
麦课在线题库 8968

马斯洛需要层次理论将人的动机由低到高分为五层,其中第三层次的是( )

根据我国相关法规要求,在正常使用情况下,房屋建筑工程的屋面防水工程的最低保修期限为( )

物业管理的核心是( )

关于共有的特征,说法错误的是( )

行政权力自身的特点包括( )

影响人际交往的因素主要有三个层次,第一步是( ),第二步是社会知觉与归因层次,在以上层次的基础上达到第三步,即形成互动或拒绝互动

在抗震设防地区,为了增强房屋墙体的整体刚度和抗震性能,除按有关规范设置圈梁外,还应设置构造柱,构造柱的作用是从竖向加强房屋层与层之间墙体的( )

保险的基本原则包括( )原则 bce

公共关系的三要素不包括( )

水泵的种类不包括( )。

供水简便、迅速,灭火可靠性高,适用于室温4~70℃场所的灭火系统是( )。

一般民用建筑门的高度不宜小于( )mm。

居住小区社区文化的性质中,( )是营造社区文化的必要环境。

当劳动投入增加到使边际产量为零时,( )达到最大值。

在玻璃保险中,火灾为除外风险,被保险商店附近发生火灾时,一些暴徒趁机打破该商店的玻璃,企图抢劫。在这个案例中,( )是近因。


室内财产的保险金额由被保险人根据( )分项目自行确定

一年前林先生规划以股票50万元,报酬率10%,5年后累积80.5万元购房。现在股票跌10万元剩下40万元,若预定购房时间与目标额不变,未来投资报酬不变,未来4年每年要增加( )万元的投资在股票上才能达到原定目标。(第一年要增加的投资为现在就投资)

下列哪项关于保险代理机构交存保证金的叙述是错误的?( )


下列有关婚姻法规定的叙述错误的是( )

在机动车辆第三者责任保险中,保险人对于保险车辆造成的某些特定对象的人身伤亡或财产损失,不论在法律上是否应当由被保险人承担赔偿责任,其均不负责赔偿( )①被保险人及其家庭成员的人身伤亡、所有或代管的财产的损失;②本车驾驶人员及其家庭成员的人身伤亡、所有或代管的财产的损失;③本车上其他人员的人身伤亡或财产损失;④被保险人车辆的损失

累进税率一般适用于( )。

该投资者第二年的持有期收益率为( )


在各种合同终止原因中,最普遍、最基本的保险合同终止原因是( )

























































排尿反射的初级中枢位于( )

近球小管对na+的重吸收量经常是na+滤过量的( )



余邪未净证黄热病的治法为( )


人感染h7n9禽流感易发展为重症的危险因素不包括( )








汤某不履行维修义务,使黄某不得不雇人维修,且影响了黄某居住,黄某有权: ( )



下列哪些规定是罪刑法定原则在 刑法典中的体现( )



根据报道,综治委流动人口治安管理工作领导小组副组长、公安部副部长刘金国透露。公安部正在抓紧研究进一步深化户籍制度改革的意见,拟取消农业户口、非农业户口的界限,探索简历城乡同意的户口登记管理制度。深化户籍制度改革最主要体现了下列哪一项法律价值 ( )

在下列的或者机构中,有权向国际请求发表咨询意见的是哪项( )

上海市中级受理了一个德国人向一个人提起的损害赔偿的诉讼,应适用下列哪项民事诉讼法( )

法人终止时,依法应对其进行( )。



which sentence has the most formal style?

which sentence has the most formal style?

which sentence has the most formal style?

which sentence has the most formal style?

which sentence has the most formal style?

what are the typical features of a formal style?

what are the typical features of an informal style?

what are the typical features of a formal style?

which of the following usually uses a more informal style of language?

which of the following usually shows a more formal style of language?

which of the following is the correct spelling for the chinese name 钱学森, according to the chinese phonetic alphabet spelling rules for chinese names?

an application letter to a professor usually takes a ______ style.

which of the following are usually included in a personal bio for academic purposes?

which of the following describes a good first email to a professor for an application?

your email to a professor is expected to be ______.

in your email exchange with a professor, you can mention his/her publications with an effort to _______.

a bar code reader is an input ______ to read the information of bar codes.

machine learning is the______ of getting computers to learn and act like humans do, and improve their learning over time in autonomous fashion, by feeding them data and information in the form of observations and real-world interactions.

big data is an evolving ______ that describes a large volume of structured, semi-structured and unstructured data that has the potential to be mined for information and used in machine learning projects and other advanced ytics applications.

what techniques are used in this extended definition: i was born with a rare visual condition called achromatopsia, which is total color blindness, so i've never seen color, and i don't know what color looks like, because i come from a grayscale world. to me, the sky is always gray, flowers are always gray, and television is still in black and white.

what techniques are used in this extended definition: a university is an institution of higher learning that is made up of many colleges or faculties. it offers three levels of degrees: the lowest being a bachelor’s degree, followed by a master’s degree, and lastly a doctorate degree, or phd. a university also trains students in the professions of law, medicine, and engineering. unlike schools and colleges, a university places a great deal of emphasis on research.

what techniques are used in this extended definition: tying all these services together was the rise of china's super-app, wechat, a kind of digital swiss army knife for modern life. wechat users began sending text and voice messages to friends, paying for groceries, booking doctors’ appointments, filing taxes, unlocking shared bikes, and buying plane tickets, all without ever leaving the app. wechat became the universal social app, one in which different types of group chats—formed with coworkers and friends or around interests—were used to negotiate business deals, organize birthday parties, or discuss modern art. it brought together a grab-bag of essential functions that are scattered across a dozen apps in the united states and elsewhere.

what techniques are used in this extended definition: a patent is a form of intellectual property. a patent gives its owner the right to exclude others from making, using, selling, and importing an invention for a limited period of time, usually twenty years. the patent rights are granted in exchange for an enabling public disclosure of the invention. in most countries, patent rights fall under civil law and the patent holder needs to sue someone infringing the patent in order to enforce his or her rights. in some industries patents are an essential form of competitive advantage; in others they are irrelevant.

which questions are usually answered when we describe a device?

which questions are usually answered when we describe a system?

when we describe the structure of a device, we usually talk about the ______.

the “physical features” of a device refers to ______.

a technical manual usually contains a detailed textual description of a device.

specifications are preferred to detailed textual descriptions in technical writing.

a research paper usually uses illustrations to show the structure of a device or a system.

a research paper usually uses words to show the function of a device or a system.

this is most probably a/an ______: automatic audio processing algorithms are used to robustly detect speech in the audio and split speech into short, easy to transcribe segments. sequences of speech segments are loaded into a specially designed transcription interface that enables a human transcriber to simply listen and type, obviating the need for manually finding and segmenting speech or explicitly controlling audio playback. as a result, playback stays synchronized to the transcriber’s speed of transcription.

this is most probably a/an ______: we can use automatic audio processing algorithms to robustly detect speech in the audio, and then split speech into short, easy to transcribe segments. we load sequences of speech segments into a specially designed transcription interface. on the interface a human transcriber doesn’t need to find and segment speech manually, or explicitly control audio playback. the transcriber only needs to listen and type. playback stays synchronized to the transcriber’s speed of transcription

this is most probably a/an ______: use automatic audio processing algorithms to detect speech in the audio and split speech into short, easy to transcribe segments. then load sequences speech segments into a specially designed transcription interface. listen to the speech segments and type out the scripts. the interface automatically synchronizes the audio and the transcriber’s speed of transcription.

this is most probably a/an ______: automatic audio processing algorithms were used to robustly detect speech in the audio and split speech into short, easy to transcribe segments. sequences of speech segments were loaded into a specially designed transcription interface that synchronizes playback with a transcriber’s speed of transcription, so that a human transcriber simply listens and types, obviating the need for manually finding and segmenting speech or explicitly controlling audio playback.

this is most probably a/an ______: how do blitzscribe work? it uses automatic audio processing algorithms to robustly detect speech in the audio, and split speech into short, easy to transcribe segments. then these segments are loaded into a specially designed transcription interface. this interface can synchronize playback automatically with a transcriber’s speed of transcription. a human transcriber simply needs to listen and type. he doesn’t need to find a speech himself, or cut the speech, or control the audio playback

this is most probably a/an ______: we first detected speech in the audio with automatic audio processing algorithms, and split speech into short, easy to transcribe segments. then sequences of speech segments were loaded into a specially designed transcription interface which synchronizes audio playback with a transcriber’s speed of transcription automatically. five transcribers listened and transcribed the speech segments.

this is most probably from a ______: automatic audio processing algorithms are used to robustly detect speech in the audio and split speech into short, easy to transcribe segments. sequences of speech segments are loaded into a specially designed transcription interface that enables a human transcriber to simply listen and type, obviating the need for manually finding and segmenting speech or explicitly controlling audio playback. as a result, playback stays synchronized to the transcriber’s speed of transcription.

this is most probably from a ______: we can use automatic audio processing algorithms to robustly detect speech in the audio, and then split speech into short, easy to transcribe segments. we load sequences of speech segments into a specially designed transcription interface. on the interface a human transcriber doesn’t need to find and segment speech manually, or explicitly control audio playback. the transcriber only needs to listen and type. playback stays synchronized to the transcriber’s speed of transcription

this is most probably from a ______: use automatic audio processing algorithms to detect speech in the audio and split speech into short, easy to transcribe segments. then load sequences speech segments into a specially designed transcription interface. listen to the speech segments and type out the scripts. the interface automatically synchronizes the audio and the transcriber’s speed of transcription

this is most probably from a ______: automatic audio processing algorithms were used to robustly detect speech in the audio and split speech into short, easy to transcribe segments. sequences of speech segments were loaded into a specially designed transcription interface that synchronizes playback with a transcriber’s speed of transcription, so that a human transcriber simply listens and types, obviating the need for manually finding and segmenting speech or explicitly controlling audio playback.

this is most probably from a ______: how does blitzscribe work? it uses automatic audio processing algorithms to robustly detect speech in the audio, and split speech into short, easy to transcribe segments. then these segments are loaded into a specially designed transcription interface. this interface can synchronize playback automatically with a transcriber’s speed of transcription. a human transcriber simply needs to listen and type. he doesn’t need to find a speech himself, or cut the speech, or control the audio playback.

this is most probably from a ______: we first detected speech in the audio with automatic audio processing algorithms, and split speech into short, easy to transcribe segments. then sequences of speech segments were loaded into a specially designed transcription interface which synchronizes audio playback with a transcriber’s speed of transcription automatically. five transcribers listened and transcribed the speech segments.

when we cite data from a study, we only need to give out the specific data.

when we cite data from a study, we need to give out the source or the location, so that the audience would know where to get more detail for that data.

when we cite data from a study, we need to give out a detailed description of a whole set of data.

when we cite data from a study, we need to present the original table or figure together with a textual description.

when we cite data from a study, we usually interpret the meaning of the data instead of just giving out the data itself.

the word “data” only refers to information in the form of numbers.

the word “data” refers to all the information existing in the world.

the word “data” refers to the information collected for a specific purpose.

the word “data” refers to information in an electronic form that can be stored and used by a computer.

in the textual data report with visual displays, we need to specify the location of the mentioned data.

in the textual data report, we shall describe a trend shown instead of giving out the original data.

in our report, we shall focus more on findings instead of data.

in our report, we shall present all we have found from our ysis of data.

in our report, we shall explain why a highlighted data is worth noticing.

we can cite data from other studies when we comment on our data.

we can explain the reasons for a finding when we report data.

we can mention the implications of a finding when we report data.

we usually use past tense when we report a direct observation.

we usually use present tense when we offer our ysis.

we can use either present tense or past tense when we talk about our findings.

this is an appropriate “confidently uncertain” claim: the measure might be more sensitive to changes in health after specialist treatment.

this is an appropriate “confidently uncertain” claim: in spite of its limitations, the study might appear to have a number of important strengths to some degree.

this is an appropriate “confidently uncertain” claim: the results indicate that there is a link between oking and lung cancer.

this is an appropriate “confidently uncertain” claim: the results prove that there is a link between oking and lung cancer.

this is an appropriate “confidently uncertain” claim: the results show that oking is the cause of lung cancer.

this is an appropriate “confidently uncertain” claim: the results show that lung cancer is caused by oking.

this is an appropriate “confidently uncertain” claim: the results show that oking contributes to lung cancer.

this is an appropriate “confidently uncertain” claim: the latest series of studies question the value of including consumer expectations in the assesent of service quality.

this is an appropriate “confidently uncertain” claim: the finding suggests that some physical exercise might be able to prevent depression to some degree.

this is an appropriate “confidently uncertain” claim: studies have found that quantum entanglement may play a role in some types of magnetoreception with certain molecules, but more work is needed to explore this phenomenon.

this is an appropriate “confidently uncertain” claim: the result proves that the increase in human activities is the cause of environmental degradation in the area.

this is an appropriate “confidently uncertain” claim: the results in figure 4 validate the second conclusion that certain bacteria can reduce arsenic levels in groundwater.

this is an appropriate “confidently uncertain” claim: table 3 shows that alcohol causes brain damage in teenagers.

this is an appropriate “confidently uncertain” claim: recycling is the best solution to the waste disposal problem, as our study finds.

this is an appropriate “confidently uncertain” claim: it could be concluded that some evidence seems to suggest that at least certain villagers might not have traded their pottery with others outside the community.
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