in 1955, the first major american theme park——________, was established in anaheim, california.
【单选题】莫高窟被称为世界最大的艺术宝库之一,主要是因为( )
下列属于二十四节气的是() the following belong to the 24 solar terms ( )
中秋既是节气又是节日。 the mid autumn festival is both a solar term and a festival.
的直辖市有( ) municipalities directly under the central government of china are ()
世界上最大的青铜器后(司)母戊方鼎是在哪里出土的? where is the world's largest bronze houmuwu square ding unearthed?
目前的调水工程有_____________、引滦入津、引黄济青等。 at present, china's water transfer projects include: _________________________, luan river to tianjin, yellow river to qingdao, etc.
的国旗是() the national flag of china is ()
“立春”中的“立”是什么意思? what is the meaning of "li" in "li chun"?
保险法规定保险公司注册资本的最低限额是币( )
“桂林山水甲天下”,象鼻山是桂林的一景。( ) "the landscape of guilin is the best in the world", xiangbi mountain is a landscape of guilin. ( )
公元前221年_________________统一了。 in 221 bc,______________unified china.