consider the initial block in the following: initial begin a = 0; b = 0; #10 a = 1; #20 a = 0; b = 1; end then at t = 30, a is changed to ( ) and b to ( ).
which of the following is the antonym of transparent?
屋面节能设计要点中以下哪些是正确的 ( )
对有防水要求的岩棉板,其憎水率应不小于98%,吸水率应不大于( )。
刚性防水屋面可用( )做防水层
胶粉聚苯颗粒外墙外保温系统用聚苯板出厂前宜在60℃的温度和通常湿度环境中陈化 天。()
保温砂浆每个检验批应抽样制作同条件试块不少于 组。()
要提供优质的点菜服务技能,服务员需要掌握( )几方面的知识。
choose one question from 1-3 and one from 4-6 and give brief answers in english: henry james what is the most famous theme in henry james’s fiction? henry james’s “the art of fiction” is an indispensable part of his contribution to literature. please summarize his view in literary critici? what is the difference between reali and psychological reali? mark twain in the the adventures of huckleberry finn, huck finn is a thirteen-year-old boy. why does mark twain use a child as the center of consciousness in this book? what are the contributions mark twain made to american literature? what is colloquiali and how is it shown in mark twain’s works?