officials in the us state of washington have said (1) people are known to have died when a (2) plunged over a bridge and (3) onto a motorway below. about a (4) others have been taken to (5) .
the following pairs of sentences are exactly the same except for one word. you will hear either sentence (a) or (b). choose the one you hear.
媒介融合是基于( )的个性化的传播,单一受众的个性需求受到重视,在融合的终端,用户才是传播的主人。
用户与传统受众比较,表现为以下的特点( )。
the following pairs of sentences are exactly the same, except a different word is stressed (stronger) in each sentence. choose the sentences you hear in each group.
how long does it need to learn to fly the maverick?