
外贸类习题 4971

组织行为学是研究下述哪方面规律性的科学( )

管理者角色学派的代表人物是( )

通常我们所说的管理者的四大职能是计划、组织、领导和( )

体现团队资源分配的管理者角色是( )

工作绩效模型中体现员工能不能干,愿不愿意干,有没有条件干的三大因素是( )

组织行为学的研究内容包括( )与群体三个层面。







行为特征表现为直率热情,精力旺盛,情绪易冲动等的气质类型是( )

( )指一个人对周围的客观事物(包括人、事、物)的意义、重要性的总体评价和看法。

强调技术并不断成长,职业发展围绕自己所擅长的技术或专业能力而进行的,如工程或金融分析,这种“职业锚”叫( )

霍兰德认为( )中的人适合从事思考和理解的科学研究活动。

著名心理学家麦克利兰于1973年提出了一个著名的素质冰山模型,将个体素质划分为表面的“冰山以上部分”和深藏的“冰山以下部分”,冰山以上部分包括( )

下列属于特殊能力的有( )







属于双因素理论中的保健因素的有( )

属于双因素理论中的激励因素的有( )

麦克利兰的需要理论包括( )

内容型激励理论包括( )

高成就需要者通常更喜欢这样的工作( )

( )是行为的直接原因,是引起、维持个体活动并使该活动朝某一目标进行的内在动力。

提出需要层次不仅表现出“满足-上升”趋势,而且表现出“挫折-倒退”趋势的激励理论是( )

以下哪些因素不属于赫兹伯格双因素理论中的激励因子( )

下列哪些不属于erg理论的需要层次( )

马斯洛认为人的最高层次需要是( )

通过撤销有利的来减少某种行为是( )

目标设置理论认为目标设置有三个基本点,即目标的具体性、目标的适当反馈和( )

( )指个体对于自己有能力完成某种任务的一种信念

下列属于员工内在动机的是( )

(单选)( )指在不同程度上让员工和下属参加组织的决策过程及各级管理工作,让下级和员工与企业的管理者处于平等的地位研究和讨论组织中的问题。

(单选)下列哪一项属于常见的工作情境中的态度( )

(多选题)态度包括三个主要成分,分别是( )

(多选)参与管理的形式包括( )



非正式群体的消极影响有( )

群体通常会通过以下哪些方式对个体施加压力( )

群体决策的弊端( )

群体决策的优点主要包括:获得更多的信息、增加观点的多样性、决策结果容易被接受、决策过程更为合法。( )

为了实现特定的目标,由两个或两个以上相互作用的个体组合而成的体称之为( )

( )主要靠工作维系成员之间的关系,成员按照组织的规章制度,岗位角色要求行动

当一个人与群体中的多数人的意见有分歧时,群体通常会通过以下四种方式对个体施加压力,分别是劝说;“怀柔”政策;“铁腕”政策;( )

个人或人们在群体及社会中由于占据一定的位置而必须从事的行为或显示的态度的总和称之为( )

群体或他人对个体所扮演角色的期望行为模式称为( )

以下哪一项不是群体思维的症状( )

以下哪几项属于避免群体思维现象发生的做法( )









单选:相对于管理者而言,领导者权力强调来自( )

单选:( )来自领导者个人,包括两个方面,一个方面是来自于个体能力,另一方面来自于领导者的个人品行。

单选:( )研究的是具有什么样特征的人能够成为有效的领导者,这些个人特征往往带有很大的先天性。

单选:员工完成某个具体任务的成熟度可以从两个方面来衡量,一是员工是否具备完成这个任务的能力,二是员工是否具备从事这个任务的( )

多选:根据领导力修炼部分知识,具备以下哪些特点的人更容易取得他人的信任( )

多选:下列哪些是管理者缺乏对下属的真心关怀的表现( )

多选:下列哪些是管理者缺乏担当的表现( )







预置式力矩扳手平时应使弹簧处于( )保存。

刚性梁扭力杆式力矩扳手零位的调整是通过( )进行的。

如图所示英制游标卡尺的读数是( )inch。

力矩单位lb in代表的含义是()。

下列公制外径千分尺的读数是( )mm。










航空螺钉可以分为( )类。

下列不属于航空器结构上销钉的是( )。

下列描述中不正确的是( )。

下列不属于常用特殊拆卸方法的是( )。

下面哪种保险不属于机械类保险( )。

保险丝在拉紧时工具一般夹持在保险丝的哪个部位( )。

开口销直径是保险孔径的( )%。






2. ata100规范第21章为( )

飞机维修手册amm主要用于( )和定检维护使用















低压系统一般选用( )作为管路的材料。

英制7号导管的外径尺寸是( )inch。

导管制作时当外管壁接触到工具的锥形面上后,应再拧手柄( )圈。

导管的喇叭口要( )衬套的上表面。

手动弯管适用于直径小于( )in的硬管。

弯管时允许有少量的压扁,但压扁部分的最小直径不能小于原外径的( )。

软管安装时要确认软管长度合适,保证有( )的松垂度。


















绘画过程中,人们习惯将绘画对象与头脑中的储存的概念相对应,这就是视觉经验,当视觉经验和概念进入我们绘画过程中的时候,观察者就会出现( )的问题。

“倒置素描”的目的是解除( )的功能,迫使我们的思维从命名定义的( )转换的视觉形象的( )


























作物育种学是研究作物新品种 和繁殖的理论和方法的科学。

群体内植株间基因型相同、植株本身各位点基因型纯合,这样的品种属于 类型。


作物育种的实质就是自然进化基础上的 。

生物细胞中,含有dna的细胞器是 细胞核、 和 。

伴随着进化,细胞核中dna的量的变化趋势是,生物组织结构改变的时候,dna的量 ,特殊化的时候 。

人类把植物作为食物进行栽培的时间,最早大概在公元前 年左右。

填空题1:按照育种实用价值进行分类,种质资源可以分为 , , , 和 。

填空题2:种质资源收集的方法有: , , 和 。

填空题3:种质资源保存的方法有: , , 和 。

填空题4:种质资源鉴定的方法有: , , , 。

填空题1:现代农业对作物品种的四项要求是: , , , 。

填空题2:制订育种计划(目标)的四项基本原则是: 。

1)有性繁殖是指 。 2)无融合生殖是指 。 3)天然异交率的测定应当选用具有 性状的品种作为母本 。 4)自交不亲和特性与雄性不育特性的区别在于 。 5)无融合生殖的5种类型分别是 , , , 和 。 6)人工杂交3项共性技术分别是 , 和 。 7)复交是指 。

自花授粉作物的自然异交率一般不超过 。

异花授粉作物的自然异交率一般大于 。

人工杂交技术依作物特点而异,但以下3点是所有作物通用的技术,分别是 、 和 。

人工杂交方式有 和 两种。复交方式中又有 、 和 等多种形式。

填空题:鉴定单倍体的两种主要方法分别是 和 鉴定。

(1)不同的作物和品种对辐射敏感性差异很大。最敏感的是 科作物;次敏感的是 科作物;最不敏感的是 科作物。

(2)目前较公认的最有效和应用较多的化学诱变剂是 和 两大类。

(3)化学诱变常用的5种处理方法分别是 、 、 、 和 。

体细胞水平上创造遗传变异的理论基础是 。

培养基中包括植物生长必需的16种营养元素和某些生理活性物质,可分为 、 和 这三大类。

植物组织和细胞培养物在培养过程中产生的变异被称为 。

体细胞克隆变异的遗传基础有 、 和 。

点突变的类型有 、 、 、 、 和 。

影响原生质体分离的6个因素是 、 、 、 、 和 。

细胞融合的4种方法是 、 、 和 。

细胞融合有两种方式,分别是 和 。

dna重组技术的概要是① ;② ;③ ;④ ;⑤ ;⑥ 。

大肠杆菌等微生物,除了自身染色体环状双链dna以外,还有能够独立增殖的多个小的环状双链dna。后者被称为 。

目的基因遗传转化的途径有 和 。

让农杆菌感染植物有4种方法,分别是 , , ,和 。

将外源基因导入植物细胞的理化途径有 , , , 。

豌豆的红花与白花、水稻的糯米与非糯米,像这种差异不连续的性状被称为 。

像穗数、产量这种用数和量来表示的、显示连续变异的、不能明确分类的性状被称为 。

生物的遗传构成叫做 ,其基因型固有的遗传效应叫做 。

在某个环境下被表达出来的性状的表现叫做 ,其值叫做 。

在没有基因型与环境效应相互作用的场合,表型值p就等于 。

双列杂交配制的n2个组合中,对角线本身是 ,对角线上面是 ,对角线下面是 。

(1)不同品种对不同环境有不同的反应的现象称为 。

(1)杂交育种中,产生可供选择的遗传变异的源泉是 。

(2)基因在染色体上是线性排列的。位于不同染色体上的基因相互地 。位于同一染色体上的基因,大多作为一个组传递到下一代,这叫做 。

(3)用厘摩根为单位表示的染色体部分的长度叫做 。

(5)杂交的目的在于 。

1)分子标记连锁作图的原理是 。 2)作图群体一般分为两类,分别是 和 。 3)ril群体的构建方法是 。 4)作图函数是指 。 5)玉米1cm的图谱距离相当于 kbp的物理距离。 6)转换和颠换的涵义分别是 。

(1)以聚合酶链式反应( pcr)为基础的dna标记有 等;以测序为基础的dna标记有 等。

(2)嘌呤碱基替换嘌呤碱基(aーg)或嘧啶碱基替换嘧啶碱基(tーc)被称为 。嘌呤碱基与嘧啶碱基之间相互替换(aーt,aーc, gーc, gーt ) 被称为 。

(3) 以分子杂交为基础的dna标记有 等。

(2)田间试验设计的3个基本原则是 、 和 。

(3)为了减少试验误差,在安排随机区组设计的区组和小区时,小区的长边应与土壤肥力方向 ,区组的划分应与土壤肥力方向 。

(1)作物品种自然变异的源泉有3个,分别是 、 和 。

(2)利用现有品种群体中出现的自然变异进行集团选择有3种方法,分别是 , 和 。

(3)在人工创造的遗传变异群体中,特别是在有性杂交后基因分离重组的群体中,选择目标家系群体常用的方法有4种,分别是 、 、 、 。

(1)异花授粉作物群体内改良的方法有4种,分别是 、 、 和 。

(2)异花授粉作物群体间遗传改良方法有2种,分别是 和 。

(3)异花授粉作物群体改良的基本程序是,从被改良群体中 , , 、 ,形成新一轮群体。

(1)对一代杂种亲本的四项基本要求是 ① 。② 。③ 。④ 。

(2)用两个自交系组配而成的杂交种称为 。

(4)质核互作雄性不育的一大特点是能实现 、 、 配套,并能通过三系法将杂种优势应用于生产。

(1)回交育种主要用于改良品种的 。

(2)在回交育种过程中,用于多次回交的亲本被称为 ,又称 。

(4)多个目标性状的回交转育可采用两种方法,分别是 和 。

(1)经过诱变处理的种子或营养器官所长成的植株或直接处理的植株均称为 。

(2)禾谷类作物种子处理的m1,应该采取较高的密度,以控制分蘖;便于收获 上的种子。

(3)m2及其后代的种植方式因选择方法不同而异。有 和 2种。

1)正向选拔是指 。 2)在突变细胞筛选中,常用的两种选拔方法是 和 。 3)多步筛选的做法是 。 4)常用的融合细胞的筛选体系有4种,分别是① , ② ,③ 和④ 。 5)杂种植株的确认方法有4种,分别是① , ② ,③ 和④ 。

(2)正向选拔突变细胞常用的两种方法分别是 和 。

(1)为了有效地筛选出真正的dna重组细胞,有必要使用特异性的选择标记基因进行标记。常用的选择标记基因有 和 两大类。

(2)卡那霉素抗性基因nptⅱ和潮霉素抗性基因hpt是属于 ;bar基因和glyphosate抗性基因epsps 是属于 。











albert einstein, who developed the theory of relativity, arrived at this theory through mathematics.

we can heat the steel again to a temperature below the critical temperature, then cool it slowly.

we should point out, however, that all electrical systems are not conservative.

public opinion is demanding more and more urgently that something must be done about noise.

the ce circuit is widely favored since it can be designed for good voltage and current gains.

dust has a very important part to play in the work of nature.

a magnet in a magnetic field will be subject to a force.

this paper gives an introduction to a new method for radar target recognition.

the elements in group 1 are called alkali metals.

the proof of the theorem is not difficult.

the acceleration due to gravity is essentially constant.

this current is extremely all and can be neglected.

blow on the mirror and it will soon be covered with little drops of water.

accuracy is expressed as absolute error or relative error.

there are three main laws of mechanics or three laws of newton.

due to its importance, this device will be dealt with in detail.

many scientists have been devoted to the development and application of computers since their invention.

in this case, overflow(溢出) can occur, and its detection is discussed later in this section.

hardware designers may be able to cut costs through loading the digital signal processing with multiple tasks. 

efficiencies of as much as 99% are achieved in large transformers.

it is necessary to prevent induction motors against overload and undervoltage.

engineers may find the book of great value.

this is a sufficient and necessary condition for the solution of the equation.

this circuit is similar in operation to the circuit of fig.1-10.

by varying vbe only a few hundredths of a volt, the base(基极) current can be changed significantly.

the area of a is three times larger than that of b.

from 1970 to 1974, the production of transistor radios was increased by a factor of six.

the output of this factory now is 5 times what it was ten years ago.

the capacitance will decrease by 750 parts per million per each degree rise in temperature.

note that the words “velocity” and “speed” require extra explanation.

light from the sun is a mixture of light of many different colors.

the lack of resistance in very cold metals may become useful in electronic computers.

it requires a systematic approach to change behaviors or create new ones that have not previously existed.

it is desired to allow these agents (代理) to communicate (send/receive data to/from each other) with each other.

having obtained the initial conditions, we go on to solve the network differential equations.

this current changing, the magnetic field will change as well.

each address in memory is assigned a number.

the process by which energy is changed from one form into another is called the transformation of energy.

salt is known to have a very strong corroding effect on metals.

radars have been used extensively for mapping geological structures and features.

x-rays have a shorter wavelength than light rays.

the new cpu features high speed and low voltage.

some conductors have resistances which depend on the currents flowing through them.

it is of interest that every function can be approximated by simple functions.

what we need is to make large-scale mechanized food production less carbon-intensive and more sustainable.

the idea that electricity cannot be created or destroyed may seem to imply that electrons and protons cannot be created or destroyed.

among the most noteworthy achievements of the 19th century science was the realization that light consists of electromagnetic waves.

the great difficulty of introducing radically new computer architectures which requires customers to rewrite most of their software excluded the possibility for these techniques to find their way to the commercial marketplace.

with the introduction of the electronic computer, there is not a single complicated problem but can be solved in a few hours.

heat is developed whenever friction forces are present.

it is desired that the switch produce only one clock pulse each time it is closed.

it is this impedance with which we are concerned.

this value is less than or equal to unity.

if we were to place a body in the gravitational field, it would experience a force along whatever line of force it was on.

it was not clear at that time why it was that this phenomenon happened in a semiconductor.

the speed with which sound waves move through a medium does depend on the properties of the medium.

it is necessary to find the current through and the voltage across the capacitor.

it is not difficult to obtain a relationship among d, v, c, and f that does not directly involve the time t.

astronomers and scientists think that a black hole is a region of space into which matter has fallen and from which nothing can escape--not even light.

administer respectable massive restore raise 1. they ______ the old building and opened it to the public.

administer respectable massive restore raise 2. the concert will ______ funds for aids research.

administer respectable massive restore raise 3. those nurses were trained to ___________ painkillers.

administer respectable massive restore raise 4. the explosion made a ___________ hole in the ground.

administer respectable massive restore raise 5. economic growth has averaged a ___________ 2.5 percent.

it took the government three years to _____ the economy to full strength.

i always _____ the ell of baking with my childhood.

we hope that they're going to _____ justice impartially

the girls listened in ____ as the story unfolded.

every bit of his dignity and ____ was swept into the dust.

i can hardly express my ____ to you for your help.

when teachers ____ homework, students usually feel an obligation to do it.

her name has been mentioned as a favoured leadership____.

after the war, they built a tower to commemorate their victory.

it promised to be a more difficult ____ than might appear at first sight.

ultimate sample highlight responsible stain ① they should be _____ for planning and carrying the fnancial policies of the company.

ultimate sample highlight responsible stain ② no final decision has been _____ taken, but it seems likely that the two ompanies could merge in the near future.

ultimate sample highlight responsible stain ③ the girl was very upset because she could not get these coffee _____ out of the new carpet.

ultimate sample highlight responsible stain ④ they said that they would innovate with persistence to _____ the product in the coming year.

ultimate sample highlight responsible stain ⑤ i got a free _____ of eye shadow. could you show me how to use it?

children should have glasses which_____ out uv rays.

i accept that the romance may have gone out of the marriage, but surely this is true _______ many couples.

and that _____ in his eyes when he talks about it – i can imagine his passion left a great impression on the girl.

the word "illuminating" (para. 1) has the closest meaning to __________.

at harvard, the only mandatory class for freshmen is an expository writing class. the underlined word is the opposite to _____.

the cuisine is a highlight for freshmen at harvard.

encounter, as a verb, means to meet someone without planning to (formal).

bulk carriers means 散货船.

it is common to see men to manage family budget in traditional malay families.

appoint dedicate impact major release ① how do you evaluate the _____ of this incident?

appoint dedicate impact major release ② drug abuse has long been a _____ problem for the local government.

appoint dedicate impact major release ③ he is _____ an album of love songs.

appoint dedicate impact major release ④ the design has to _____ to all ages and social groups.

appoint dedicate impact major release ⑤ they have _____ a new head teacher at my son’s school.

"mass hysteria resulted wherever the beatles appeared, and beatlemania was created." how do you understand "beatlemania"?

why did steven stark, cultural historian, spend three years in liverpool?

"julia", written by lennon, was named for and _____ to his mother.

their appearance had such an impact that most normal activities came to a _____.

although the traffic is not busy, he likes to drive at a _____ speed.

all the memories of his childhood had _____ from his mind by the time he was 65.

this river is so big that it is impossible to build a _____ under it without modern technology.

the _____ is nearly dead , so i can not start the car again.

the people of malay, india or indonesian greet, wave or eat with their _____ hand, but use their _____ hand with the bathroom.

when you go to dinner at one restaurant in singapore, it'll charge you _____ percent of _____ fee.

associate embrace receptive gradual ban ①today, oking is_____ in public rooms and on public transport in many places.

associate embrace receptive gradual ban ② one of the goals of an education is to make people more _____ to social norms.

associate embrace receptive gradual ban ③ in western countries, the number 13 is often _____ with misfortune.

associate embrace receptive gradual ban ④ mobile communication has _____ influenced people’s lives in a deep way.

associate embrace receptive gradual ban ⑤ people in higher socioeconomic classes were the first to _____ social trends.

one of the goals of an education is to make people more ______ to social norms.

running these engines requires the _____ of only a all amount of fuel.

the name of the united states _____ to implement this new system at a number of the country’s airports is called nextgen.

in philippines, the importance of the host and the occasion are measured by the amount of _____served.

since filipinos are fond of ____ foods, a mixture of instant coffee,evaporated milk,and sugar may be served.

failure to kick the oking habit may put a drag on social life.

sisters and brothers have the most influence on another person’s oking behaviour.

people who quit oking will affect others through the network.

as oking became less and less popular, okers move to the fringe of social clusters while oking quitters had more connections.

distraction addiction fantasy interactive finacial ② can a 7-year-old boy clearly distinguish reality from _____ ?

distraction addiction fantasy interactive finacial ③ the decision, widely expected by economists, had little impact on the _____ market.

maybe if i tried to manage my time more effectively and didn't _______ so much, i could get more done.

the students will be expected to undertake learning tasks between classes and to participate in computer-based ___________ learning environment.

but as i said the internet is the gateway to _______ information and access to everything one can imagine.

all planes are grounded _______ fog, we have to delay our plan.

why do we call rail transport is a "green" system?

what is the chinese equivalent of "unit train"?

what are the typical features of suzhou garden?

why do so many of us love to surf internet?

accomplish activate employ reflect specific ① click on the link in the email to _____ your account.

accomplish activate employ reflect specific ④ you should _____ these in the requirements and business rules.

accomplish activate employ reflect specific ⑤ we will manage to _____ the task in time even though it is diffcult.

what is the part of speech of "accomplished"?

what skills are needed to _____ this machinery?

what is the main purpose of a graphic organizer?

what are the 5cs?

in "the importance of transportation", what are the five factors?

taking notes by computers are better than by hand.

subsequence means things that happen later.

transport route means交通运输方式.

i can hardly express my ____ to you for your help.

when teachers ____ homework, students usually feel an obligation to do it.

her name has been mentioned as a favoured leadership____.

after the war, they built a tower to ______ their victory.

it promised to be a more difficult ____ than might appear at first sight.

at harvard, the only mandatory class for freshmen is an expository writing class. the underlined word is the opposite to _____.

the audience are dressed in a _______ of ways in the grand theatre.

"…lofty ceilings are all made of gorgeous, dark wood that is so impeccably polished that it shines.” the underlined word means________.

“…the hall is hung with chandeliers, has vibrantly colored stained glass windows….”. “stain” here has the closest meaning to _______.

his marketing team has been the greatest_______ for the company.

"julia", written by lennon, was named for and _____ to his mother.

their appearance had such an impact that most normal activities came to a _____.

although the traffic is not busy, he likes to drive at a _____ speed.

this river is so big that it is impossible to build a _____ under it without modern technology.

the cuisine is a highlight for freshmen at harvard.

encounter, as a verb, means to meet someone without planning to formal.

bulk carriers means 散货船.

it is common to see men to manage family budget in traditional malay families.

according to the passage, matriarchal society has great impact on beatles in term of writing.

a maglev train may power its engine by generating power through coils.

smokers who fail to kick the oking habit may miss a chance to make new friends. which of the following is not the correct meaning of the underlined word?

one of the goals of an education is to make people more ______ to social norms.

marine construction technology like this is very complex, somewhat ogous ___trying to build a bridge under water.

the group discussion has _____ some light on the problem.

in philippines, the importance of the host and the occasion are measured by the amount of _____served.

running these engines requires the _____ of only a all amount of fuel.

what is the new addiction at stony brook university?

________ studies already link the first meal of the day to better classroom performance.

the school is trying its best to make more accommodation _________.

we should never ________ influence we can have on the children we love.

what skills are needed to _____ this machinery?

sisters and brothers have the most influence on another person’s oking behaviour.

as oking became less and less popular, okers move to the fringe of social clusters while oking quitters had more connections.

money, in addition to good spirits, is lost as time is spent _________ in the car or bus.

no direct interaction with the internet is found because of high-speed access and other technological advances.

taking notes by computers are better than by hand.

metacognitive strategies help students understand the way they learn.