
麦课在线答案 6818






就一次统计活动来讲,一个完整的认识过程依次分为(   )三个阶段。

















































题目:运用已学的选择工具或修饰工具组完成图像的合成或修饰各3张,共6张。(图片自选)周四下午4点前提交。要求: 1、ps界面截图。由于附件只能提交一个文件,所以把图片插入word文档后提交。 2、要求将素材图以及完成图以垂直拼贴的方式排列在界面中。 3、课后作业自己先保存,课程结束后与结课作业一起打成压缩包(以学号 姓名命名;每张图片以学号末2位 姓名命名)提交。 作业示例:













题目:运用已学的明暗及色彩调整命令完成图像调整共10张,图片自选;尽量使用非破坏性编辑。4月9日下午4点前提交。要求: 1、ps界面截图。由于附件只能提交一个文件,所以把图片插入word文档后提交。 2、要求将素材图以及完成图以拼贴的方式排列在界面中,截图包含图层面板内容。 3、课后作业自己先保存,课程结束后与结课作业一起打成压缩包(以学号 姓名命名;每张图片以学号末2位 姓名命名)提交。




运用混合模式完成图像合成或修饰共5张(综合运用各种合成或修饰方法,但必须包含混合模式的使用),素材自选;尽量使用非破坏性编辑。5月5日下午4点前提交。 要求: 1、ps界面截图。由于附件只能提交一个文件,所以把图片插入word文档后提交。 2、要求将素材图以及完成图以拼贴的方式排列在界面中,截图包含图层面板内容。 3、课后作业自己先保存,课程结束后与结课作业一起打成压缩包(以学号 姓名命名;每张图片以学号末2位 姓名命名)提交。

使用矢量工具和图层样式完成运动主题图标3个。背景层为白色,图像大小500*500像素。5月5日下午4点前提交。要求: 1、ps界面截图,包括图层面板内容。由于附件只能提交一个文件,所以把图片插入word文档后提交。 2、课后作业自己先保存,课程结束后与结课作业一起打成压缩包(以学号 姓名命名;每张图片以学号末2位 姓名命名)提交。 例:

使用附件中的素材完成8.3视频中的示范内容,要求上色完整,图层分组及命名清晰。 ps界面截图提交,包含图层面板内容。


















































创作的______________ 采用了唐诗作为歌词。






for these reasons, it is crucial to have tight control of the plaa dose (it has been proven by numerous previous studies) during clinical plaa treatments.

our innovation to the standard plaa reactor design is a ring electrode, which is placed on the outer wall of the glass tube.

the treatments by low-ultraviolet plaa resulted in a long term post irradiation inhibition of bacterial growth.

two typical spectra which recorded the two characteristic positions of the ring electrode with a he flux of 1,000 sccm are shown in fig. 2.

helium plaa is injected from this channel with a jet length of 1 to 10 millimeters, depending on the working gas flow ranging from two hundred to one thousand fifty hundred standard cubic centimeters per minute.

this graph indicates that the cellular mortality rates after 420、520、and 720 seconds of radiation were 55%、58%、and 77%, respectively.

mechanical stress plays an important role in the cell proliferation, differentiation, apoptosis, gene expression and tissue growth.

cell death is a gene-controlled form of programmed death, it is closely related with oral mucosa carcinogenesis.

torii et al. found out that “the impact of plaa onto liver cancer cells led to death through apoptosis.”

a 2010 survey published in《dermatologic surgery》revealed that both men and women deemed tanned iniduals much more attractive.

the mode, methods, and how to address the problems of bilingual teaching of burn surgery for the seven-year medical program students are discussed in this paper.

they have been conned by big business into believing that they need the protein in meat and the milky calcium in order to thrive.

spine surgery is a sub-specialty of orthopedics that has been developing rapidly in recent years and important.

the two spans of 420 and 720 seconds were selected for apoptosis assesent and to observe the cell viability.

astragalus could inhibit the expression of proapoptotic genes and enhance that of inhibiting-apoptotic genes in ischemia area after cerebral ischemia.

checked with mri, their history of intramuscular injection was routinely inquired.

presenting as mean ± standard deviation, the results were yzed with spss 23.

compared with the control group, the effective rate was significantly higher in the experimental group.

crouching from the standing position, gluteal muscle contracture may make them unable to bring both knees together.

to investigate the patients’ satisfaction after surgery, we carried out a self-designed questionnaire survey.

their animal fat consumption is less than that of other americans.

an increase in the patient’s estrogen level occurred.

twenty-four significant asthma exacerbations occurred during the treatment period.

the serum vitamin12 concentration correlated directly with mean nerve conduction velocity.

infusion of tyramine produced a decrease in cutaneous blood flow.

graves' disease (gd) is the most common cause of hyperthyroidi in areas with sufficient iodine intake, where its prevalence is about 0.5%, and its incidence is around 21 per 100,000 per year.

patients with ovarian cancer experience a high rate of anemia throughout their treatment course, with rates in different studies ranging from 19% to 95%.

the rates and reasons for losing to follow-up were checked.

aspirin is used for temporary relief of pain. it can also be used to treat arthritic or rheumatologic diseases. it has antipyretic effects, too.

the independent variable in the title “long-term use of aspirin and age-related macular degeneration” is ________.

the title “treatment of chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyposis with oral steroids followed by topical steroids: a randomized trial” indicates that the paper is ________.

if the research was to estimate quality-adjusted life-years lost due to obesity and knee osteoarthritis among americans aged 50 to 84 years, the best title of the paper would be ________.

if the research was to find out whether the drug sunitinib malate can treat pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors, the best title of the paper would be ________.

if the research results showed that concomitant hiv-2 infection can inhibit hiv-1 disease progression, the best title of the paper would be ________.

in the title “amoxicillin for acute rhinosinusitis: a randomized controlled trial,” the subtitle emphasizes the ________ of the research.

the error in capitalization in the title “association between treated and untreated obstructive sleep apnea and risk of hypertension” is ________.

the error in capitalization in the title “plaa clusterin and the risk of alzheimer disease” is ________.

the type of title capitalization that the journal american journal of obstetrics and gynecology adopts is ________.

the type of title capitalization that is seldom used in research article titles now is ________.

patient demographics and preoperative characteristics were shown in table 1.

the pagetic bone pain was significantly reduced by the end of pamidronate treatment in all patients.

the clinical manifestations of 45 cases of ventilator-associated pneumonia caused by acinetobacter between 1995 and 2003 were yzed.

the regression equation was not found to be significantly different from the line of identity.

the main function of the introduction section is to ________.

the key terms of the study should be defined when _______.

the methods section is often used by a journal’s editors to _________.

the methods section mainly presents _________.

which of the following can be included in the methods section?

what tense should be used to report what was done in experiments?

in the section of methods, the inclusion criteria and exclusion criteria specifically belong to _________.

in the results section authors may include information like ________.

data can be ided into the sub-category like _______.

for summarizing non-normally distributed data, it is better to use ________.

to make effective tables, you should _________.

in the results section, it is recommended that you ________.

you should not refer to any other previous studies in the discussion section.

different studies may require different sequences in the writing of discussion.

authors should try to avoid yzing the unanticipated findings.

in the discussion section, you should answer all the research questions and underpin the problem(s) that you posed in the introduction section.

in general, you can interpret and discuss the significance of your findings in the same sequence you described them in your results section.

in the discussion section, you are advised to ________.

the possible limitation(s) of a study may often involve ________.

in general, the past tense is often used for ________.

while writing suggestions for future studies, you are advised to use _________.

when the authors use the sentence pattern like “a surprising finding was that,” they are most likely _________.

directions: choose the best answer to each of the following questions. if the research was to determine whether lenalidomide maintenance therapy prolongs the time to disease progression after stem-cell transplantation in patients with multiple myeloma, the best title of the paper would be _________.

if the research results showed that aspirin can prevent the recurrence of venous thromboemboli, the best title of the paper would be _________.

the most common structure of biomedical research paper titles is _________.

in the title “ranking freshwater fish farms for the risk of pathogen introduction and spread”, _________ is emphasized.

the title “cell-to-cell contact induces mesenchymal stem cells to differentiate into cardiomyocyte and ooth muscle cells” is a declarative sentence because the authors may ________.

“fig. 2 showed the correlation between amh levels and hormonal parameters.” the mistake in this sentence is _______.

directions: read the following statements and decide whether they are true or false. then write t for true and f for false in the brackets. in the introduction section authors are supposed to write from the specific information to the general.

the present tense is used to describe the background and status quo, while the past tense is used to introduce what was done in previous reports and the current one.

the abbreviation of special terms should come with their full names at the first appearance in the paper.

you should use abbreviations and acronyms as many as possible to make the text concise.

to ensure that the references are up to date, authors should cite works published within recent 5 to 10 years.

in the discussion section, use the same key terms and verb tenses that you used when describing the research question(s) in your introduction section.

self-reported data refer to the data that can be independently verified.

for general conclusion, the present tense is often used.

a lack of data or reliable data is likely to require you to expand the scope of your ysis.

authors should describe the steps of the procedures according to the time order or the order of importance.

researchers often use tables to present repetitive data in a precise and complete manner.

illustrations refer to the collective term for all the accurate representations of the data.

as a type of illustration, line charts are most often used for showing steps of a process.

tables and figures should be independent so that readers can understand without reading the text.

the discussion section is considered the shortest part of a research paper but the hardest part to write.

in the discussion section, you should develop various solutions to problems based on a logical synthesis of the findings.

authors can show the significance of the results by commenting on their theoretical and practical implications.

the title “an exploration of treatment of intractable ascites in patients with alcoholic cirrhosis by peritoneovenous shunting” is not concise enough.

directions: read the following sentences and decide whether they are correct or proper in language use. then write y for yes and n for no in the brackets. 11,000 mda-mb-231 cells were cultured in each well for 24 hours.

in this work, we will propose the improved design of a non thermal plaa reactor with easily tunable plaa parameters.

just as laroussi stated in a recent report, although we and many other researchers have conducted numerous experiments, the effects of plaa on the reversibility and metastasis of cancer cells are yet unknown.

breast cancer cell line mda-mb-231 was purchased from “pasteur institute of iran.”

after 30 cycles, the amplified pcr products were segregated by electrophoresis, and we visualized them by ethidium bromid.

what can be seen in this graph clearly indicates that cellular mortality rate caused by plaa radiation within 48 hours is considerably higher than 24 hours.

this is the conclusion of a study tracing how we evolved a protein and the way it helps us respond to stress.

evaluated the results, we observed no statistical difference between the two groups.

by comparing the effective rate, perioperative complications and survival rate, we found the new minimally invasive treatment was as effective as the conventional open surgery.

the clinical efficacy evaluated, this study enrolled 36 subjects and 40 controls.

the lack of definition of the underlying risks of breast cancer was proved.

colorectal cancer has generally been thought of as a disease of elderly persons.

data presented here show that impairment in tgf-β signalling attenuated the induction of cd39 expression by tgf-β, leading to the reduction of cd39 expression on tregs. (discussion section of a paper)

体育心理学侧重研究( )过程中的心理现象。

运动心理学侧重研究 ( )过程中的心理现象。

体育心理学与运动心理学、锻炼心理学是三门( ) 学科。

( )建立了世界上第一个运动心理学实验室。


在,( )最早论述了体育心理学的有关问题。

世界上第一个运动心理学的实验是由triplett于 ( )年完成的。

以下哪个心理学家是行为主义心理学派的代表人物( )。

强调多角度、多层次地进行运动学习是( )学派的理论。

人本主义强师在教学过程中更多的是( )。

以下哪种情况最有利于学生排球技术的改进( )。

为了保证目标既有难度又有可能实现,可将学生 ______作为参考,并在必要时修正目标以适应情况的变化。( )


身体锻炼成瘾属于 。( )

人们的一切活动都是由( )引起的,它是人们一切活动的起点。

推动学生参与运动学习与身体锻炼的内部心理动因是( )。

运动动机对学生的体育活动和锻炼行为起着动力和( )的作用。

体育活动的愿望达到一定水平,推动采取学生行动,投入到体育活动之中。这是运动动机对学生体育学习和身体锻炼行为所发挥的( )功能。

学生的体育活动行为具有特定的内容,趋向一定的活动目标。这是运动动机对学生体育学习和身体锻炼行为所发挥的( )功能。

为了在体育活动中与同伴接近、交往,得到认同、发展友谊,追求完美、施展才能、获得成功、赢得荣誉,满足个体的社会性需要,这种参加体育活动的动机属于( )。

( )是指人正在关注外部的环境信息还是内部的身心情况。

感觉、记忆、思维属于心理现象是( )。

动作记忆的特点( )。

足球运动员将注意有目的地从进攻及时的转移到防守上的能力, 属于()。

运动员的注意方式可通过()来进行测量 。

( )在个体复杂的运动情境中,根据有限信息,对问题做直接和迅速求解的思维。

知觉时对象与背景会发生变化,这是知觉的( )。

对于棋类运动员所记忆中的已知棋局来说,一般情况怎样的注意方式更为合适( )。

如果对有效信息加工时间的要求不太严格的话,人可以同时注意到一个以上的信息,也能够同时作出一个以上反应,这个过程是() 。

运动员在运动实践中经过长期专项训练而形成的一种精细的以主体运动知觉为主的特殊知觉是( )。

martens认为可以将 的工作强度比作人的唤醒水平。

在完成决断的数量少、备选范围比较狭窄、速度要求不快的运动技能,其适宜的唤醒水平就 。

的数量多、持续时间短、强度小的情况下,运动技能在 的唤醒水平下容易获得好的运动表现。

对动作精确性和稳定性的要求越高的运动技能,越需要在 的唤醒水平下能够取得好的运动表现。


多维焦虑理论认为,以生理特征为主的躯体焦虑与运动表现呈 关系。

多维焦虑理论认为,当认知焦虑增加时,运动表现水平相应降低,两者呈 关系。

竞赛时或竞赛前后运动员对自己的运动行为所抱有的能否取得成功的信念称之为 。

多维焦虑理论认为,积极的成功期望可以带来自信心的增强,可以提高运动表现水平,两者呈 关系。



期望的改变与个体归因的稳定性维度有着 相关。

习得性无助感的概念最初是由 研究动物行为时提出的。

气质是个体心理活动的稳定的 特征。


多血质的神经活动类型是 。


“人心不同,各如其面”所指的是 。

学生在体育学习中的非智力因素不包括 。

以下不属自然反馈信息源的是    。

以下属于kr反馈的是     。

以下理论不属于迁移解释理论的是     。

运动技能迁移现象的解释理论有概括化理论、共同要素说以及      。

影响技能迁移的客观因素是    。

体育心理学侧重研究 过程中的心理现象。

被称为运动心理学之父的 ,于1925年在伊利诺斯大学建立了世界上第一个运动心理学实验室。这一事件,可被视为运动心理学学科建立的标志。


在推理、判断、问题解决、决策等高级认知过程中表现出的能力,称为 。



如果一个人对某事件(通常是不愉快的事件)的出现或消除感到根本无能为力的话,就会产生 ,这给运动员带来伤害是严重的。


唤醒表现出以下几种表现 。

心理学关于人格研究的学派包括 。

运动员比赛前建立合理的角色定位,其原则 。

如下属于对运动员进行积极反馈的方式的是 。











now let’s watch its commercial and get more information. choose the best answer to each of the questions you hear. 音频5 1. what does biztrumpet provide?

which is the best word to describe tools provided by biztrumpet?

you are going to watch an ad. listen carefully and fill in the missing information. 注:用一个空格分开每个答案 音频4 an ad if there is one thing you do today, get your (1)__business online.

50 million businesses don’t have a website, that’s (2)__ of all us businesses.

for more businesses we get online, the more (3)__ we create. what if every business can hire just one person, that’s a lot in new jobs.

i went from one employee to (4) __. the web took us from a local shop to a global business.

over (5) ___ of our students come from the web.

you can (6) __ in a big way. in a big way. you might own a business, or a friend or a family member who does. there’s one thing you do today.

tell your mother, your brother, sister, your (7)__, your uncle, a friend. if there is one thing you do today, just one thing, get a business online.

listen to the commercial once again and complete the chart about the old process of starting internet business. the following is an example of good notes. it keeps the essential information and presents the relationship in a highly visualized way. 注:用一个空格分隔答案 音频5

which of the following is not true about traditional stores?

how many temporary workers are hired by ups during the holiday season to deliver gifts?

listen to the news report once again and decide whether the following statements are true (t),false(f),or not given (ng). 音频7 1. lynne shaner purchases everything online.

online shopping can provide a better selection according to lynne shaner.

cornell university marketing professor ed mclaughlin thinks anything that cannot move online, will.

ed mclaughlin says traditional stores can provide better services.

bill martin thinks we can always have the feeling of “boy, this is exactly what i want” when we shop online.

now in exercise 1, you will watch two speakers talking about the impact of e-commerce on traditional stores. watch carefully and try to identify how they show interests in the conversation and get to know the opinions about online shopping and shopping in person from the other. 音频8 (1)which one is not one of the ways for them to show interests in the conversation?

how does ella (the 2nd speaker) continue the conversation on hearing her partner’s opinion that shopping in person is more friendly and a nicer experience for old people and mothers with all children?

now let’s watch a clip from this film an inconvenient truth, and try to get a global understanding about global warming. after watching the video, choose the best answer to each of the following questions. 视频5 1. what is the main idea of the video clip?

2. what causes the earth to be warmer according to the video clip?

you are going to hear a passage about some studies of global warming. listen carefully and fill in the missing information. 注意:如果一题多空,请用空格分隔开每个答案。 音频4 during the last thirty years, the (1) ________ of the world has increased sharply, so it is the same with the (2) ________.

global warming is an (3) ________ serious problem facing the world today.

as we all know that there is atmosphere around the earth, which is mainly (4) ________ of nitrogen and carbon dioxide.

more and more carbon dioxide from burning the coal and oil is (5) ________ into the air every year. the carbon dioxide can absorb the heat from the earth. the more carbon dioxide in the air, the more heat it will absorb, and the warmer the earth will be.

since the (6) ________ revolution, coal and fossil oil have been wildly used.

however, this kind of energy will (7) ________ plenty of greenhouse gases, such as carbon dioxide, methane, (8) ________ vapor and so on.

that’s maybe one of the reasons (9) ________ the earth to be warmer.

ruining the forest is also accelerating the (10) ________ of the global warming.

please fill in the blanks 1 to 8. 注意: 如果一题多空,请用空格分隔开答案。 topic: the cause of (1) ________

supporting details: the most (2) ________ part of the earth’s ecological system is the atmosphere, because it’s so (3) ________.

the sun’s radiation comes in the form of (4) ________waves and that heats up the earth.

and then some of the radiation is (5) ________back into space.

and some of the outgoing infrared radiation is (6) ________by atmosphere.

this layer of atmosphere is being (7) ________by all of the global warming pollution.

so more of the outgoing infrared remains in the atmosphere. as a result the atmosphere heats up (8) ________.

watch the lecture for the first time and choose the right answer to the each question. 视频8 1. what is plastic made from?

2. what can we learn from the passage?

2. the birthplace of plastic is the oil refinery.

3. after a series of manufactory processes, oil and gas molecules become plastic products.

4. it takes a long time for plastic bottles to be manufactured, consumed and discarded.

now in exercise 1, you will listen to the british student’s talk about the comparison between green energy and fossil fuels. exercise 1 音频10 (1) what is majorly talked about in the clip?

(2) what method of patterns is used by the speaker?

choose the best answer to each of the questions you hear. 音频7 1. what is the speaker mainly talking about?

2. why did the speaker show the video about a woman speaking koro to her baby?

3. which of the following is true, according to the text?

the critical period hypothesis states that the first few years of life is the(2)_______time in which an inidual can acquire a first language if presented with adequate stimuli.

the nature of such a critical period, however, has been one of the most fiercely debated issues in psycholinguistics and cognitive science in general for decades. some writers have suggested a(5) "_________" or "optimal" period rather than a critical one; others dispute the causes (physical maturation, cognitive factors).

the duration of the period also(6)____________ greatly in different accounts.

in second-language acquisition, the strongest evidence for the critical period hypothesis is in the study of (7)_________, where most older learners do not reach a native-like level.

however, under certain conditions, native-like accent has been observed, suggesting that accent is affected by multiple factors, such as identity and (8)____________, rather than a critical period biological constraint.

you must be amazed at how children learn a language after listening to the speech. listen to the part about the mother teaching her baby koro again and take down the key words.

listen to the text for the first time, focus on the global idea of the passage and then choose the right answers to the questions you hear. 音频9 1. what is not included in a good eap course?

2. what problem is not mentioned in the text to students studying eap?

now listen to the passage again and decide whether the following statements are true(t), false(f) or not given(ng). 音频9 1. during your university course, you’ll lead a double life.

2. eap is actually studying english for academic purposes.

3. if you speak academic english, you’ll know a special vocabulary associated with your subject, and you’ll be used to writing or speaking in a particular way.

4. a good eap course can enable you to make friends easily.

5. students often pay more attention to vehicles than to what they contain.

2. anna agrees with becca in a sense that apps can always make our learning accessible.

3. becca completely agrees with anna in a sense that no app could replace a good teacher.

4. anna disagrees with becca in a sense that sometimes apps might be underdeveloped.

5. both of them prefer to use a dictionary.

choose the best answer to each of the following questions. 音频6 1.which of the following is not true according to the speech?

how did the speaker come to the conclusion that timing is the most important for start-up business?

you are going to hear a passage about two students in britain starting up business. listen carefully and fill in the missing information. 音频5 bird feathers have long been used in clothing and in bedding. manufacturers often use feathers because of their light 1________ and the warmth they provide in a cold room or climate.

now, two students in britain are studying how to use them in other ways, like keeping homes warm, for example. a student 2_________ has success.

chicken is a popular food in many countries, and the number of poultry killed for their meat is rising. britain alone processes more than 3 ________ white-feathered chickens every year, creating tons of leftover feathers.

two students from imperial college london want to turn these feathers into something 4 __________.

the two had an idea to create useful materials from waste. they developed a biodegradable 6_________ that could replace man-made insulation. biodegradable materials are capable of being slowly broken down through natural processes.

builders usually add insulation to homes and offices. the insulation can reduce the 7________ demands of heating and cooling systems. dieckman and robinson won several awards for their prototype insulation, including the mayor of london's low carbon entrepreneur challenge.

the $23,000 they won in the 8___________ helped them start their company, aeropowder.

listen to the speech again and pay attention to these signal words. then complete the following sentences with what those signal words want us to concentrate on so as to get the organization of the lecture. 音频6 introducing the topic: i’m really excited to share with you some (1) _________ about what makes companies (2) __________ the most, what factors matter the most for startup success. (1)


listing and making transition: first, the idea. i used to think that idea was (3) _________. but then over time i came to think that maybe the (4) _________, the execution, adaptability that mattered ever more than the idea. then i started looking at the business (5) _________. then i looked at the (6) _________. and then of course, the (7) _________. (3)





listen to the news report for the first time and choose the right answers to questions you hear. 音频8 what is the percentage of chinese college graduates choosing to start their own business?

which of the following is not the reason why college entrepreneurs are so rare in china?

experts say china is the third best place for entrepreneurs.

the government tries to create a better environment for college students to start their own business.

most parents don’t support their children to start their own business.

which signal words are not used by the student to express causes?
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