
随行课堂问答 7127

ctcs的体系结构按铁路运输管理层、网络传输层、地面设备层和( )配置。

地面设备层主要包括( )、轨道电路和点式设备、接口单元、无线通信模块等。

不属于ctcs系统中地面设备层设备的是( )。










lkj包括装设于机车、动车组上的( )以及与之配套的速度和压力传感器、信息输入、信息输出和连接设备等。

监控装置输出的常用指令控制的是机车上的( )。

光电式速度传感器输出的是( )信号。

监控装置的三大功能是:防止列车冒进信号、防止列车超速、运行记录。 ( )

lkj2000型监控装置四路压力传感器信号分别为列车管压力、制动缸压力、两路均衡风缸传感器的电压输出信号。( )

地面信息处理插件主要由四个功能单元组成即:信息处理及dsp最小系统、模拟量输入单元、信息交换单元、指示灯驱动电路单元。( )

万用表是电气工程中常用的多功能、多量程的电工仪表,一般万用表可用来测量直流电压、直流电流、交流电压和电阻。( )

电压表的灵敏度是表达电压表对被测电路影响程度的重要指标,它以电压表的每伏内阻来表示。电压表的灵敏度越高,其内阻就越大,对被测电路的影响就小。( )

通过单通道速度信号的相位差与前后工况的比较实现列车防溜称为相位防溜。( )

利用铁路线路的钢轨作导体,用以检查有无列车、传递列车占用信息以及其它信号信息的电路称之为轨道电路。( )

ctcs针对不同的线路、不同的闭塞技术可划分为( )等级

以目标速度、目标距离、线路条件、列车特性为基础生成的保证列车安全运行的一次制动模式曲线,叫做( )。

列控车载设备的拨码开关设定必须在列控车载设备( )切断时进行。

tax箱的( )插件作用:用于对司机车机联控进行录音,并进行语音回放、检索功能。

所有登顶人员每人需到( )领取门禁卡,确保一人一卡,上下车顶时必须人人刷卡进出。




应答器的主要用途是向列控车载设备提供可靠的地面( )。

有源应答器设置于车站进、出站端,当列车通过应答器时,应答器向列车提供( )信息。

车站列控中心根据根据调度命令、进路状态、线路参数产生进路信息和( )等控车信息。

列控中心的硬件设备结构与车站计算机联锁系统类似,根据列车占用情况及进路状态,通过轨道电路及( )向列车发送控制命令。

( )由车站列控中心控制,轨道电路、车站电码化设备传输连续列控信息,点式应答器、车站列控中心传输点式列控信息。

地面电子单元的缩写字母是( )。

临时限速由( )管理。

应答器编号是由( )组成。



在数据库界曾经获得过图灵奖学者包括( )

数据库管理系统能实现对数据库中数据的查询、插入、修改和删除,这类功能称为( )。

下面列出的数据管理技术发展的三个阶段中,没有专门的软件对数据进行管理的是( )。 i.人工管理阶段 ii.文件系统阶段 iii.数据库阶段

the three major forms of public speaking are speaking to inform, to persuade, and to entertain.

to be a good public speaker, you need to be a good user of language.

communication is the creation of shared understanding through symbolic processes.

in public speaking, receivers also send messages nonverbally while the speaker presents his/her message.

public speaking is a powerful tool for social change and civic participation.

you need critical thinking when preparing your speech.

the nature of public speaking is communication. communication can be defined as:

overall, great public speakers are:

what are the three general purposes for giving speeches?

which element of the speech communication process involves the time and place in which communication occurs?

public speakers who seek to communicate with listeners from cultures other than their own need to take special care to avoid ____ in their speeches.

what are the causes of stage fright in public speaking?

stage fright can be a good thing.

how to deal with stage fright in public speaking?

you can reduce your stage fright by shifting the focus from yourself and your fear to your true purpose, that is, contributing something of value to your audience.

you can reduce your stage fright if you consider your audience as a pile of potatos that you can overlook.

the speaker's biggest enemy is:

speakers must be confident. the best way to become confident is to:

which of the following is recommended as a way to deal with nervousness in your speeches?

stage fright is a condition you should try to totally eliminate.

while of the following is not right?

which sentence about ethics is not correct?

which of the following statement is not right?

please choose the sentence(s) with an error in reasoning.

the hasty generalization fallacy relates to inductive reasoning and is the result of too few examples being cited to warrant the generalization.

unethical speakers usually disguise message through fallacies and deceive listeners to achieve their goals.

what kind of topics are important for a speech?

which of the following is not typically considered to be a guideline for ethical speechmaking?

the most correct way to cite an internet source is:

which of the following students have effectively combined audience ysis with ethics:

when giving a speech, speakers must cite sources by:

ethics refers to fundamental questions of right and wrong in thought and behavior.

which statement about opening is incorrect?

why introduction is important in public speaking?

boring speech usually lacks lively, relevant, and interesting examples or quotations.

supporting matterials help capture and maintain an audience's attention.

speakers need evidence to support what they say.

without relevant examples and solid statistics, a speaker's ideas may be diissed.

for some people, "school" may connote personal growth, and a special teacher; for others, "school" may connote frustration, discipline, and boring homework.

don't use a word until you are sure of its meaning.

concrete words are those words that refer to tangible objects, including people, places, and things.

abstract words are words that refer to ideas or concepts.

in most cases, an introduction should not constitute more than _____% of a speech.

which of the following words or phrases is most concrete?

a speaker plans to give a speech about the development of the pony express. in order to deliver her speech most effectively, she should arrange the main points of her speech in _____ order.

the task is heavy, the toil is long, and the trials will be severe (winston churchill) is an example of

when speakers quote or paraphrase the words of another person to support their ideas, they are using the device of _____ as support.

when researching materials for your speech, you should:

effective speech transitions can help to

the ____ of a speech is its largest portion, in which the speaker places his or her arguments and ideas, substantiation and examples, and proofs and illustrations.

an ______ is a "written plan that uses symbols, margins, and content to reveal the order, importance, and substance of your speech."

phrases which indicate where you are in the speech such as, "first, i will illustrate..., " "a second idea is...," "finally, we will...," "furthermore, you should consider...", and "in conclusion..." are called ___________.

you should adjust the volume of your voice according to the size and the shape of the setting.

if there is a microphone, you should know how to use and adjust to it.

if you speak softly, you may project an unconfident, insincere image and you may lose the interest and attention of your audience.

your personal appearance can give the audience the first impression and impact.

when you speak, your eyes also function as a control device you can use to assure your listener's attentiveness and concentration.

when speak in public, you should look listeners in the eye but avoid fixing your eyes at one person or one area for a long time.

postures deals with how the body is positioned in relation to another person or group of persons.

when you speak, you can shift from foot to foot and swing from side to side.

when you speak, you can move your hands and arms freely.

visual aids are usually used to:

which of the following sentence about using visual aids is correct?

there is a simple rule of moving as a speaker. it is:

when you make eye contact, it connects with the audience because:

when using visual aids in a speech, you should:

when delivering a speech, which of the following means of support is most likely to require the use of visual aids?

each of the following should be used as a guideline for using visual aids to a presentation except

when creating a visual aid, you should keep in mind the size of the room in which you will be speaking? true or false

in most circumstances, a speaker should avoid passing visual aids among the audience? true or false

in most circumstances you should keep your visual aids on display throughout the speech? true or false

a speech to inform shares information with others to enhance their knolwedge or understanding of the information, concepts, and ideas you present.

informative speech should be relevant, new, clear, creative, and different.

you should avoid making your speech too long.

persuasion is the process of creating, reinforcing, or changing people's beliefs or actions.

question of value is a question about the worth, rightness, morality, and so forth of an idea or action.

question of policy is whether a specific course of action should be or should not be taken.

which of the following is an instance of persuasive speaking:

the three types of questions that give rise to persuasive speeches are

what are the 5 steps of the monroe sequence?

persuasive speeches typically involve each of the following except questions of

which of the following is not a guideline that should be followed in the composition of a speaker's purpose statement? it should

_____ is the detailed explanation of facts and ideas.

each of the following is a common function of a speech of presentation except

when you give a persuasive speech on a question of value, you need to:

" to persuade my audience that lee harvey oswald was the sole assassin of president john f. kennedy" is a specific purpose statement for a persuasive speech on a question of fact. true or false

questions of policy inevitably incorporate questions of fact. true or false

"to persuade my audience that capital punishment does not deter people from committing crimes such as murder: is a specific purpose statement for a persuasive speech on a question of policy.

persuasive speeches on questions of ____ judge whether something is good or bad, right or wrong, fair or unfair.

good delivery is listener-centered.

you should avoid wearing anything that will detract audience when delivering a speech.

demographic ysis involves age, gender, culture, ethnicity, race, religion, and educational level.

enviromental ysis is finding out things like the seating arrangement, the number of people likely to attend, and the room lighting.

if you are writing a persuasive speech, it is important to find out the audience's interest level in the topic, their knowledge, and attitude.

you should fabricate information to please your audience.

because of differences in value system, as listeners, we often reject conflicting ideas and retain our original point of view.

as a listener, you cannot interrupt the speaker.

when you evaluate speeches, you are engaging in a feedback process that makes you a speech critic.

as you criticize the strengths and weaknesses of speakers, keep in mind that your comments help your ctes develop as speakers.

speakers often get de-railed when they make a mistake. the way to handle that is :

which of the following is recommended as a way to improve your listening?

when listening for a speaker's evidence, you should keep an ear out for its

in a persuasive speech, a speaker must be concerned with the audience's

if you want to persuade a skeptical audience, which of the following is the most important for you to do in your speech?

before a speech, a speaker should consider audience

which of the following would not be a component of a demographic ysis of an audience?

the quickest way to establish a communicative bond with a group of listeners is usually to

a speaker's credibility is most clearly determined by the audience's perception of

an audience's disposition toward a topic will typically include each of the following except

when delivering an address, the most important listener-related factor is usually

of all the kinds of public speaking, persuasion is the most complex and the most challenging.

when speaking to persuade, you need to think of your speech as a kind of mental dialogue with your audience.

getting the audience's attention is a vital part of a good speech














jane wanted to break up with her boyfriend, but she ________ herself at the last minute and decided to give it another try.

after being set free from prison, the man wished to ________ and lead a respectable life.

it ________ for one to complete several revisions since few people write the first draft perfectly.

in terms of academic achievement, i was never a failure, and will definitely ________ in the future.

the impact of culture shock can ________ from person to person. there can be significant differences because some people may be better prepared to enter a new culture.

it’s _______ in the house, even when it’s sunny outside. (chill)

________ ice at both poles of the earth suggests that the climate is changing rapidly. (melt)

how do birds know when to _______, and how do they find their way back home? (migration)

finding his words _________, the police decided to make further investigation. (suspicion)

to reach ___________, a child must pass through many changes of childhood before stepping into the role of an . (mature)

lucy was not happy as she sensed her huand's great ______ to give reasons for what he had done and where he had been. (reluctant)

colleges have become the most internet-accessible spots in the world.

many college students are using artphones to entertain themselves.

for most undergraduates, non-stop internet connectivity is of little importance.

some colleges increased their budgets for information technology.

high-bandwidth information has little impact on a university’s competiveness.

we regret for selling you the faulty product, and our company has agreed to ________ you by $500.

in a way the human race needs to improve its mental and physical qualities if it is to deal with the more and more ________ world and meet new challenges.

chinese mandarin (普通话) is ________ for foreigners to learn because the changes in the tone will totally change the meaning of words.

________ so many people around, it wasn't convenient to have a long talk with him.

________ the world has ever seen has occurred in the information and communications technologies.

science can now account for many things which were thought to be ________ by ancient people. (mystery)

he has made some attempts to make opera __________ to a wider public. (access)

the _________ population of this all town is about 15,000. (estimate)

to remain _______ in the local market, the quality of our products needs to be improved. (competition)

as an affordable and easy way to get around london, the london underground remains the first choice for millions of commuters each day, as well as tourists ________ the city on holidays. (visit)

i ______ that he had gone for a stroll.

when he was a all kid, he ________ from his peers because he could read fast and remember whatever he read.

the second drawer contains all the documents and _____________ relating to our insurance.

the school has ________ many after-class activity groups for the pupils to make their spare time more colorful.

youngsters who drink and oke, and are often absent from school are far more likely to be ________ from school.

we have full _______ in our victory.

over the past 40 years, great _______ have been made in controlling diseases through improved basic health care and food programs.

each family farms inidually and reaps the _______ of its labor.

by talking to your people, you will be able to _______ their needs and even stop trouble well before a matter becomes serious.

thanks to the internet, students are electronically linked to each other, to professors and to their class work in an ever-____________ river of information and communication. (flow)

they are driven to _______ their term papers by the eagerness to gain a university degree. (fake)

blood pressure ______ from person to person and from moment to moment. (various)

in order for companies to get greater ______ from their workers, each person must continuously do tasks day in and day out. (efficient)

if the case is true, we should be alarmed by the _______ standards of morality and principles of today’s students --- tomorrow’s leaders. (fall)

the ill effects of dishonesty are not _________ to the dishonest person alone. (confinement)

today's college students are surrounded with astonishing resources, ranging from fascinating fellow students, a ______ and caring faculty to a magnificent library and well-equipped residential communities. (learn)

during my stay in the all town, i was deeply impressed by the amazing art museum, the extraordinary history museum and the superb _________ facilities. (athlete)

the universities are going to produce a generation of problem-solvers and intelligent thinkers, which is for the future of the world. (dispense)

when the wolf saw our car _________, it ran away immediately and vanished into the woods. (approach)

滴定分析的相对误差一般要求< 0.1%,滴定时耗用标准溶液的体积应控制在:

已知某水溶液的[oh-]=2.8×10-4 mol/l,该溶液ph的正确表达值为:


恒温下,反应2no2(g) = n2o4(g)达到平衡后的体系中加入惰性气体,则

放热反应2no(g) o2(g) = 2no2(g) 达平衡后,若分别采取① 增加压力;②减少no2的分压;③增加o2分压;④升高温度;⑤加入催化剂,能使平衡向产物方向移动的是:

已知反应反应nh3 (g) = 1/2n2 (g) 3/2h2 (g)的平衡常数为k1,在相同条件下,n2 (g) 3h2 (g) = 2nh3 (g) 的平衡常数为k2,则k1和k2的关系正确的是:






反应nh3 (g) = 1/2n2 (g) 3/2h2 (g)达到平衡后,恒压条件下加入惰性气体,能增大nh3的平衡转化率。



nahco3水溶液的质子条件式为:[h ] [h2co3] = [oh-] [co32-]。





当αy(h) = 1时,表示没有配位剂的酸效应。