which technique does not belong to input-domain testing technique.
there are totally ( ) steps in functional testing.
which one is not involed in exploratory testing?
there are totally () steps to construct a decision table.
random testing must be performed automatically.
adaptive random testing detects more faults than random testing.
anti-random testing detects faults more rapidly than random testing.
in combinatorial testing, pairwise testing need more test cases than 3-way combinatorial testing.
exploratoty testing is one of input-domain testing techniques.
there is a statement “if((a!=1)&&(b<3))” in program, how many test cases are required to achieve 100% mcdc coverage?
there is a statement “if((a!=1)&&(b<3))” in program, how many test cases are required to achieve 100% branch coverage?
which technique does not belong to path coverage techniques.
find the right item that describes the quality of test case.
find the wrong item that describes the quality of test case.
in white-box testing, the statement coverage must achieve 100% by running test cases as many as possible.
in logic testing, the decision coverage must achieve 100% by running test cases as many as possible.
in logic testing, decision coverage is stronger than condition coverage.
in data flow testing, all-du-paths coverage usually covers more paths than all-uses coverage.
in fault-based logic testing, the mutation operator ccf is stronger than the mutation operator orf.
find the right item that describes the objectiveness of software testing.
( ) should be performed before integration testing.
which one is not the reason why it is difficult to observe software failure.
black-box testing should design test cases according to ( )?
find the right item that describes the quality of test case.
find the wrong item that describes the quality of test case.
which one is not the advantage of random testing.
which one is the advantage of adaptive random testing.
there are totally ( ) steps in functional testing.
there are totally ( ) steps to construct a decision table.
which one is not involved in exploratory testing?
which technique does not belong to input-domain testing technique.
there is a statement “if((a!=1)&&(b<3))” in program, how many test cases are required to achieve 100% condition coverage?
there is a statement “if((a!=1)&&(b<3))” in program, how many test cases are required to achieve 100% decision coverage?
which technique does not belong to path coverage techniques.
which one is the tool for combinatorial testing?
which one is the tool for performance testing?
which one is not the tool for web testing?
which technique does not belong to data-flow testing.
there are ( ) basic paths for the following program. int fun(int count, int flag) { int temp=0; while(count>0){ if(0==flag){ temp=count 100; } else{ if(1==flag) temp=temp 10; else temp=temp 20; } count--; } return temp; }
software fault is a static defect in the software.
debugging is to reveal bugs in software.
gray-box testing is to merge black-box testing and white-box testing.
stress testing is one of performance testing.
adaptive random testing detects faults more rapidly than random testing.
anti-random testing detects more faults than random testing.
in combinatorial testing, 3-way combinatorial testing need more test cases than pairwise combinatorial testing.
in white-box testing, the branch coverage must achieve 100% by running test cases as many as possible.
in logic testing, the decision/condition coverage must achieve 100% by running test cases as many as possible.
in logic testing, condition coverage is stronger than decision coverage.
in data flow testing, all-du-paths coverage usually covers more paths than all-defs coverage.
in fault-based logic testing, the mutation operator cdf is stronger than the mutation operator asf.
if there are n conditions in a decision table, then there must be 2^n rules in such decision table.
there should be an expected result in a test case.
there may be a fault, which cannot be revealed by any test cases.
for following program: void fun(int a, int b, int c, int d) { if((a>=2) && (d<=5)) if (!(b<3) || !(c>4)) … } need ( ) test cases to achieve branch coverage.