the three major forms of public speaking are speaking to inform, to persuade, and to entertain.
to be a good public speaker, you need to be a good user of language.
communication is the creation of shared understanding through symbolic processes.
in public speaking, receivers also send messages nonverbally while the speaker presents his/her message.
public speaking is a powerful tool for social change and civic participation.
you need critical thinking when preparing your speech.
what are the causes of stage fright in public speaking?
stage fright can be a good thing.
how to deal with stage fright in public speaking?
you can reduce your stage fright by shifting the focus from yourself and your fear to your true purpose, that is, contributing something of value to your audience.
you can reduce your stage fright if you consider your audience as a pile of potatos that you can overlook.
which statement about opening is incorrect?
why introduction is important in public speaking?
boring speech usually lacks lively, relevant, and interesting examples or quotations.
supporting matterials help capture and maintain an audience's attention.
speakers need evidence to support what they say.
without relevant examples and solid statistics, a speaker's ideas may be diissed.
for some people, "school" may connote personal growth, and a special teacher; for others, "school" may connote frustration, discipline, and boring homework.
don't use a word until you are sure of its meaning.
concrete words are those words that refer to tangible objects, including people, places, and things.
abstract words are words that refer to ideas or concepts.
you should adjust the volume of your voice according to the size and the shape of the setting.
if there is a microphone, you should know how to use and adjust to it.
if you speak softly, you may project an unconfident, insincere image and you may lose the interest and attention of your audience.
your personal appearance can give the audience the first impression and impact.
when you speak, your eyes also function as a control device you can use to assure your listener's attentiveness and concentration.
when speak in public, you should look listeners in the eye but avoid fixing your eyes at one person or one area for a long time.
postures deals with how the body is positioned in relation to another person or group of persons.
when you speak, you can shift from foot to foot and swing from side to side.
when you speak, you can move your hands and arms freely.
visual aids are usually used to:
which of the following sentence about using visual aids is correct?
when formulating answers to possible questions, you could think about any possible questions that may be asked about your speech.
when practicing the delivery of your answers, you can have a friend listen to your speech, ask questions, and critique your answers.
if you don't understand the question, you can ask the question-raiser to give an example.
when answering questions, you should avoid using a sharp or defensive tone.
your impromptu speech should be brief and to the point.
you should avoid using transitional words between main points in your speech.
you should not try to cover too much in your impromptu speech.
you should use vaocal variety when delivering your impromptu speech.
a speech to inform shares information with others to enhance their knolwedge or understanding of the information, concepts, and ideas you present.
informative speech should be relevant, new, clear, creative, and different.
you should avoid making your speech too long.
persuasion is the process of creating, reinforcing, or changing people's beliefs or actions.
question of value is a question about the worth, rightness, morality, and so forth of an idea or action.
question of policy is whether a specific course of action should be or should not be taken.
good delivery is listener-centered.
you should avoid wearing anything that will detract audience when delivering a speech.