irish people often some coffee into the pot when they make irish stew.
创立一个企业一般需要什么资源?( )
高铁是由发明的,所以被称为的“新四大发明”之一。() high speed rail was invented by china, so it is called one of the "four new inventions" of china.()
canada is famous for its high-quality wine.
in the early 1930s, the american foreign policy was isolationi, but the ______ suddenly changed the whole situation, which propelled the u.s. into world war ii.
who are the maori?
new zealand has only one time zone.
australia used to be a penal colony for british government in history.
因为市场变化太快,早期资金投放不需要前期计划。( )
many introduced animals and plants are popular among australians.
商业计划评估阶段需要对产品的卖点进行准确评估。( )
hong kong was transferred to china in 1997.
the americans are accustomed to giving tips for those who serve them.