
网课答案 8374
unit eight teaching vocabulary

unit 8.1 what does knowing a word involve随堂测验

1、1.what does knowing a word involve? knowing a word means knowing its pronunciation and stress; knowing a word means knowing its spelling and grammatical properties; knowing a word means knowing its ts origin and history;

2、vocabulary learning “involves at least two aspects of meaning. the first aspect involves the understanding of its denotative and connotative meaning. the second aspect involves understanding the sense relations among words.”

3、connotative meaning: the primary, literal or explicit meaning of a word, which refers to ―those words that we use to label things as regards real objects, such as a name or a sign, etc. in the physical world.

4、collocations help achieve fluency and appropriateness in language learning.

5、language is made up of three main elements: grammar, phonology and vocabulary.

unit 8.2-8.3 ways to present and consolidate vocabulary随堂测验

1、hyponyms refer to a group of words that go together to form meaning

2、for effective teaching of vocabulary, it is always useful for a teacher to have a list of techniques so that learners can choose a technique according to the type of vocabulary and different age level of the learners.

3、providing a visual or physical demonstration whenever possible, using pictures, photos, video clips, mimes or gestures to show meaning is one of the ways to present vocabulary.

4、labeling is one way to consolidate vocabulary, in which students are given a picture. they are to write the names of the objects indicated in the picture.

5、use word roots and common affixes to build new lexical knowledge on what is already known.

unit 8.4 vocabulary learning strategies随堂测验

1、to improve the quality of revision, learners should do spaced revision and review the newly learned words regularly.

2、in order to let students create their personal dictionary, perhaps regular class time should be devoted to help students specifically work on their vocabulary notebooks particularly at the beginning stage.

3、in managing a strategy use, students should first be guided constantly to self-evaluate the effectiveness of their strategy used for vocabulary learning.

4、there are generally five strategies involved in vocabulary learning: reviewing regularly, guess meaning from context, organizing vocabulary effectively, use a dictionary and treating vocabulary items indiscriminately.

5、generally speaking, the topic, the word formation, the possible meaning connect between the given word and other words and the linguistic pattern where the word appears may contribute to the discovery of meaning.

unit 8 单元检测

1、1. language is made up of three main elements: grammar, phonetics and vocabulary.

2、2. vocabulary is the carrier of phonetics and grammar and is also the construction material of linguistic building.

3、3. knowing a word involves knowing its pronunciation and stress; knowing its spelling and grammatical properties; knowing its meaning;

4、4. vocabulary learning involves at least two aspects of meaning. the first aspect involves the understanding of its denotative and connotative meaning. the second aspect involves understanding the sense relations among words.

5、5. connotative meaning is the primary, literal or explicit meaning of a word, which refers to “those words that we use to label things as regards real objects, such as a name or a sign, etc. in the physical world.

6、6. in hedge’s words, connotative meaning is “the attitudes or emotions of a language user in choosing a word and the influence of these on the listener or reader’s interpretation of the world” interpretation of the world”

7、7. collocations help achieve fluency and appropriateness in language learning.

8、8. using lexical sets or hyponyms to show relations of words and their meanings is one of the ways to present vocabulary items.

9、9. review the words regularly has proven to be one of the effective vocabulary learning strategies.

10、10. in the use of a dictionary, students should try to look up every word they do not know when reading.

notes for this unit


unit nine teaching listening

unit 9.1-9.3 the difficulties of listening and the characteristics of listening process随堂测验

1、characteristics of the listening process include: spontaneity, context, visual clue, listener’s response, and body language.

2、one major reason for students’ poor listening skill is that listening is often neglected in teaching due to lack of teaching materials, lack of equipment and lack of real-life situations where language learners need to understand spoken english.

3、the context of listening is usually known to both the listener and the speaker in real life . in other words, we know the relationship between the listener and the speaker.

4、while listening, the speakers’ facial expressions, gestures and other body language will provide us visual clues which can help us understand and predict what we hear.

5、in the top-down model, listening comprehension is believed to start with sound and meaning recognition. in other words, “we use information in the speech itself to try to comprehend the meaning”.

unit 9.4 principles for teaching listening随堂测验

1、principles for teaching listening are focus on process, combine form-focused teaching with communication ,focus on comprehension of meaning and grade difficulty level appropriately.

2、there are two major purposes in listening. the first is for social reasons, the second is to obtain and exchange information.

3、while designing listening tasks, it is very important to grade the difficulty level of the tasks.

4、in selecting and using listening activities, ur penny takes a step further by summarizing the following principles: authentic language, being interesting, contextualization, meaningfulness and sound accounting

5、in selecting and using listening activities, the teacher try to ensure that the activity must use authentic language without significantly slower or simpler speech than would normally be used in everyday life.

unit 9.5 models of teaching listening随堂测验

1、as far as classroom procedures are concerned, the teaching of listening generally follows three stages: pre-listening stage, while-listening stage, and post-listening stage.

2、in the bottom-up model, listening comprehension is believed to start with sound and meaning recognition. in other words, “we use information in the speech itself to try to comprehend the meaning”.

3、bottom-up processing refers to the use of background knowledge in understanding the meaning of a message.

4、the post reading stage is the most difficult for the teacher to control , because this is where students need to pay attention and process the information actively.

5、there is a method called listen and act, which concentrates on learning language by listening and responding to commands or directions.

unit 9 单元检测

1、1. the skills of listening and reading are often thought of as passive skills, therefore people can do nothing to process information that they are receiving.

2、2. it is important to develop listening skills together with other skills, especially reading, because ordinarily , listening is not an isolated skill.

3、3. the most typical type of post-listening task is the multiple-choice comprehension question.

4、4. there are many opportunities to integrate listening with the practice of other language skills, especially at the while-listening stage.

5、5. listening for the gist is similar to the concept of skimming a passage in reading.

6、6. the while-listening stage is the most difficult for the teacher to control, because this is where students need to pay attention and process the information actively.

7、7. setting the scene for the stuents before listening ia a type of preilistening activity.

8、8. generally, dictogloss has three stages: preparation, dictation and reconstruction.

9、9. answering questions is a good example of how while-listening and post-listening is combined.

10、10. recent research has shown that by not giving students any task the first time they listen to a passage, it can take the anxiety out of listening.

notes for unit 9


unit ten teaching speaking

unit 10.1-10.4 teaching speaking (1)随堂测验

1、spoken english is not well planned, but ______.

2、sentences in spoken english are often incomplete, ungrammatical, and full of ______, false starts, and redundancies.

3、if it is not recorded, spoken language can’t be listened to again. it is expected to be understood ______.

4、the difficulties for english learners to speak include: _____, who are talking to,check if the listener understands.
    a、time pressure

5、the features of natural speech include: _____, rephrases, hesitations, incomplete sentences, fillers, pauses.
    c、time pressur

unit 10.5-10.6 teaching speaking (2)随堂测验

1、1. one can only improve speaking by speaking more. ( )

2、2. common characteristics in successful speaking tasks include: minimum foreign talk, even participation, high motivation, right language level. ( )

3、3. the purpose of giving students a variety of speaking is to make them be able to cope with different situations in reality. ( )

4、4.controlled activities mainly focus on meaning and communication. ( )

5、5. communicative activities allow for real information exchange. ( )

unit 10单元检测

1、1. if it is not recorded, spoken language can’t be listened to again. it is expected to be understood immediately. ( )

2、2. sentences in spoken english are often carefully constructed and well organized. ( )

3、3. we should make the best use of classroom learning environment to provide sufficient language input and practice for the students in speaking teaching.( )

4、4. helping students develop speaking strategies is important in speaking teaching.( )

5、5. we cannot keep balance between accuracy-based practice and fluency-based practice in speaking teaching. ( )

6、6. the teacher’s task is to design meaningful, motivating, linguistically appropriate and cognitively challenging tasks to give students maximum opportunities to practice speaking. ( )

7、7. the purpose of giving students a variety of speaking is to help keep motivation low. ( )

8、8. semi-controlled activities focus more on meaning and communication. ( )

9、9. communicative activities include functional communicative activities and social interaction activities. ( )

10、10. different small groups should work at the same level, then all students will continue learning and remain more motivated. ( )

note for unit 10


unit eleven teaching reading

unit 11.1-11.4 teaching reading(1)随堂测验

1、writing is a real-life reality. day to day, we write to get things done and to form and maintain______.
    b、social relationships

2、we write for various reasons, such as to convey ______ or just to keep a record of what is in our life.

3、the communicative approach to writing is to motivate students by engaging them in some act of______.

4、the purpose of writing in flt is to______ language that is recently studied.

5、while writing, some never put down a word before ______ the sentence many times in their mind.

unit 11.5-11.6 teaching reading(2)随堂测验

1、the product-oriented method of teaching writing pays great attention to the accuracy of the final product but ignores the process, which the students go through to reach the final goal.

2、in order to motivate students to write, we should leave students enough room for creativity and imagination

3、the process-oriented method of teaching writing is that the teacher provides the help to guide the students through the process that they undergo when they are writing.

4、in order to motivate students to write, we should encourage collaborative group writing.

5、making the topic of writing as close as possible to students’ life is important for motivating students to write.

unit 11.7-11.8 teaching reading(3)随堂测验

1、1. the purpose of pre-reading is to facilitate while-reading activities. ( )

2、2.the reader’s predictions, whether right or wrong, will get his mind closer to the theme of the text to be read. ( )

3、3.the key point in scanning is that the reader has something in his mind and he should ignore the irrelevant parts when reading. ( )

4、4. the purpose of transition device is be able to simplify sophisticated output. ( )

5、5.information presented in plain text form does not facilitate information retention. ( )

unit 11单元检测

1、there is a great variety of things we write in reality.

2、while writing, students should be given ideas to express rather than being invited to invent their own.

3、while writing, some never put down a word before rehearsing the sentence many times in their mind.

4、in current writing tasks, for students, there are always many opportunities for creative writing, particular for expressing unusual or original ideas.

5、while writing, someone will write down anything that comes to their mind before they start drafting and then do a lot of editing a proof-reading.

6、in order to motivate students to write, we should prepare students well before writing

7、teaching of writing should focus on the product rather than the process.

8、providing constructive and positive feedback is important for motivating students to write.

9、not all the writing tasks should have communicative purposes.

10、give students feedback throughout the composing process (not just on the final product) to consider as they attempt to bring their expression closer and closer to intention.

notes for unit 11

1、1. 用表格或思维导图等形式(也可自创形式)对本单元重点内容进行梳理,详简得当。 2. 作业用附件形式提交,要求与上学期一致,即在全讯备用网首页左上角写:(1)班级, 如:1707或1708,(2)序号(即0-30),(3)姓名。然后写:notes for unit 11 。

unit twelve teaching writing

unit 12.4-12.6 teaching writing(2)随堂测验

1、1. the product-oriented method of teaching writing pays great attention to the accuracy of the final product but ignores the process, which the students go through to reach the final goal. ( )

2、2. in order to motivate students to write, we should leave students enough room for creativity and imagination.( )

3、3. the process-oriented method of teaching writing is that the teacher provides the help to guide the students through the process that they undergo when they are writing.( )

4、4. in order to motivate students to write, we should encourage collaborative group writing. ( )

5、5. making the topic of writing as close as possible to students’ life is important for motivating students to write.( )

unit 12单元检测

1、1. there is a great variety of things we write in reality. ( )

2、2. while writing, students should be given ideas to express rather than being invited to invent their own. ( )

3、3. while writing, some never put down a word before rehearsing the sentence many times in their mind. ( )

4、4. in current writing tasks, for students, there are always many opportunities for creative writing, particular for expressing unusual or original ideas. ( )

5、5. while writing, someone will write down anything that comes to their mind before they start drafting and then do a lot of editing a proof-reading. ( )

6、6. in order to motivate students to write, we should prepare students well before writing. ( )

7、7. teaching of writing should focus on the product rather than the process. ( )

8、8. providing constructive and positive feedback is important for motivating students to write. ( )

9、9. not all the writing tasks should have communicative purposes. ( )

10、10. give students feedback throughout the composing process (not just on the final product) to consider as they attempt to bring their expression closer and closer to intention. ( )

notes for unit 12

1、1. 用表格或思维导图等形式(也可自创形式)对本单元重点内容进行梳理,详简得当。 2. 作业用附件形式提交,要求在全讯备用网首页左上角写:(1)班级, 如:1707或1708,(2)序号(即0-30),(3)姓名。然后写:notes for unit 12 等。

unit fifteen assessment in language teaching

unit 15.1 15.2 assessment in language teaching (1)随堂测验

1、assessment involves the collecting of information or evidence of a learner’s learning progress and achievement over a period of time for the purposes of improving teaching and learning.

2、summative assessment is done mostly done at the beginning of a learning period.

3、formative assessment is based on information collected in the classroom during the teaching process.

4、testing often takes the pencil and paper form and it is usually done at the end of a learning period.

5、evaluation is often for administrators who would want to know whether the money they spent or the policy change has had good results.

unit 15.3 15.4 15.5 assessment in language teaching (2)随堂测验

1、criteria-referenced language assessment is based on a fixed standard or a set of criterion.

2、individual-referenced assessment is designed to measure how the performance of a particular student of group of students compares with the performance of another student or group of students whose scores are given as the norm.

3、a test whose items are designed in different formats tends to have less validity and reliability than that is designed in a single format.

4、test items cannot be designed in various formats.

5、in reality, it is quite difficult to follow the assessment principles.
