the ultimate aim of the local colorists is to create the illusion of an indigenous little world with qualities that tell it apart from the world outside. ( )
蒲丰的投针试验计算圆周率π,编写成r模拟程序如下 buffon<-function(n, l=0.8, a=1){ k<-0 theta<-runif(n,0, pi); x<-runif(n,0, ) for (i in 1:n){ if (x[i]<= l/2*sin(theta[i])) k<-k 1 } 2*l*n/(k*a) } 其中 正确的是
网络调研发展分阶段1、2、3,其中阶段1是指( )
benjamin franklin seemed to represent the age of reason and revolution in his paradoxical faith in both social order and in natural rights, in love of stability and devotion to revolutionary change.( )
thomas jefferson’s attitude, that is, a firm belief in progress, and the pursuit of happiness, is typical of the period we now call ( ).
with william dean howells, henry james and mark twain active on the scene, ( ) became the major trend in the 1870s and 1980s.