
小语种习题 1429

⒈在宿舍空间内, 如何通过空间关系和动作细节, 表现一个同学与其他室友格格不入? ⒉一个同学早晨起晚了, 离上课只有五分钟, 表现这位同学从宿舍到教室的过程?


摄影机镜头与画面逐渐的远离,画面的外框逐渐变大,画面内的景物逐渐增多,这种镜头运用的方法叫做 ()














指用以细腻表现人物或被摄物体细部特征的一个景别。有时候 被应用于主观镜头,表现人物主观视点。



镜头运动的作用有一、叙事的作用,二、 三、抒情的作用、四、积极介入叙事的情境、五、 。



在电影问世不久,格里菲斯等人就注意到了电影蒙太奇叙事表意的作用,后来库里肖夫、爱森斯坦和普多夫金等相继探讨并总结了蒙太奇的规律与理论,形成了早期的( ) a电影学派 b格里菲斯学派 c美学学派 d蒙太奇学派

3.蒙太奇一般是对( )的独立镜头进行组合,而使其产生的效果比每个单独的镜头看上去要丰富 a一个以上 b两个以上 c三个以内 d四个以内

(本)视听语言课程的宣传片片花运用了()蒙太奇 a、重复蒙太奇 b、隐喻蒙太奇 c、积累蒙太奇 d、平行蒙太奇

12月28日 (法) 的等短片在巴黎首映,标志了电影诞生。

鲍特的早期电影《火车大劫案》摆脱了实际时间的束缚开创了还运用了 将故事的先河从而发展了电影叙事。

、 人格里菲斯先后拍摄了 、 ,是早期蒙太奇实践的代表作品。

1925年爱森斯坦拍摄了 ,丰富和发展了蒙太奇技巧,并于普多夫金与库里肖夫逐步创立了蒙太奇理论,把电影技术上升到 的高度。

年,北京丰泰照相馆老板任景丰拍摄谭鑫培主演的 的三个片段,标志了电影的诞生。

利用"停机再拍"原理剪辑短片。 剪辑软件:premiere等。

蒙太奇指影视反映现实的思维方式,一种独有的形象思维的方法—— :以声画结合的动态时空立体,逼真地反映现实。蒙太奇是 的体现。

平行蒙太奇是两条或两条以上情节线索(不同时空、 或 )的并列表现,分头叙述,组接在一起的片段或结构。

列举出表示时间快慢变化的成语: 、 、 。

电影时空结构大体分为三大类: 、时间关系淡化、 。

电影中对心理时间的表现手法最常用的有:1. 、2. 、3.被膨胀的时间”前摄”法。

巴赞对景深镜头是有明确规定的:第一,空间统一;第二, ;第三, 。

数字长镜头的嬗变表现在:一、 、二、 、三、 趋于娱乐化:商业广告、公益广告、电视宣传片等釆用长镜头拍摄制作,一改冗长乏味的感觉。

蒙太奇派强调 ,在镜头组合中表现出来;长镜头派强调 ,不随便增加自己的理解。

蒙太奇派在技术上,镜头形态 ;长镜头派在技术上,多用 。

华纳公司推出的( )标志着默片时代的结束。

声音是以( )的形式传播的。

(  )是声画关系的状态。

电影中的人声主要分成(  )

以下不属于音效类别的是(  )

视听语言中的声音指运用   、   、   等声音元素反映现实生活所形成的综合听觉印象。

声音不仅是简单地解释画画,它还可以成为    。

内心独白是影视艺术中以   形式出现的剧中人物的内心自白。它是人物    、  的一种表现形式,它所要传达的不是外部世界所看得见和听得见的东西,而是人物对外部世界的一种    。

声画组合有四种表现方式:    、    、    、    、

声画对立是指声音与画面是在  、   关系中,通过对立双方的反衬作用,可以产生某种声画原来各自并不具备的新寓意,通过观众的联想达到  、  、  、  、等效果,给人以独特的审美感受。

在录制对白的时候要特别注意声音的   和   。

冬奥会宣传片  耐克广告

advertising and selling are only the tip of the marketing _____.

the goal of marketing is to create value for customers in order to __________ value (in monetary terms) from customers in return.

in a narrower business context, marketing involves building profitable, ________ exchange relationships with customers.

business will ultimately _______ the rewards of value from consumers in the forms of sales, profits and long-term customer equity.

marketing can be defined as the ________ by which businesses create value for customers and build strong relationships to capture value from customers in return.

marketing is more concerned with creating, building, _________ and ________ relationships with customers.

marketers seem to know everything about you, from your habits to your preferences. they reach you ________, _________ and ________.

traditionally, many people think of marketing as only advertising and selling. but in this new century, marketing must be understood in the sense of satisfying customer needs.

in this new century, the marketing landscape is already changed, and all traditional marketing approaches are not applicable any more.

what marketers need to do is to construct a seller-driven marketing strategy.

in this digital age, the way we communicate, access and share information, enjoy entertainment and do shopping have been totally _________ and reshaped.

the post-recession recovery brings ________ back to consumers, they still tend to buy less, spend less and save more.

today, companies are sourcing more supplies and components abroad and developing new products for specific market. the key word(s) here is(are)______

when it comes to making purchasing decisions, consumers tend to stress more on features like _________, __________ and _________.

non-profit organizations such as universities and colleges show little interest in marketing.

consumers are becoming more aware of the importance of environmental protection and paying more attention to the issue of sustainability.

in adjusting to the new economy, some companies may be unwilling to cut their marketing budgets.

making cuts in the wrong places can hurt and even damage the brand’s long-term image and customer relationship.

forward-looking companies readily accept their responsibilities to the world around them and view sustainable marketing as an opportunity to do well by doing good.

1. in this digital age, the way we communicate, access and share information, enjoy entertainment and do shopping have been totally _________ and reshaped.

2. the post-recession recovery brings ________ back to consumers, they still tend to buy less, spend less and save more.

3. today, companies are sourcing more supplies and components abroad and developing new products for specific market. the key word(s) here is(are)______

4. after the 2008 financial tsunami and its aftermath, consumers are moving from mindless to ________ consumption.

5. when it comes to making purchasing decisions, consumers tend to stress more on features like _________, __________ and _________.

6. non-profit organizations such as universities and colleges show little interest in marketing.

7. consumers are becoming more aware of the importance of environmental protection and paying more attention to the issue of sustainability.

8. in adjusting to the new economy, some companies may be unwilling to cut their marketing budgets.

9. making cuts in the wrong places can hurt and even damage the brand’s long-term image and customer relationship.

10. forward-looking companies readily accept their responsibilities to the world around them and view sustainable marketing as an opportunity to do well by doing good.

promotion is basically a kind of ________.

in order to increase the ________ of a product, the company should stengthen and enlarge it distribution network.

what elements should be taken into consideration when it comes to making product decisions?

in order to improve product accessibility, the following tactics can be considered:

when a business plans to send messages via socializing apps to make a buzz, it needs to consider:

the external operating environment includes the following aspects:

mccarthy's theory is the only one adopted in describing marketing mix.

traditionally a product is described as a tangible item that can satisfy a customer's specific need.

market coverage is related to the convenience of buying.

a product is regarded as a _________ to a problem.

the market nichers occupy a all segment of the market and attempt to build strong ties with their customers via the provision of high quality products and superior after-sales services.

marketing strategies are planned and should always be followed strictly.

the market followers are less aggressive and tend to maintain their market position through price reduction.

the market challengers are willing to take more risks, since they need to gain more market shares.

the market leaders tend to adopt a more offfensive posture since they need to protect their market position.

strategic marketing is focused on the implementation of specific targets.

marketing strategy has the fundamental goals of increasing sales.

alfred chandler wrote in 1962 that strategy is the determination of the basic short-term goals of an enterprise, and the adoption of courses of action, and the allocation of resources necessary for carrying out these goals.

strategy is important because the resources available are sufficient, and how to utilize them is very critical to the success of business.

managerial marketing is focused on the implementation of specific targets.

the objective of business portfolio ysis, as stated before, is to find out the most profitable or _______ products or brands, and put strong investment into them.

_______ refer to represent sbus having large market share in a fast-growing industry.

________ refer to products with low growth or market share.

when cash cows lose their appeal and move towards deterioration, then a ___________ policy may be pursued.

the best business portfolio, however, is believed to be able to fit the company’s strengths and weaknesses, and ready the company for market opportunities.

managing such a huge portfolio profitably takes just experience and expertise.

stars are the corporation’s key source of net cash inflow, and are specifically the core business.

a prevalent critici about bcg matrix is that market growth is not the only indicator for attractiveness of a market, and high market share is not the only success factor.

as time passes, sbus may change their positions in the growth-share matrix.

1the objective of business portfolio ysis, as stated before, is to find out the most profitable or _______ products or brands, and put strong investment into them.

2._______ refer to represent sbus having large market share in a fast-growing industry.

3. ________ refer to products with low growth or market share.

4. when cash cows lose their appeal and move towards deterioration, then a ___________ policy may be pursued.

5. a company can pursue one of the four strategies for each sbu. it can invest more in the sbu to _______ its share.

6. the best business portfolio, however, is believed to be able to fit the company’s strengths and weaknesses, and ready the company for market opportunities.

7. managing such a huge portfolio profitably takes just experience and expertise.

8. stars are the corporation’s key source of net cash inflow, and are specifically the core business.

9. a prevalent critici about bcg matrix is that market growth is not the only indicator for attractiveness of a market, and high market share is not the only success factor.

10. as time passes, sbus may change their positions in the growth-share matrix.

in swot ysis, s refers to:

once you've identified your risks, you can try the following:

examples of areas typically considered as strengths and weaknesses include:

external factors typically include:

useful opportunities can come from such things as:

opportunities refer to elements in the environment that the business could exploit to its advantage.

threats refer to elements in the environment that could cause trouble for the business.

weaknesses refer to characteristics of the business that place the business at a disadvantage relative to others.

if all your compes provide high-quality products, then a high-quality production process is not a strength in your organization's market.

the ultimate purpose of swot ysis is to help you take ______ of your resources and competitiveness.

micro-environment factors include:

p refers to political factors in the pest ysis. political factors include:

e refers to economic factors in the pest ysis. economic factors include:

s refers to sociocultural factors in the pest ysis. sociocultural factors include:

micro-environment includes all forces within the company that affect its ability to serve its customers.

macro-environment refers to larger societal forces that can affect the micro-environment.

micro-environment factors can affect macro-environment factors.

rapid technological changes are contributing to the creation of opportunities for companies to develop new products.

in service industry, the importance of employees in the company’s development is less than that in other industries.

he significant meaning of media is that either positive or negative reports concerning one company can influence its corporate image.

1. micro-environment factors include:

2. p refers to political factors in the pest ysis. political factors include:

3. e refers to economic factors in the pest ysis. economic factors include:

4. s refers to sociocultural factors in the pest ysis. sociocultural factors include:

5. micro-environment includes all forces within the company that affect its ability to serve its customers.

6. macro-environment refers to larger societal forces that can affect the micro-environment.

7. micro-environment factors can affect macro-environment factors.

8. rapid technological changes are contributing to the creation of opportunities for companies to develop new products.

9. in service industry, the importance of employees in the company’s development is less than that in other industries.

10. he significant meaning of media is that either positive or negative reports concerning one company can influence its corporate image.

marketing research consists of several steps, including _____, ______, ______ quantitative and qualitative data.

by methodological approach, marketing research can be categorized as:

consumer marketing research is a form of applied sociology that concentrates on understanding the ______, _______, _________ of consumers in a market-based economy:

uncontrollable environmental factors include:

the goal of marketing research is to identify and assess how changing elements of the marketing mix impacts customer behaviour.

market research is concerned specifically with markets, while marketing research is concerned specifically about marketing processes.

marketing researchers and marketing managers are crossing the boundary into each others' fields by taking on more responsibilities.

two-way communication between business and their consumers became a reality due to the rapid development of information technology.

the pace of growing online business competition is greater than that of the diminishing bricks-and-mortar shops.

it is no longer sufficient to follow trends in web behavior or track sales data companies now needed access to consumer behavior throughout the entire purchase process.

the information collected from sources like _______, _________, ________ and other market players can be called marketing information.

it is a multi-view of your customers obtained from a strategic ysis of both ______ and _______ data of customer behaviours.

adequate customer information can contribute greatly to good products and marketing programs.

customer insight is the in-depth knowledge of your customers, based on their buying behaviours, their experiences with your brand, their beliefs or needs.

raw data collected from customers are not enough to tell anything about customer insights.

it is not difficult to collect information but the difficulty lies in how to use them effectively.

marketing researchers should be able to perform data mining and find out the stories behind the data, and provide clear answers to practical questions.

the problem is, some managers will ask for whatever information they could get without thinking carefully what they really need.

the cost issue of marketing research deserves serious consideration. the cost issue also deserves serious consideration.

an appealing advertisement or a warm discussion with your friends, might trigger your desire to buy a car. this is called ________.

__________ means how consumer process information to choose among alternative brands.

which of the following is a social factor that influences consumer buying behavior?

when marketers want to promote their products and services through word-of-mouth marketing programs, they typically begin by ________.

which of the following is not a personal factor that influences a consumer's buying behavior?

a marketing firm has been assigned the task of watching trends in personal income, savings, and interest rates. the marketing firm is most likely gathering information about consumers' ________.

the most effective sources of information about a product tend to be ________ sources.

consumers may obtain information from many sources, including

how consumers go about evaluating purchase alternatives depends on the iniduals and the specific buying situation.

in the buyer decision process, marketer’s job ends when customer’s purchase decision is made and the product is sold.

cultural factors exert deep and _______ influence on consumer behaviours.

the buyer’s characteristics which may influence how he or she will ________ or react to the stimuli.

___________ are a society’s relatively permanent and ordered isions whose members share similar values, interests, and behaviours.

_________ is a person’s way of living as expressed in his or her psychographics. it involves a person’s activities, interests and opinions.

many characteristics may influence buyer’s perceptions and responses. the major categories of characteristics include: ______.

it is not difficult to find out what, where and how much consumers buy, but the whys are the hardest to answer.

a child in america is typically taught the values of collectivi, personal success and achievement, frugality, material and mental enjoyment and filial obedience to parents.

word-of-mouth, which are words from all groups or other social members, can have a powerful impact on consumer buying behaviour.

according to traditional researches, family members can strongly influence buyer behaviour.

one’s occupation and economic situation, which are often independent from each other, affect consumer’s preferences and choices.

business buyers usually face more complex buying decisions and longer and more ________ decision process.

large business purchases usually call for detailed product specifications, written purchase orders, careful searches and formal ________.

b2b marketers may roll up their ________ and work closely with their business customers during all stages of the buying process

in a __________, the buyer reorders without making any modifications.

in _________, companies put their purchasing requests online and invite suppliers to bid for the business.

within the organization, buying activity consists of two major parts:, __________ and _______.

in large business markets, a large number of buyers account for most the purchasing.

business demand is a kind of derived demand: it ultimately derives from the demand for consumer goods.

the modified rebuy is when a company plans to buy a product or service for the first time.

business buyers respond to both economic factors, not personal factors.

1. business buyers usually face more complex buying decisions and longer and more ________ decision process.

2. large business purchases usually call for detailed product specifications, written purchase orders, careful searches and formal ________.

3. b2b marketers may roll up their ________ and work closely with their business customers during all stages of the buying process

4. in a __________, the buyer reorders without making any modifications.

5. in _________, companies put their purchasing requests online and invite suppliers to bid for the business.

6. within the organization, buying activity consists of two major parts:, __________ and _______.

7. in large business markets, a large number of buyers account for most the purchasing.

8. business demand is a kind of derived demand: it ultimately derives from the demand for consumer goods.

9. the modified rebuy is when a company plans to buy a product or service for the first time.

10. business buyers respond to both economic factors, not personal factors.

a segment of something is one part of it considered separately from the rest.

if a company segments a market, it ides it into separate parts, usually in order to more precisely identify the target consumers and improve marketing opportunities.

there is not a single company that is capable enough to develop a product that can satisfy all the consumers in this world.

consumers can also be grouped according to their psychographic features like lifestyles, personalities, values and attitudes to life.

acorn, which is short for a classification of residential neighborhoods, uses residential areas and related property prices to classify people.

abc socio-economic categories uses people’s income levels, professions and social status to group them.

marketers also use the data to build up a customer profile: the image of a typical consumer.

market segmentation is one very primary and essential step in market ysis.

those consumers with similar needs, behaviours and preferences can be grouped together to from different aller segments.

different companies may adopt exactly the same approaches to market segmentation.

using a(n) _________ marketing (or mass marketing) strategy, a firm might very possibly decide not to target a specific segment but the whole market.

colgate offers toothpastes to its customers with different needs like sensitivity, whitening, and launches different toothpastes brands. this is called ________ marketing.

when it comes to choosing a targeting strategy, companies need to consider many factors which include:

in evaluating different market segments, a company must pay attention to three factors. they are:

a company should only enter segments in which it can create superior customer value and gain advantages over its compes.

modern marketers seldom adopt undifferentiated marketing (or mass marketing) strategy.

when using a concentrated marketing or niche marketing strategy, a firm goes after a all share of a large market.

concentrated marketing can be highly profitable with low risks.

if the segment consists of buyers with different tastes, like in the case of soft drink, then it is advisable to choose undifferentiated marketing.

a loyalty card can also be named as:

being loyal means being firm and not changing in your support for a person, a product, a company, an organization or a brand.

customer loyalty refers to the tendency to repurchase a particular product, service or brand or revisit a particular company shop or website many times.

loyal customers tend to buy more and buy more expensive products.

loyal customers are willing to introduce their favourite brands to friends, colleagues and relatives, causing the effect of a de facto word of mouth marketing.

being fickle means being firm in support for a person, a brand or a company.

b2b (business-to-business) loyalty programs reward businesses for their purchase of goods and services from suppliers.

some critics see the lower prices and rewards as bribes to manipulate customer loyalty and purchasing decisions, or in the case of infrequent spenders, a means of subsidizing them.

some institutes warn that commercial use of the personal data collected as part of the programmes has the potential for abuse.

1. a loyalty card can also be named as:

2.at the end of a certain period, say, one fiscal year, the customer can generally redeem the points in the loyalty card for some:

3. being loyal means being firm and not changing in your support for a person, a product, a company, an organization or a brand.

4.customer loyalty refers to the tendency to repurchase a particular product, service or brand or revisit a particular company shop or website many times.

5. loyal customers tend to buy more and buy more expensive products.

6. loyal customers are willing to introduce their favourite brands to friends, colleagues and relatives, causing the effect of a de facto word of mouth marketing.

7.being fickle means being firm in support for a person, a brand or a company.

8.b2b (business-to-business) loyalty programs reward businesses for their purchase of goods and services from suppliers.

9. some critics see the lower prices and rewards as bribes to manipulate customer loyalty and purchasing decisions, or in the case of infrequent spenders, a means of subsidizing them.

10. some institutes warn that commercial use of the personal data collected as part of the programmes has the potential for abuse.

the development of a product starts by defining the benefits it offers to consumers. these benefits are commonly presented and delivered by _____

the label can promote a brand, because it supports the brand’s __________ and may help to connect with customers.

to be more specific, product quality involves two levels or dimensions: _______ and ________.

packaging must now perform many tasks, which include:

sellers must ensure that their labels contain all the required information such as:

marketers need to choose a quality level which will support the product’s positioning. in this context, the quality can be understood as conformance quality.

the brand is the basis on which a whole story can be told about the product’s special qualities.

modern marketers tend to offer products with varying features. however, only those features with substantial values worthier than the marginal costs should be added.

a brand identifies the products or services of one seller and differentiates them from those of compes.

product support services is a minor part of the product and the total offering.

the line of products typically shares the same _________.

line filling is to introduce new products that are __________ the brand’s initial positioning.

___________ means adding more items within the present range of the line.

the product mix, also called product _________, of a company involves all products that a company has for sale.

________ refers to how closely related the product lines are in terms of end use, production requirements, distribution channels or any other way.

a company located at the upper end of the market may choose to stretch the product line upward.

the product mix width to the total number of items a company carries within the product lines.

product mix decision making is a dynamic process.

companies can make product lines more consistent, or less consistent.

in the past, the brand was hence regarded as a way to identify the elements that __________ the goods and or service from the competition.

branding aims to establish a _________ and __________presence in the market that attracts and retains loyal customers.

the objectives that a good brand will achieve include:

branding is only about getting your target market to select you over competition.

branding is about getting your prospects to see you as the sole and only provider of a solution to their problem or need.

a strong brand is priceless as the battle for customers intensifies day by day.

the brand is the source of a promise to one’s customers.

brand not only creates loyal customers but also creates loyal employees.

one’s brand should relate to the target audience.

branding requires the company to identify elements that make the brand unique and differentiate it from other compes.

the product life cycle is normally ided into four stages, namely: introduction, growth, ______ and decline.

what is/are the function(s)/purpose(s) of developing new products?

___________ means when the new product idea should be able to survive in the market.

once a product concept and related marketing strategy are determined, marketers can evaluate the ___________ of the proposed new product.

the r&d department will develop and test one or more physical versions of the product concept. developing a successful _________, however, can take days, weeks, months or even years.

___________ is the process of introducing a new product or production method into commerce—making it available on the market.

the following are examples of tangible products:

the following belong to the category of intangible products:

idea screening is defined as _________ and _________ new product ideas to get the most promising ones for business.

market saturation and stiff competition will lead to:

if the company mainly sells consumer products then it has to focus on how to identify and satisfy consumers' needs in order to develop its business.

rapid technological changes are contributing to the creation of opportunities for companies to develop new products.

the product life cycle begins when a new product is launched into the market and ends when the product is withdrawn from the market.

once the product is newly developed, before being launched into the actual market, the viability of it should be tested in a all-scale test market.

offering discounts to customers is a way to nurture customer loyalty.

the maturity stage is a stable stage where sales are high but growth rate is low.

during concept testing, new product concepts can be presented to consumers physically only.

if the product concept passes the business test, it must be developed into a physical product.

in test marketing stage, the product and its proposed marketing programme are tested in real market settings within a large scale.

normally, companies have the confidence, capital and capacity to launch new products into full national or international distribution one and for all.


















































以下关于电路产生过渡过程的原因和条件正确的是( )

以下关于换路定律成立条件叙述正确的是( )

以下关于rc电路,换路后电容电流初始值求法叙述正确的是( )

一阶rc电路,在0 时刻,下列等式正确的是( )

电流初始值不为零的电感,在换路后瞬间可等效为( )

电压初始值不为零的电容,在换路后瞬间可等效为( )

设电感中储存的能量连续变化,则换路时,下列有关电感的物理量不能跃变的是( )

动态电路无外加激励,仅由动态元件的初始储能引起的响应称为( )

含有两个动态元件的电路( )

已知一阶电路的时间常数为5s,则该电路的零输入响应每经过5s后衰减为原来的( )

动态电路的时间常数越大,则该电路的暂态过程的响应变化( )

一阶rc零输入响应电路中电容电压和电容电流的变换规律叙述正确的是( )

一阶rc零输入响应电路中关于放电时间的叙述正确的是( )

动态电路的初始储能为零,仅由外加激励引起的响应称为( )

关于一阶动态电路的零状态响应,以下描述错误的是( )

动态电路由外加激励和动态元件的初始储能共同引起的响应称为( )

下列关于全响应的叙述不正确的是( )

下列叙述正确的是( )

分析动态电路暂态过程的三要素公式不包含的要素是( )

下列关于分析动态电路暂态过程的三要素法描述正确的是( )

关于仅含一个动态元件的rc电路过渡过程,下列叙述错误的是( )

下面关于三要素表达式解的说确的是( )

下面各量,不是状态变量的是( )

at89s51单片机在访问外部存储器时,地址的输出是( )。

at89s51单片机要先完成复位,必须在rst引脚上加大于( )机器周期的高电平。

提高单片机的晶振频率,则机器周期( )。

at89s51系统中,若晶振频率为8mhz,一个机器周期等于( )μs。

p0、p1口作通用i/o输入用途之前必须( )。

在at89s51中,为实现p0口线的数据和低位地址的分时复用,应使用( )。

除了单片机这一名称之外,单片机还可称为( )。

at89s51单片机片内包含有( )、( )和( )。

at89s51单片机型号中的“s”的含义是( )。

单片机具有计算机的属性,也就是它可以( )。

下面的各种应用,( )不属于单片机的应用范围。

单片机按使用的环境温度分,可分为( )以及军用产品。

at89s51单片机采用的半导体工艺是( )。

at89s51单片机cpu的主要组成部分为( )。

在at89s51单片机cpu内部,反映程序运行状态或反映运算结果的特征寄存器是( )。

在单片机中,通常将一些中间计算结果放在( )中。

程序计数器pc用来( )。

内部ram中的可位寻址区的位是给( )。

at89s51的内部ram中,可位寻址的字节地址空间为( )。

at89s51单片机中,唯一一个用户不能直接使用的寄存器是( )。

at89s51存放当前指令地址的寄存器是( )。

单片机的堆栈指针sp始终是( )。

关于数据指针dptr,下列说确的是( )。

以下运算中对溢出标志ov没有影响或不受ov影响的运算是( )。

进位标志cy在( )中。

下列指令中与进位标志位cy无关的指令有( )。

下列指令中不影响标志位cy的指令有( )。

ajmp指令的跳转范围是( )。

执行指令movx a,﹫dptr时,wr*、rd*引脚的电平为( )。

对于“c bit,rel”指令,下列说确的是( )。

将累加器中的数据送到片外ram的40h单元,可执行指令 ( )。

下列指令中正确的是( )。

下列转移范围是2kb的控制转移指令是( )。

8051指令按指令长度分类,没有( )。

ljmp跳转空间最大可达到( )。

设(a)=0c3h,(r0)=0aah,执行指令“anl a,r0”后,结果为( )。

下列指令中可能改变cy的有( )。

单片机上电后或复位后,工作寄存器r0是在( )。

对于“div ab”指令的执行结果,下列说确的是( )。

访问片外数据存储器的寻址方式是( )。

以下指令中,属于单纯读引脚的指令是 ( )。

如果(sp)=42h,(3fh)=12h,(40h)=34h,(41h)=50h,(42h)=80h,则执行下列指令后: pop dph pop dpl ret (pch) =( )。

以下指令中,错误的是( )。

指令和程序是以( )形式存放在程序存储器中。

单片机应用程序一般存放在( )。

子程序首地址必须用( )标明。

8051汇编语言指令格式中必需项为( )。

子程序的末尾必须用( )指令结束。

执行如下3条指令后,30h单元的内容是( )。 mov r1,#30h mov 40h,#0eh mov ﹫r1,40h

执行以下程序段 mov sp,#3ah mov a,#20h mov b,#30h push acc push b pop acc pop b 后, a=(  ),b=(  )。

假定(a)=83h,(r0)=17h,(17h)=34h,执行以下程序段 anl a,#17h orl 17h,a xrl a,@r0 cpl a 后,(a)=( )。

下列程序段 org 1000h lcall 4000h org 4000h add a,r1 执行完lcall指令后,(pc)的结果为( )。

如下程序段执行结果是( )。 mov r0,#30h setb c clr a addc a,#00h mov ﹫r0,a

at89s51单片机共有( )个中断请求源。

执行指令“mov ie,#81h”的意义是:( )。

在at89s51单片机中,需要软件实现中断撤销的是( )。

中断查询确认后,在下列各种单片机运行情况下,能立即进行中断响应的是( )。

中断请求自动清除的有( )。

外部中断0的中断向量地址为( )。

at89s51单片机响应中断后,能自动清除中断请求标志的有( )。

若(ip)=00010100b,则优先级最高者为( ),最低者为( )。

at89s51单片机复位后,中断优先级最高的中断源是( )。

下列说法错误的是( )。

在at89s51的中断请求源中,需要外加电路实现中断撤销的是( )。

at89s51单片机片内有( )个定时器/计数器。

at89s51单片机片内的定时器/计数器,有( )种工作模式和( )种工作方式。

at89s51单片机片内的定时器/计数器的计数工作模式是对( )和( )两个引脚上的外部脉冲进行计数。

定时器/计数器用作定时器模式时,其计数脉冲由( )提供。

定时器t0工作在方式3时,定时器t1有( )工作方式。

为减少at89s51单片机定时器用指令反复装入计数初值所带来的定时误差问题,应采用方式( )。

定时器/计数器t0在gate=0时运行的条件有( )。

对定时器t0 进行关中断操作,需要复位中断允许控制寄存器的( )。

在下列寄存器中,与定时器/计数器控制无关的是( )。

如果采用晶振的频率为3mhz,定时器/计数器tx(x=0,1)工作在方式1下的最大定时时间为( )。

定时器/计数器用作计数器模式时,外部输入的计数脉冲的最高频率为系统时钟频率的( )。

at89s51单片机的晶振为6mhz,若利用定时器t1的方式2循环定时500微秒,则计数初值为(th1)=( ),(tl1)=( )。

at89s51是( )位的单片机。

除了单片机这一名称之外,单片机还可称为( )。

at89s51单片机片内包含有( )、( )和( )。

下面的各种应用,( )不属于单片机的应用范围。

at89s51单片机cpu的主要组成部分为( )。

at89s51单片机的最小系统包括( )。

程序计数器pc用来( )。

在at89s51单片机cpu内部,反映程序运行状态或反映运算结果的特征寄存器是( )。

关于数据指针dptr,下列说确的是( )。

单片机的堆栈指针sp始终是( )。

at89s51单片机在访问外部存储器时,地址的输出是( )。

51单片机外扩rom、ram和i/o口时,外部数据总线是( )。

对于“c bit,rel”指令,下列说确的是( )。

ljmp跳转空间最大可达到( )。

设(a)=0c3h,(r0)=0aah,执行指令“anl a,r0”后,结果为( )。

访问片外数据存储器的寻址方式是( )。

以下指令中,错误的是( )。

执行子程序返回时,返回的断点是( )。

在中断服务程序中,至少应有一条( )。

以下指令中,属于单纯读引脚的指令是( )。

下列说确的是( )。

执行如下三条指令后,50h单元的内容是( )。 mov r1, #50h mov 60h,#0feh mov @r1,60h

各中断源发出的中断申请信号,都会标记在at89s51中的寄存器( )中。

外部中断初始化的内容不包括( )。

at89s51单片机复位后,中断优先级最高的中断源是( )。

下列说法错误的是( )。

单片机使用中断方式工作时,保护现场的任务应该( )。

以下中断,只能通过软件清除中断请求的是( )。

at89s51单片机片内的定时器/计数器,有( )种工作模式和( )种工作方式。

定时器/计数器用作定时器模式时,其计数脉冲由( )提供。

定时器t0工作在方式3时,定时器t1有( )工作方式。

在下列寄存器中,与定时器/计数器控制无关的是( )。

定时/计数器t0和t1,主要区别在( )。

若单片机的振荡频率为6mhz,设定时器工作在方式1需要定时1ms,则定时器初值应为( )。

同步通信的特点为( )。

串行通信的通信方式和特点有( )。

at89s51的串行口为( )。

at89s51单片机串行口的方式1、2、3中,( )的波特率,与定时器/计数器t1的溢出率有关。

单片机的串行数据缓冲器sbuf用于( )。

异步串行通信中,收发双方必须保持( )。
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