下面这个sub过程的功能是统计字符串中“a”的个数,请在空白处填上合适的代码完成程序。 private sub numcount()dim hum as integers$ = "software and hardware"num = len(s$)for i = 1 to hum b$=______if b$ = "a" then x = x 1next iprint "x="; x end sub
在窗体上画一个文本框和一个命令按钮,如下图所示。 编写如下程序: private sub form_load() show text1.text=" " form1.keypreview=false text1.setfocus end sub private sub command1_click() keypreview=not keypreview print end sub private sub form_keypress(keyascii as integer) print ucase(chr(keyascii 1)); end sub private sub text1_keypress(keyascii as integer) print chr(keyascii 2) keyascii=0 end sub 阅读以上程序,理解每个事件过程的操作,然后填空。 ①程序运行后,直接
下面这个sub过程的功能是统计字符串中“a”的个数,请在空白处填上合适的代码完成程序。 private sub numcount() dim hum as integer s$ = "software and hardware" num = len(s$) for i = 1 to hum b$=______ if b$ = "a" then x = x 1 next i print "x="; x end sub
程序: aa=0 for i=2 to 100 step 2 aa=aa i endfor aa return 该程序得到的结果为( )
设有以下函数过程: functiofun(m as integer)as integer dimk as integer,sum as integer sum=0 fork=m to 1 step-2 sum=sum k nextk fun=sum end function 若在程序中用语句s=fun(10)调用此函数,则s的值为______。
关于菜单设计,下列叙述中错误的是( )。
以下是一个比赛评分程序。在窗体上建立一个名为text1的文本框数组,然后画一个名为text2的文本框和名为commandl的命令按钮。运行时在文本框数组中输入7个分数,单击“计算得分”命令按钮,则最后得分显示在text2文本框中(去掉一个最高分和一个最低分后的平均分即为最后得分),如下图所示。请填空。 pfivale sub commaildl_c1ick() dimk as hteger dimsum as single,maxas single,min as single sum=text1(0) max=text1(0) min=______ fork=1 to 6 if maxtext1(k)then max=text1(k) end if if min>text1(k)then min=text1(k) end if sum=sum text1(k) nextk text2=(
单元测试一音频 why does the man need the woman's assistance?
when was the play happy strangers written?
which of the following is not included in the man's assignments?
how does the woman think of the play performed on the stage?
what is the man's attitude toward his current assignment?
单元测试二音频 where does this conversation most probably take place?
why does the man go to see the woman?
why does the man think that representatives of the companies would not be interested in talking to him?
what does the woman imply about the all print on the posters and flyers?
how long has the woman been in the man's class?
why was the woman permitted to sign up for the film theory course?
why does the man decided to allow the woman in his class?
what does the man advise the woman to do in order to keep up with the class?
单元测试四音频 why does the man want to talk to the woman?
which of the following is not included in the expenditure of the fund?
why does the man mention the university in boston?
what will the man probably do next?
期末试题音频 conversation 1: quesitons 1-5 are based on conversation 1. why does the woman go to the man's office?
what point does the man make about the article they are discussing?
what does the woman think about the editorial's representation of sally smith?
what does the man imply about the university's student government organization?
what kind of advice has the man put forward to the woman in the end?
conversation 2: questions 6-10 are based on conversation 2. what is the conversation mainly about?
what does the woman imply about organically grown food?
how did the man respond to the woman's reply to his complaints in the end?
conversation 3: questions 11-15 are based on conversation 3. why does the man go to see the woman?
how did the man try to meet the requirement for the credits in the last two years?
why does the woman tell the man to contact his chairperson immediately?
which is the best adjective to describe the woman?
conversation 4: questions 16-20 are based on conversation 4. why does the man go to see the woman?
which of the following has not been discussed in the lecture?
why does the woman mention male frogs that lower their voices?
what does the man need to do for his term paper?
how does the woman respond to the man's worry about the suggest topic?
conversation 5: questions 21 to 25 are based on conversation 5. what can be learned about the man's essay?
why does the man go to see the professor?
how did the man learn about dean adam's retirement?
why does the professor refuse the man's offer to help with a party?
what will the man probably do next?
conversation 6: questions 26 to 30 are based on conversation 6. what does the woman want the man to do?
what problem concerning lincoln auditorium is mentioned?
what does the woman imply about having rehearsals in the evening?
what is the woman's attitude toward the jazz ensemble?