is confined to the specific writing skills the class has been taught.

a teacher should not test a skill unless it has first been taught. that’s why pre-listening activities play the most important part in a listening class.

how can you choose an appropriate passage for your listening exercise?

it is important to take feedback from each listening activity. how many different ways you can think of to record information about students’ difficulties?

whatever your rules are, make sure the reasons for the rules and consequences for not following the rules are clear.

if the sound is almost right but too soft or too weak, you can ask students to make it ‘____________’ or ‘____________’, or even just say ‘___________________________.’

when a sound is made just using air, it is called ‘_____________’; when a sound is made using one’s voice or vibration in the voice box, it is called ‘________’. to check whether the students know how to make the sound correctly, you can ask, ‘________________________?’

one useful technique for helping students’ pronunciation is to give a reference word they already know. when you first show a word, you can ask your students, ‘_____________________?’ or ‘__________________________?’

you can direct students to sit down by saying, ‘____________________’ or ‘________________________.’

before you start, it is helpful to remind students to stop using their mobile phones. you can say, ‘______________________.’ or ‘______________________.’

it is better to have students write many short compositions than a few long ones.

it makes sense to remind students of writing skills they learned in preceding compositions during the preparation period and hold them responsible for improving skills through two or three writing assignments.

when teaching a remedial lesson, make sure it is confined to the specific writing skills the class has been taught.

a teacher should not test a skill unless it has first been taught. that’s why pre-listening activities play the most important part in a listening class.

how can you choose an appropriate passage for your listening exercise?

it is important to take feedback from each listening activity. how many different ways you can think of to record information about students’ difficulties?

whatever your rules are, make sure the reasons for the rules and consequences for not following the rules are clear.

if the sound is almost right but too soft or too weak, you can ask students to make it ‘____________’ or ‘____________’, or even just say ‘___________________________.’

when a sound is made just using air, it is called ‘_____________’; when a sound is made using one’s voice or vibration in the voice box, it is called ‘________’. to check whether the students know how to make the sound correctly, you can ask, ‘________________________?’

one useful technique for helping students’ pronunciation is to give a reference word they already know. when you first show a word, you can ask your students, ‘_____________________?’ or ‘__________________________?’

you can direct students to sit down by saying, ‘____________________’ or ‘________________________.’

before you start, it is helpful to remind students to stop using their mobile phones. you can say, ‘______________________.’ or ‘______________________.’








































组合一中有( )步伐

组合一中有( )手臂动作

组合二中有( )步伐

组合二中有( )手臂动作

组合三中有( )步伐

组合三中有( )手臂动作

组合一中第一个8拍中第6拍两拳( )

组合二中第二个8拍中第6拍两拳( )

组合三第一个8拍前3拍的手型是( )

组合一中有( )步伐

组合一中有( )手臂动作

组合一吸腿时大腿( ),大小腿夹角( )

组合二中有( )步伐

组合二中有( )手臂动作

组合三中有( )步伐

组合三中有( )手臂动作



健美操是在 的伴奏下,以 为基本手段,以有氧运动为基础,达到增进健康、塑造形体和娱乐目的的一项体育运动





( )年推出第一套《全国健美操大众锻炼标准》。

表演健美操时间一般为( )。

健身健美操比赛时间- -般为( )。

健美操融体操、( )、 音乐于一体。

健美操运动能( ) 运动系统的功能。

假如你是一-位初练者,你最好参加( )。

假如你现在正在为减肥而发愁,可每天拿出( ) 的时间,参加有氧减肥操的锻炼。

在保持( ) 运动强度的条件下,有氧运动会消耗体内的多余脂肪。

健美操的( )主要体现在“健、力、美”的项目特征上。

健美操动作具有强烈的节奏性,这一点可通过( )表现出来。

( ) 都能从健美操练习中找到适合自己的内容和形式,并从中得到乐趣。

如果是患重感冒时最好( )健美操运动。





有两个瓶子a和b,分别盛放醋和酱油,要求将它们互换 正确算法的流程图是?

依次输入10个数,求其中最大的数,并输出 正确算法的流程图是?

计算1 2 3 … 100 正确算法的伪代码是?

求两个数m和n的最大公约数 正确算法的伪代码是?

有3个数a b c,要求按大小顺序把它输出 以下的ns图是否正确?





























