
高考习题 3296



























沟通功能属于团队领导力关键功能之一 。


















































































热平衡时黑体辐射的能量密度由 决定。

证明光子同时具有能量和动量的科学实验是 。

产生激光的基本物理过程是 。

根据经典的麦克斯韦理论,空腔中某模式的电磁波,其能量与光波的 有关。

关于自发辐射和受激辐射,下面说法不正确的是 。

关于爱因斯坦关系式,下列说法中错误的是 。

实现受激辐射光放大的必要条件是 。

热平衡的黑体辐射不包括以下 过程。


激光必定具备的特性是 。






热平衡条件下,温度越高时黑体辐射的单色能量密度峰值对应的光波长越 。

激光器一般由谐振腔、 和泵浦源三个部分组成。

自发辐射的速率a21由原子的 决定。

光学正反馈条件是指光波在腔内任意位置出发,在腔内往返一周产生的相位是2π的整数倍,光学正反馈条件也可以表示为腔长等于 的整数倍。

激光具有很高的光子简并度,因此激光相对于普通光源一般都具有 、 相干性好、方向性好、亮度高的优点。

















the word “etiquette” comes from german and means a code of good manners and behaviors for social interactions in english.

customs refer to short-established social rules that are considered acceptable or normal behavior in any situation.

etiquettes and customs are not written in law but are shared throughout a community.

generally speaking, good manners, politeness, friendliness and consideration for others are considered important and valuable by the most people.

we can address a lady “ms” if we are not sure if she’s married or not.

since americans don’t have inherited titles, we should address them their first names all the time.

the ill and physically unable people can remain seated when being introduced.

where to sit in a western dinner is often determined by the identities and social status of diners.

in a western dinner, the most important female guest always sits to the right of the hostess.

the appetizer is always served as the second dish after soup in a western dinner.

wines should be served in the sequence "white before red, light before heavy, young before old".

the tradition of wearing white gown in the western wedding started from __________.

the bride should wear “something blue”, which represents a ________ to love and marriage.

the spectacular royal wedding of prince william took place in __________.

for most americans, a typical american marriage is based on __________.

in the uk, on the 29th of february in a leap year, the girl can propose to her partner.

when the groom lifts the veil and kisses his bride, the wedding is over.

compared with wedding ceremony in britain, marriage traditions in america are more free and flexible.

in the uk, the reason for tipping is to show your appreciation for the service.

in restaurants in america, if you do not pay the service, you have not paid the entire bill.

if you meet some western friends for the first time, it is appropriate to give gifts between each other.

westerners like to give and receive all, simple and inexpensive gifts to their friends. _________

the legal age to purchase alcohol is 18 in both britain and america.

for most americans, a typical american marriage is based on __________.

the royal wedding of prince william took place in __________.

the bride should wear “something blue”, which represents a ________ to love and marriage

the tradition of wearing white gown in the western wedding started from __________.

in western countries, people usually have dinners around ___________ tables.

the order of using folks and knives in western dinners is _____________.

generally speaking, people pay __________ of the total price of the service in america.

the legal age to drink in america is _____________.

the word “etiquette” comes from german and means a code of good manners and behaviors for social interactions in english. _______

customs refer to short-established social rules that are considered acceptable or normal behavior in any situation. _______

etiquettes and customs are not written in law but are shared throughout a community. ______

we can address a lady “ms” if we are not sure if she’s married or not._________

since americans don’t have inherited titles, we should address them their first names all the time. __________

the ill and physically unable people can remain seated when being introduced.________

where to sit in a western dinner is often determined by the identities and social status of diners. __________

in a western dinner, the most important female guest always sits to the right of the hostess._______

the appetizer is always served as the second dish after soup in a western dinner.________

in the uk, on the 29th of february in a leap year, the girl can propose to her partner._________

when the groom lifts the veil and kisses his bride, the wedding is over._________

compared with wedding ceremony in britain, marriage traditions in america are more free and flexible._________

________ is the official name of britain.

the full name of britain is the united kingdom of _________ britain and __________.

there are _______ parts in great britain and ________ parts in britain.

british isles include two large islands: _________ and ireland island.

the capital of the republic of ireland is _________.

the longest river in britain is _____________.

britain enjoys a ______________ climate.

“if winter comes, will spring be far behind?”comes from ode to the ______ wind by shelly.

the acts of union 1707 made the kingdoms of england and ________ united to form great britain.

july is normally the best month in a year and the west wind from the atlantic is the warmest.

jane austen has written “pride and prejudice”, “sense and sensibility” and other novels.

“ladies and gentlemen” only refers to those cultured and refined men and women. _______

scotland takes up half of great britain and is the second largest country in the uk.

the american movie “a water horse” is based on the tale of monster in loch ness.

kilt, tartan and bagpipe are all characteristic of scotland.

2014 referendum is the first time for the scottish to pursue freedom from the united kingdom.

in 2016 scotland still remains in the territory of the united kingdom.

the scots, welsh and irish are descendents of ___________.

wales is located in the _________ of great britain.

wales was not conquered by the english until __________.

the giant’s causeway was located in __________.

the capital of northern ireland is ____________.

much of the land in wales is pasture and only 22% of the land is arable. _________

today, a quarter of the welsh still speak welsh as their first language. _________

the greatest event of the year of northern ireland is the national eisteddfod. __________

the majority of northern irish people wanted to be independent but was forced to remain within the united kingdom. ___________

the nickname of ______ is “the grandmother of europe”.

the house of windsor starts from _________.

_________ ruled britain in shakespeare’s time.

the monarchy in britain has been passed in succession in the past 1000 years and has never been broken. _______

the age of constitutional monarchy began after the glorious revolution. _________

the king or the queen is the head of the uk and has no real power. _________

the members of the royal family have to earn money to support themselves. _________

________ is the official name of britain.

the full name of britain is the united kingdom of _________ britain and __________.

there are _______ parts in great britain and ________ parts in britain.

the longest river in britain is _____________.

britain enjoys a ______________ climate.

“if winter comes, will spring be far behind?”comes from ode to the ______ wind by shelly.

the scots, welsh and irish are descendents of ___________.

wales is located in the _________ of great britain.

the giant’s causeway was located in __________.

up until now, queen elizabeth has ruled in britain for over __________ decades.

queen elizabeth ii ruled britain in shakespeare’s time.

the house of windsor starts from george vii.

queen elizabeth i is the present monarch of the uk.

the nickname of queen victoria is “the grandmother of europe”.

the pennies is known as the backbone of england.

in england, it is cold in winter and hot in summer.

stonehenge is a famous monument dated from the 16th century.

scotland takes up half of great britain and is the second largest country in the uk.

the american movie “a water horse” is based on the tale of monster in river thames

kilt, tartan and bagpipe are all characteristic of wales. ________

the french and indian war was started owing to ______

french and indian war was between ______________.

which of the following is not included in the stamp act to tax on?

where was the first continental congress held?

1. which day is america’s national day or independence day?

2. who drafted declaration of independence?

3. who was the first president of america?

4. where was the second continental congress held?

1. the 1783 treaty of paris with great britain defined the large expansion of land west to__________

2. how far did captain meriwether lewis and the second lieutenant william clark reach on the journey commissioned by thomas jefferson?

3. which state is the place attracting thousands of gold-seekers?

4. which of the following state is secured by mexican-american war?

1. which of the following state is not slave-holding state in 1860?

2. which book conveyed the message that slavery was the root of social cruelty?

3. which is the hidden weapon that lincoln employed to fight with confederate army and finally achieved the reunion of the nation?

the french and indian war was started owing to ______

which of the following is not included in the stamp act to tax on?

where was the first continental congress held?

which day is america’s national day or independence day?

who drafted declaration of independence?

the 1783 treaty of paris with great britain defined the large expansion of land west to__________

how far did captain meriwether lewis and the second lieutenant william clark reach on the journey commissioned by thomas jefferson?

which state is the place attracting thousands of gold-seekers?

which of the following state is not slave-holding state in 1860?

which book conveyed the message that slavery was the root of social cruelty?

military tactics was the hidden weapon that lincoln employed to fight with confederate army and finally achieved the reunion of the nation.

texas was secured by mexican-american war.

the second continental congress was held in boston.

french and indian war was between french and indians.

thomas jefferson was the first president of america.

in 1803, president john admas made the biggest real estate deal and bought the vast louisiana from napoleon.

the successful ending of the french and indian war extended england's territory to the mississippi.

the leader of underground railroad harriet tubman helped many slaves escape.

the second continental congress appointed thomas jefferson as the first president of america.

the peace treaty was signed in 1776, in which the independence, freedom and sovereignty of the 13 states were acknowledged.

chinese people celebrate new year's day on unfixed date on february.

the traditional song 'auld lang syne'means looking forward to the new good days.

new year's resolution made on new year's day can always be realized the next year.

one of the activities on christmas for americans is to listen to the queen's speech.

easter's day, meaning the resurrection of jesus christ, is a holiday for christians.

martin luther king jr. is a civil right leader advocating non-violent action as a way to reform discriminatory law in america

presidents’ day emphasize two greatest presidents of the us: george washington and thomas jefferson.

today, you can still see surviving combat veterans from wwi marching on memorial day.

columbus day is especially popular for italian american because christopher columbus who first discovered americas is an italian explorer.

independence day is also called national day.

the first thanksgiving day was celebrated by the pilgrims from europe for a good harvest and extending thanks to the native indians who helped them through the first winter.

may day in england is to welcome the oncoming summer as flower begin to blossom around that time.

the first may day celebration was held in memory of roman goddess of flora.

boxing day is a day before christmas on which the employees will receive the christmas box from their employers.

boxing day is the busiest day for shopping before christmas begins.

in high middle ages, valentine’s day is connected to the courtly love.

valentine’s day is only celebrated by lovers.

april fool’s day is light-hearted and just for entertainment.

eating pumpkin pie is one of the activities to celebrate halloween.

carved pumpkins are used to scare away vampires, according to some superstitious people.

____________ is a civil right leader advocating non-violent action as a way to reform discriminatory law in america.

columbus day is especially popular for _________ american because christopher columbus who first discovered american is an _________ explorer.

the first thanksgiving day was celebrated by the ________ from europe for a good harvest and extending thanks to the native indians who helped them through the first winter.

the first may day celebration was held in memory of roman goddess of ________.

in high middle ages, valentine’s day is connected to the _____________.

presidents’day emphasize two greatest presidents of the us: _______________________________

the traditional song “auld lang syne” means looking forward to _______________.

for christians, easter's day is a holiday centered around the ______________of jesus christ.

____________________ is also called national day.

boxing day is a holiday on which _________will receive the christmas box from their __________.

chinese people celebrate new year’s day on unfixed date in february.

new year’s resolution made on new year's day is always realized the next year.

in britain, one of the activities on christmas is to watch the queen’s christmas speech.

today, you can still see surviving combat veterans from wwi marching on memorial day.

may day in england is to welcome the oncoming summer as flower begin to blossom around that time.

boxing day is the busiest day for shopping before christmas begins.

valentine’s day is only celebrated by lovers.

april fool’s day is light-hearted and just for entertainment.

jack-o'-lantern symbolizes the souls of the dead.

carved pumpkins are used to scare away vampires, according to some superstitious people.

english is an official language of nearly ________ sovereign states.

in number of native speakers and language learners, english is the ________ language in the world.

the most native speakers of english live in _________.

english belongs to the _________ branch of the indo-european language family.

old english was mainly derived from the dialects of _________.

the origin of the words like “sky”, “egg”, “window” are from _________ countries.

“the canterbury tales” was written by _________.

proto-indo-european is believed to be the ancestor of most european languages, such as greek, german, spanish, french and italian.

the history of english can be briefly ided into three periods: old english, middle english and modern english.

english script and alphabetic system were from greek.

in 1588, england defeated the famous fleet armada from __________.

in 1604,a dictionary of the english language was published by ______________.

the sudden vowel shift in the history of english helped to shape ________ english.

which country does the loan word "lychee" come from?

which country does the loan word "yoghurt" come from?

which country does the loan word "violin" come from?

which country does the loan word "alcohol" come from?

which country does the loan word "shampoo" come from?

william shakespeare is a great writer in the _____________ language.

shakespeare was born in a all town in _______________.

shakespeare wrote 154 ___________ and some verses in his lifetime.

romeo and juliet is one of the most famous _____________ of shakespeare.

as you like it is a _____________.

romeo and juliet is one of the four most famous tragedies of shakespeare.

ben johnson described shakespeare as “ he belonged to all time”.

william shakespeare wrote 40 plays in his lifetime.

for something that has occurred in the recent past, bre tends to use the simple tense while ame shows the preference for the present perfect tense.

for the meaning of "在周末", british people" prefer to use "at the weekend" while american people will prefer "on the weekend".

for the meaning of "全家在看电视", british english will use "the family is watching tv." and american english will prefer "the family are watching tv.".

the word "颜色" is spelt in british english as "color".

the word "组织" is spelt in american english as "organize".

the word "中心" is spelt in british english as "centre".

the word "许可证" is spelt in american english as "licence".

in british english, "糖果" is expressed as candies.

the american expression of "玉米" is corn.

many words from hindi flew back to english, such as “bungalow”, “coolie”, “cashmere”, “ pajamas” and “yoga”.

now, english is used as the first language and official language in singapore.

in 1985, the people's republic of china made english the main foreign language in education.

in number of native speakers and language learners, english is the ________ language in the world.

the most native speakers of english live in _________.

old english was mainly derived from the dialects of _________.

in 1588, england defeated the famous fleet armada from __________.

a dictionary of the english language was published by _________.

the sudden vowel shift in the history of english helped to shape ________ english.

william shakespeare is a great writer in the _____________ language.

shakespeare was born in a all town in _______________.

shakespeare wrote 154 ___________ and some verses in his lifetime.

as you like it is a _____________

proto-indo-european is believed to be the ancestor of most european languages, such as greek, german, spanish, french and italian.

the history of english can be ided into three periods: old english, middle english and modern english.

english script and alphabetic system were from greek.

the expression of“电梯” in american english is elevator.

the expression of “斑马线” in british english is pavement.

shakespeare wrote 42 plays in his lifetime.

romeo and juliet is one of the four most famous tragedies of shakespeare.

many words from hindi flew back to english, such as “bungalow”, “coolie”, “cashmere”, “ pajamas” and “yoga”.

now, english is used as the first language and official language in singapore.

in 1982, english became the main foreign language taught in schools of people's republic of china.

which of the following food does not belong to british traditional food?

full english breakfast is a very substantial meal enjoyed by both the nobility and the working class.

a traditional english breakfast usually consists of eggs, bacon, sausages, fried bread, baked beans, black pudding, tomatoes and mushrooms.

a full english breakfast is same in different regions in britain.

many british and irish cafés and pubs serve the full english breakfast at any time as an "all-day breakfast".

a typical sunday roast usually consists of roasted meat, roast potato or mashed potato, with accompaniments such as yorkshire pudding, stuffing, vegetables and gravy.

the most common joints for sunday roast are beef, lamb or pork. chicken is not popular.

which of the following statements is not true?

the history of fast food in america runs parallel to the invention of the car.

fast food franchises became quite popular thanks to their standardized menus, signage, and advertising.

in china, the first 24-hour fast food restaurant was opened in the tang dynasty.

the friendly carhop person began to wear roller skates to speed service by the 1980s.

which of the following statements about tea is false?

which of the following statements about boston tea party was true?

the monopoly on imports held by the merchants of the east india company kept tea prices artificially high to protect profits, and on top of this government imposed a high level of duty.

to avoid taxation and cater for the increasing need of tea, uggling and eration appeared.

after the cut of the taxation, there was a matter involving tea in american colonies, known as “boston tea party”, which eventually sparked off the american war of independence.

which of the following statements about coffee was false?

seattle can be called america’s capital of caffeine.

starbucks has grown into the second largest coffeehouse company in the world.

america is the largest producer of coffee in the world.

the world's first starbucks opened in new york.

which of the following statements is not true about british pub etiquette?

what can you enjoy at a british pub?

which of the following statements is true about the cocktail party?

the history of british pubs can be traced back to roman taverns.

people will wait in line to buy drinks if there are many people in a british pub.

which of the following food belongs to british traditional food?

which of the following statements is not true?

which of the following statements about tea is false?

which of the following statements about boston tea party was true?

which of the following statements about coffee was false?

which of the following statements is true about british pub etiquette?

what can you enjoy at a british pub?

which of the following statements is true about the cocktail party?

what can you find in a typical full english breakfast?

which of the following statements is true about a british pub?

the full english breakfast is a substantial meal for the rich people, not the working class.

the history of fast food in america runs parallel to the invention of the car.

fast food franchises became quite popular thanks to their standardized menus, signage, and advertising.

the best pubs don't have tvs.

starbucks has grown into the second largest coffeehouse company in the world.

banger and mash is a traditional american dish.

the pub owner would sound a bell indicating last orders at around 10:00.

cocktail is an american invention.

sunday roast can only be enjoyed on sundays as its name indicates.

nowadays the fish and chips are not allowed to be wrapped in newspapers.

which subject is the compulsory subject to american students?

which examination should a student attend if he wants to go to the university in the uk?

3. how many years must a british student study in the university?

1. the university of cambridge was established in ________

. 2. in the following universities, which one doesn’t belong to the ivy league in america________?

in the following celebrities, who was not a graduate from cambridge university_________.

before you start your application, what’s the first thing you have to do?

what are needed in your college application process except________?

what is the most necessary material you need to submit if you want to apply to an undergraduate degree?

the score of toefl that a test taker gets can be hold valid for ________ years.

which of the following sentences about those international tests are true except ________?

ets has _________ toefl test centers in________ different countries.

which examination should a student attend if he wants to go to the university in the uk?

the university of cambridge was established in ________

what is the most necessary material you need to submit if you want to apply to an undergraduate degree?

which of the following sentences about those international tests are true except ________?

ets has _________ tofel test centers in________ different countries.

which subject is the compulsory subject to american students?

in the following celebrities, who was not graduate from cambridge university_________.

in the following universities, which one doesn’t belong to the ivy league in america________?

how many years for a british student need to study in the university?

what are needed in your application process except________?

america does not have a country-level education system or curriculum applied to the entire country. __________

cambridge is the first-oldest university in the english-speaking world. __________

harvard university is one of the ivy league in america. ________

full education is compulsory for all children who range from age 5 to 17._________

most children attend kindergarten when they are 4 in america.__________

before you start your application, the first thing you have to do is to make a careful plan about how to find the best schools that suit your needs._________

the score of tefol that a test taker gets can be hold valid for 5 years.________

dartmouth college doesn't belong to the ivy league in america. _______

the ivy league is consisted of eight schools in america. ______

toefl is a test of english language proficiency for non-native english speakers who wish to enroll in american universities. ______