it's not easy to become a member of that club—they want people who have plenty of money to spend, not just every tom, dick and harry.
while declarative knowledge can facilitate the development of procedural knowledge, it is not a necessary and sufficient condition for the development of such knowledge.
从这里可以看到泰山。 which one of the following translations is an example of “用原句中的动词概念作英语句子的主语”?
which one of the following is an acceptable translation for the source text? st:excuse me, i need to powder my nose.
4.立体构成中,下列不属于纸的加工的方法是?( )
i have seldom met an american who served in china during world war ii who had not known zhou enlai.
她带着女儿出门了。 the english translation “she went out with daughter.” is a correct one.