
电子信息题库 0224






























【判断题】“中科大透射电镜”与“透射电镜 site:ustc.edu.cn”两个搜索命令搜索出来的结果是完全相同的。()




































































【多选题】endnote x9新增的功能包括()。







【判断题】文献引用可以通过ctrl c、ctrl v或者直接拖拽等方式来实现。()






























































































【单选题】李子勋老师在关于“自我”的讲解中提到脂肪时所持的观点不包括( )。


【单选题】两性亲密等级划分不包括( )。

【判断题】两性亲密等级的判断可以通过身体的开放度来标记。( )

【单选题】关于自性简单来说就是对自己身体的抚慰,下列关于自性的说法不正确的是( )。

【判断题】在个体性发展的过程中,你首先要处理好与自己的关系,然后才能处理好与他人、社会的关系。( )

【多选题】从生命科学立场来看安全的,我们主要关注:( )。

【判断题】两性关系中平等是最重要的,与人格不全,性格怪异,或者具有攻击暴力倾向的男子发展性是不安全的。( )

【单选题】大学生中需要一种有效的生活态度,有效意味着我们要跟生活定一个重要等级,以下最重要的是:( )。

【判断题】自体也不完全是对身体皮肤的抚摸,在很大程度上是一种对自己的精神恋情。( )

【单选题】出现性时,我们的大脑会分泌一种叫做( )的神经递质。

【判断题】多巴胺是大脑分泌的一种神经递质,分泌量的多少,直接影响性的强弱。( )

【多选题】心理学的性压抑理论认为:( )。

【多选题】在社会心理层面,青年的性困惑主要表现在哪些方面?( )

【判断题】社会调查显示,大学生恋情最终发展为婚姻的成功率非常低,主要原因是这一阶段男生心性还不稳定,未来变数大。( )

【单选题】违愿是指违背自己的意愿而发生性关系,下列表述不属于违愿的是( )。

【判断题】因为害怕或者被控制而发生的情爱关系是一种如愿的行为。( )

【单选题】我们需要建立什么样性道德是情爱双方都要思考的问题,那么我们应遵循的一般的道德标准不包括( )。

【判断题】性道德是社会道德的一个重要的组成部分,具有控制功能和调节功能。( )

【多选题】如何对中的男友说"no"是女生必须掌握的技术,预先干预就是方法之一,以下预先干预措施正确的是:( )。

【单选题】在亲密关系中,你还没有准备好要与对方分享你的身体时,可以做出的预先干预不包括( )。

【判断题】拒绝相爱的人对你身体的接触,需要一个温暖且坚定的心,并掌握一定的沟通技巧。( )

【多选题】下列哪些措施能帮助大学的男生女生控制性冲动?( )。

【判断题】在亲密关系中发生性对男女生在心身方面产生的影响是一样的。( )

【判断题】美好的爱情可以让人高尚,不好的爱情可以让人的灵魂沉沦,爱情对人格的成熟有重要影响。( )

【判断题】东西方的情爱观有很大差别,西方更多的强调责任,而东方注重身体的权利。( )

【单选题】李子勋老师忠告女生们:在恋爱中,我们最好避免喜欢上一些性格怪异的男性,喜欢上这样的人,会使两往出现问题的机率增大。这种人不包括( )。

【判断题】人们常说“牌品如人品”,同样对待爱情的态度是考量人品的重要尺度,我们可以从爱情的方式中去读懂一个人。( )

【多选题】我们学习防艾课程的目的是( )。

【多选题】通过防艾专题内容的学习,大学生防艾的正确态度是( )。

【多选题】hiv造成人体免疫系统的崩溃,表现在( )。

【多选题】hiv对外界的抵抗力较弱,表现在( )。

【单选题】感染hiv后一般会经历的( )个阶段。

【判断题】hiv急性感染期的症状可能非常轻微。( )

【多选题】hiv传播途径包括( )。

【判断题】患者的传染性最强。( )

【判断题】有些hiv感染者并不清楚自己的感染状态,是传染源控制难点之一。( )

【判断题】性活跃人群坚持安全性行为的意志薄弱,是hiv性接触传播不可避免的问题。( )

【单选题】2013年世界卫生组织建议治疗起始时间应提早到患者cd4细胞计数少于( )个/立方毫米的时候。

【单选题】2015年12月1日是第( )个“世界日”,今年活动主题仍为“行动起来,向’零’艾滋迈进”。

【判断题】hiv感染者较早开始抗病毒治疗,可以大大减少机会感染发生,使感染者寿命更长。( )

【判断题】由于抗病毒治疗降低了hiv感染者体内病毒水平,其传染性会显著减小甚至无传染性。( )

【多选题】积极预防应该做到( )。

【多选题】从控制传染源的角度做到积极预防包括( )。

【多选题】目前高校开展的防艾教育的难点包括( )。

【多选题】目前高校开展的防艾教育形式包括( )。

【多选题】安全性行为abcd法则是指( )。

【多选题】远离的注意事项包括( )。

【多选题】关于hiv自愿咨询检测(vct),表述正确的是( )。

【多选题】vct检测时间包括( )。

【多选题】男男性行为容易感染hiv的原因包括( )。

【判断题】目前hiv感染者/患者中几乎都是同性恋。( )


【多选题】以下说确的是( )。

【判断题】和hiv感染者/患者共用马桶圈、卧具、浴池等不会被传染。( )

【判断题】hiv感染者/患者必须选择远离人群的生活方式。( )

【判断题】hiv感染者/患者有义务严格遵守执行安全性行为原则,必须使用安。( )

【单选题】通常所说的电路负载大,就是指负载的( )。

【单选题】在图1所示电路中,r1=50ω,额定功率为1w;r2=100ω,额定功率为w。当s闭合时,将使( )

【单选题】图2所示的万用表指针读数是( )。

【单选题】在图3所示的电路中,发出功率的元件是( )。

【单选题】在图4所示电路中,a、b两点间的电压为( )。

【单选题】如图5所示电路中,电流i=( )。

【单选题】在图6所示电路中,电阻=( )ω。

【判断题】电路的主要作用是实现电能的传输、分配和转换,以及信号的传递和处理。( )

【判断题】由理想电路元件组成的电路称为理想电路模型,简称电路模型( )

【判断题】在电场力的作用下,电荷有规律的定向移动形成电流( )

【判断题】电场力把单位正电荷从电场中的一点移动到另一点所做的功称为两点间的电压。( )

【判断题】在电路分析时,可以任意假定电压或者电流的参考方向,实际方向的情况与参考方向的选取无关。( )

【判断题】当电流的方向与电压的方向选取一致时,称为非关联参考方向。( )

【判断题】当流经元件的电流实际方向与元件两端电压的实际方向一致时,该元件吸收功率。( )

【判断题】电场力在单位时间内所做的功,称为功率。( )

【单选题】两个电路等效的条件是两个电路的端口( )相同。

【单选题】叠加定理的使用范围是求多电源线性电路中的( )。

【单选题】叠加定理适用于( )。

【单选题】叠加定理不能用于分析( )

【单选题】( )最适合于求复杂电路中某一条支路的电流。

【单选题】一有源二端网络的等效电阻为2.5ω,开路电压为10v,则它的短路电流为( )。

【判断题】三条或三条以上支路的连接点称为结点。( )

【判断题】电路中任一闭合路径称为回路。( )

【判断题】任何一有源二端线性网络,都可以用电压源和电阻的并联来等效。( )

【判断题】基尔霍夫定律电流定律指在电路中,任意时刻,对任一结点,所有支路电流的代数和等于零。( )

【判断题】基尔霍夫定律电压定律指在电路中,任意时刻,对任一回路内所有支路电压的代数和为零。( )

【判断题】理想电压源两端的电压为确定的时间函数,但与流过该元件的电流也有一定的关系。( )

【判断题】理想电流源的电流为确定的时间函数,但与该元件两端的电压也有一定的关系。( )

【判断题】实际电源可用电压源和一电阻的串联模型来表示,也可用电流源和一电阻的并联模型来表示。( )

【判断题】同一条支路上流过的电流相等。( )

【单选题】已知u=380(sin314t)v,i=1.5sin(942t 90°)a。u和i的相位关系是( )。

【单选题】正弦交流电压的有效值为220v,初相角ψ=90°,下列各式中正确的是( )。

【单选题】在rlc串联交流电路中,下列式子中( )是正确的。

【单选题】在下列表达式中正确的是( )。

【单选题】rl串联电路的复阻抗为( )

【单选题】两个正弦量用相量形式表示时,如果( )不同,则不能进行分析计算。

【单选题】rlc串联电路中( )电压超前电流90°。

【单选题】两个阻抗z1、z2并联后再与z3串联,其等效阻抗是( )。

【判断题】工程上说的交流电压、交流电流的大小都是指最大值。( )

【判断题】功率因数低使输电线路的电压损失和功率损失增加。( )

【判断题】正弦量可以用有效值、角频率、初相这三个要素来唯一确定。( )

【判断题】电感元件电感电压与电流变化率成反比。( )

【判断题】电阻元件电压与电流服从欧姆定律。( )

【单选题】三相四线制电路中的中性线电流必定有( )的关系。

【单选题】在三相交流电路中,三相对称负载作星形联结,三个线电流均为4a,则中性线电流为( )。

【单选题】三相四线制交流电路中的中线能起到保证三相( )对称的作用。

【单选题】在负载星形联结的三相对称电路中,相电流的相位( )。

【单选题】在负载星形联结的三相对称电路中,中性线电流等于( )。

【单选题】( )时,三个相电压等于线电压且三相电流相等。

【单选题】三相对称负载作三角形联结时,相电压等于线电压且相电流( )线电流。

【单选题】以下四句话中,错误的是( )。

【单选题】同一对称三相负载,采用星形联结,接于线电压为380v的三相电源上,以及采用三角形联结,接于线电压为220v的三相电源上,这两种情况下有功功率的比值为( )。

【单选题】在三相电源不变的情况下,三相对称负载由星形联接改为三角形联接时,功率变为原来的( )倍。

【单选题】380v/220v三相四线制低压电网一般采用中性点( )的运行方式。

【单选题】人体的最小电阻和工频交流电的致命电流通常是( )。

【单选题】我国规定的最高安全电压是( )v。

【单选题】场地绝缘不能防止的触电方式是( )。

【单选题】相序为1→2→3的三相四线制电源,已知2=220∠0ov,则为( )。


【单选题】某变压器的额定电压为220/36v,额定容量为300va, 下列电灯中可以接在该变压器二次侧使用的是( )。

【单选题】在交流电路中,变压器不能变换的是( )。

【单选题】在三相变压器铭牌上标明的额定电压和额定电流是指( )。

【单选题】由铁磁材料构成的磁通集中通过的路径称为( )。

【单选题】变压器变比与匝数比成( )。

【单选题】变压器负载为纯电阻时,输入功率为( )。

【单选题】变压器的接线组别表示变压器的高压、低压侧( )间的相位关系。

【单选题】变压器一、二次绕组的匝数之比为25,二次侧电压为400v,一次侧电压为( )v。

【单选题】变压器带负载运行情况下,当电源电压不变,负载增大时,变压器的主磁通。( )

【判断题】变比不相同的变压器不能并列运行。( )

【单选题】某三相异步电动机的额定转速为1440r/min,这是一台( )极电动机。

【单选题】电动机起动或堵转时,它的转差率( )。

【单选题】电动机的额定功率pn是指( )。

【单选题】在下列四种情况中,能使三相异步电动机转速升高的是( )。

【单选题】三相异步电动机直接起动时, 起动电流约为额定电流的( )倍

【单选题】用变频器对三相异步电动机进行变频调速时,改变的是三相交流电的( )。

【单选题】有一个三相电动机,当绕组成星形接于ul=380伏的三相电源上,或绕组联成三角形接于ul=220伏的三相电源上,这两种情况下,从电源输入功率为( )。

【单选题】同电源的交流电动机,极对数多的电动机其转速( )。

【单选题】感应电动机的转速,永远( )旋转磁场的转速。

【判断题】电动机起动瞬间,转差率最大,s=1。( )

【判断题】三相异步电动机调速只能采用改变极对数p的方法。( )。

【判断题】三相异步电动机的基本结构为定子和转子。( )

【判断题】电动机的额定转速指电动机转子的转速。( )。

【判断题】只要在三相异步电动机的对称三相定子绕组中通入对称三相交流电流,就会在定子和转子之间的气隙中产生一个随时间空间位置不断变化的旋转磁场。( )

【单选题】学前儿童文学是以( )的儿童为主要对象。














【填空题】学前儿童文学分为儿歌、幼儿诗、童话、寓言等文学样式。其中,我们把儿歌和幼儿诗归纳为“ ”;把童话、寓言归纳为“ ”。












【多选题】童话的改编大概有以下哪些方式( )




















【判断题】让幼儿去欣赏散文, 要引导幼儿用多种形式进行自主表达,例如绘画。








【多选题】对于帮助幼儿成长,图画书有哪些“不可没” 之“功”? ( )

【多选题】讲读图画书要注意以下几点 ( )










【单选题】幼儿散文《城市变森林》则适合用在大班( )等主题活动中。


【多选题】学前儿童文学分为( )

【填空题】学前儿童文学的对象是0-6岁的儿童。其身心发展特点可以总体概括为 、 、 、 、 。

【单选题】good design brings a house and garden together as a single ________.

【单选题】buying in _________ is more economical than shopping for all quantities.

【单选题】he works for a large american ___________.

【单选题】he told his followers to snap __________ shares immediately.

【单选题】the factory has a 1000 _________.

【判断题】a private limited company must have a minimum share capital. shares can be freely bought and sold by members of the public.

【判断题】an export trading company provides support services for firms engaged in exporting. this may include warehousing, shipping, insuring and billing on behalf of the client.

【判断题】shares of a public limited company can not be freely offered to the general public, nor can shares be transferred between members without the consent of the other shareholders.

【判断题】both adidas and puma are currently multinational corporations headquartered in germany.

【判断题】with the form of partnership, the business may have from two to fifty or more members, each receiving varying shares of the profits depending on their investment or contribution and having total and unlimited personal liability for the debts incurred.

【单选题】we provide all the support you need to achieve _________ results, or value, or both, from whatever products you buy .

【单选题】in the process we will stimulate investment, create jobs, ___________ consumers and, by the way, help address climate change.

【单选题】minor tasks should be ____________ to your assistant.

【单选题】celebrating inidual accomplishment could not only invigorate our employee ________, but also instill work with meaning and joy.

【单选题】women tend to _________ their success to external causes such as luck.

【判断题】board of directors hold shares of stock in the company and receive a share of the profits as idends.

【判断题】shareholders elect a ceo to make decisions and it is responsible for deciding the overall company policy and capital expenditure.

【判断题】executive directors are concerned with the day-to-day running of the business.

【判断题】ceo is typically responsible for the corporation’s entire operations and reports directly to the chairman and board of directors. it is the his responsibility to implement board decisions and initiatives, and to maintain ooth operation of the firm with senior management’s assistance.

【判断题】directors provide regular advice to the company but are not directly involved in the day-to day supervision of the company.

【单选题】the cost of the recession will push the budget _________ to some 12% of gdp this year.

【单选题】you must meet your _________ this month.

【单选题】as a large commodity producer, it has been blessed by a __________ in the prices of its exports thanks to booming global demand.

【单选题】indians were the ___________ inhabitants of america.

【单选题】unless expressly stated, no term of this agreement is intended to _________ a benefit on a third party.

【判断题】a economic and monetary union is a trading bloc that gives preferential access to selected goods and services from the participating countries by reducing tariffs but not by abolishing them completely.

【判断题】a preferential trade area is a group of independent countries with a common market, no trade barriers between members, and a single currency.

【判断题】a customs union is a type of trade bloc which has no tariff barriers between members and is composed of a free trade area with a common external tariff.

【判断题】european parliament is the executive branch of the european union, responsible for proposing legislation, implementing decisions, upholding the eu treaties and managing the day-to-day business of the eu.

【单选题】the purpose of ____________ and forecasting is to guarantee the accuracy and timeliness of business decision.

【单选题】britain is also attractive to advertisers because it is a homogeneous market, so there is no need to tailor advertisements for different parts of the country.

【单选题】to be successful selling to them, you have to cater ________ their emotions and concerns more than ever before.

【单选题】any enterprise cannot _________ resources, it is the poor efficiency and uneconomical to finish all links of the business activities independently.

【判断题】stocks and shares are traded on stock markets (or stock exchanges) around the world.

【判断题】headquartered in malaysia, apec was established in 1989 as an intergovernmental forum for 21 pacific rim member economies.

【判断题】emerging markets are the world’s fastest growing economies, contributing to a great deal of the worlds explosive growth of trade.

【单选题】_______ is the practice of funding a project or venture by raising monetary contributions from a large number of people, typically via the internet.

【单选题】i put some money in my __________ every month for rainy days.

【单选题】he transferred the ___________ of the house to his wife .

【单选题】the company has ___________ into a major chemical manufacturer.

【单选题】the theory was developed ____________ to the earthquake of 1906.

【判断题】in terms of money borrowed or lent, aninvestment usually represents either a debt or an equity interest.

【判断题】equity represents funds lent in exchange for interest income and the promised repayment of the loan at a given future date.

【判断题】bond represents on-going ownership in a business or property.

【判断题】an equity investment may be held as a security or by title to a specified property. the most popular type of equity security is common stock.

【单选题】is there space for your product or service in the market or is the market ________?

【单选题】when you are alert you feel the solidity of your being, it is almost ________.

【单选题】__________ are low and many companies are struggling.

【单选题】rural people have been offered subsidies to buy "____________", and taxes on all cars have been cut.

【单选题】i know japanese hospitality is _____________ all over the world, but this is taking it way too far.

【判断题】an idea is a non-material action resulting in a measurable change of state for the purchaser caused by the provider.

【判断题】patents are a physical product capable of being delivered to a purchaser and involve the transfer of ownership from seller to customer.

【判断题】the concept of “three levels of a product” actually comes in play when you begin to market a product for your business or when you want to yze a product.

【判断题】the core product is in the center of the circle. it is defined as the benefit that the product brings to the customer.

【判断题】the product life cycle discusses the stages which a product has to go through since the day of its roll-out to the day it is taken away from the market.

【单选题】__________ is the name given to a product by the company that makes it.

【单选题】__________ is the practice of using an existing name on another type of product.

【单选题】____________ refers to the ideas and beliefs people have about a brand.

【单选题】_____________ refers to the tendency to always buy a particular brand.

【单选题】_______________ shows how familiar people are with a brand.

【判断题】product range refers to the set of products made by a company.

【判断题】product placement refers to the use of a well-known person to advertise products.

【判断题】product launch happens when products are used in films or tv programmes.

【判断题】product circle refers to the length of time people continue to buy a product.

【判断题】product launce is the introduction of a product to the marke.

【单选题】in marketing mix, _________ refers to finding suitable distribution channels to reach these customer groups.

【单选题】in marketing mix, ________ ferers to what the business or profit organization offers to its prospective customers or clients.

【判断题】in marketing mix, promotion focuses on setting prices that are attractive to particular groups of customers (segments) and that are profitable for the company.

【判断题】in a book of marketing, chapter of “channels of distribution” focuses on ways in which products and services get to their intended markets.

【判断题】marketing begins long before a product hits the shelf.

【判断题】customer solution means distributing the product in the way most suitable for each type of customer.

【判断题】customers are informed about products through advertising, sales literature and so on, but customers also communicate with the seller.

【单选题】billboards, those large signs used for advertising, are often called ______ in british english.

【单选题】manufacturers of toiletries and coetics frequently offer free ______ for customers to try out their new products.

【单选题】outdoor advertising is growing rapidly because the cost of tv ______ has risen dramatically.

【单选题】we can't take a(n) ________ on new product without taking all into account.

【单选题】the students possess the __________ that they can make a difference to their community.

【判断题】advertising is a form of communication used to help sell products and services.

【判断题】one function of advertising is to provide constant reminders and reinforcements to produce the consumers’ desire.

【判断题】if a celebrity endorses a product, they talks about the benefits and drawbacks of the products in advertisements.

【判断题】advertising on the internet takes a variety of forms, like buttons, banners, animations, and pop-ups.

【判断题】advertising done at the place where a product is sold is called poster advertising.

【单选题】billboards, those large signs used for advertising, are often called ______ in british english.

【单选题】manufacturers of toiletries and coetics frequently offer free ______ for customers to try out their new products.

【单选题】outdoor advertising is growing rapidly because the cost of tv ______ has risen dramatically.

【单选题】we can't take a(n) ________ on new product without taking all into account.

【单选题】the students possess the __________ that they can make a difference to their community.

【判断题】advertising is a form of communication used to help sell products and services.

【判断题】one function of advertising is to provide constant reminders and reinforcements to produce the consumers’ desire.

【判断题】if a celebrity endorses a product, they talks about the benefits and drawbacks of the products in advertisements.

【判断题】advertising on the internet takes a variety of forms, like buttons, banners, animations, and pop-ups.

【判断题】advertising done at the place where a product is sold is called poster advertising.

【单选题】safebiz.com is a very successful site which gets over 2,000 ____ per day.

【单选题】if you want your website to get a lot of ______ , make sure you register it with all the major search engines.

【单选题】if you save information from the internet into one of your computer files, we say that you ______ the information.

【单选题】there is an _______ link between energy and prosperity, energy and security and energy and opportunity.

【单选题】tradition and culture are often at ___________ with the needs of modern life.

【判断题】it is very unusual these days for a company not to have a website.

【判断题】e-commerce has become hugely popular, for two main reasons:the widespread access to the internet, and low price.

【判断题】if you want your website to get a lot of traffic, make sure you register it with all the major search engines.

【判断题】e-commerce is energy–saving and dematerialized. “dematerialisation” simply means not using any materials.

【判断题】since it can be difficult to judge the quality of a product, offline shopping is better than online shopping.

【单选题】__________ is a set of symbols used to assign and communicate meaning, which provides important clues about the cultural value of the society.

【单选题】basic to every society is its __________, the overall framework that determines the roles of iniduals within the society.

【单选题】the company has doubled in value during his __________.

【单选题】charles's letter was indeed published, _________ in a somewhat abbreviated form.

【单选题】reforms are slowly reducing ___________ inefficiency.

【判断题】culture is the set of values, attitudes, beliefs, and customs that distinguish one society from another.

【判断题】most countries have same culture systems.

【判断题】business, like all other human activities, is conducted within the context of culture.

【判断题】one dimension of cultural difference is the degree to which the basic unit of social organization is the inidual, as opposed to the group.

【判断题】words may have different meanings to persons with erse cultural backgrounds.

【单选题】in the six components of corporate culture, _______ refers to operating principles of daily life in the firm.

【单选题】in the six components of corporate culture, _______ refers to employees who are not just the most talented but also the best suited to a particular corporate culture.

【单选题】in the six components of corporate culture, _______ refers to a unique history and the ability to explore that history and craft it into a narrative.

【单选题】the crowd _____________ with enthusia at the sight of their favorite idol.

【单选题】the kitchen was in _________.

【判断题】corporate culture can be defined as values and behaviors that contribute to the unique social and psychological environment of a company.

【判断题】corporate culture determines how the business world is viewed, what is valued, who is valued in the company.

【判断题】lon an observable level, corporate culture is shown as the specific culture of the company.

【判断题】on a observable level, corporate culture is only shown as visual symbols such as logos and trademarks.

【判断题】a corporate culture only defines the way in which an organization interacts with one another inside a company.

【单选题】our company does nothing illegal. we are very _____.

【单选题】we've got ______ which is used in countries where it is difficult to do business without offering bribes.

【单选题】their car looked so much like our new model. we suspect _____.

【单选题】the problems ___________ the new government were enormous.

【单选题】his hard work will eventually take its_________ on his health.

【判断题】csr is also known as corporate citizenship, sustainable responsible business (srb), or corporate social performance.

【判断题】reputations that take decades to build up cannot be ruined in hours.

【判断题】csr can help build customer loyalty based on distinctive ethical values.

【单选题】because of tight ____________ company profits could not be taken out of the country.

【单选题】red tape and other examples of _________ hinder a company’s entry into a market.

【单选题】the country is attractive to exporters because it has enjoyed __________ for the last 50 yeas.

【单选题】our culture is __________ with television and advertising.

【单选题】i tried to ___________ the house while he was describing it.

【判断题】the purchasing behaviour of consumers can be described as their buying habits.

【判断题】income distribution is a term used by economists to describe how wealth is shared in a country.

【判断题】for big corporation in developed countries, they don’t need a foreign market to extend their business.

【单选题】although they charge _______, there is no doubt that their services offer value for money.

【单选题】the work is very complex, so it's very hard to calculate ______ exactly. however, we will try to produce the most competitive estimate we can.

【单选题】we have decided to ______ our range of services by including accounting and auditing among the things we do.

【单选题】the shrimps were delicious. ___________, the eggplant was excellent.

【单选题】we should __________ on every chance we get to improve our english.

【判断题】in the 21st century customers are generally categorized into two types:·an entrepreneur or trader and an end user or ultimate customer.

【判断题】customers are the foundation of any business, without which a business simply wouldn’t exist.

【判断题】employees are nor customers.

【判断题】customers not only buy products or services but buy buy good feelings and solutions to problems.

【判断题】customer service is the service provided to customers during a purchase.

【单选题】_________ outsourcing is the process by which a company contracts another company to provide particular services.

【单选题】they are signing shorter contracts, too. but still, they need to think harder about what is their core business, and what is _________.

【单选题】we will maintain the ____________ of your information

【单选题】in customer ___________ situations, the firm knows when the relationship is over.

【单选题】can you quote us on a few options so we can see what will be the best balance of cost and ________ for us?

【单选题】_________ outsourcing is the process by which a company contracts another company to provide particular services.

【单选题】they are signing shorter contracts, too. but still, they need to think harder about what is their core business, and what is _________.

【单选题】we will maintain the ____________ of your information

【单选题】in customer ___________ situations, the firm knows when the relationship is over.

【单选题】can you quote us on a few options so we can see what will be the best balance of cost and ________ for us?

【判断题】"do what you do best and outsource the rest" has become an internationally recognized business tagline.

【判断题】a particularly strong reason to outsource involves a shortage of a critical resource.

【判断题】overhead costs of performing a particular back-office function are extremely high. this expenditure could be avoided by contracting with a third party.

【判断题】since you will be turning over part of the operations of your business to another company, you will now be tied to the financial well-being of that company.

【判断题】if you outsource part of your operations, morale may be encouraged in the remaining work force.

【判断题】"do what you do best and outsource the rest" has become an internationally recognized business tagline.

【判断题】a particularly strong reason to outsource involves a shortage of a critical resource.

【判断题】overhead costs of performing a particular back-office function are extremely high. this expenditure could be avoided by contracting with a third party.

【判断题】since you will be turning over part of the operations of your business to another company, you will now be tied to the financial well-being of that company.

【判断题】if you outsource part of your operations, morale may be encouraged in the remaining work force.

【单选题】with the rapid advancement of modern communication and information technology, ____________ of network economy has been formed.

【单选题】the society is not ___________ with any political party.

【单选题】i lived on about $5,000 a year from the __________ on my book.

【单选题】the trainees will then be paired ___________ experienced managers.

【单选题】the airline's insurer is _________ for damages to the victims' families.

【判断题】franchising can be described as a “business marriage” between a franchisee and a franchisor.

【判断题】the franchisor is responsible for providing the product and the distributor is then able to sell the product on with a managemnt franchise.

【单选题】__________happens when a company’s top executives buy the company they work for.

【单选题】__________ refers to a situation in which someone has to leave their job, because they are no longer needed.

【单选题】___________ is a business activity in which two or more companies have invested together.

【单选题】their economy ________ under the weight of united nations sanctions. a.destroyed

【单选题】the organization hopes to continuously _________ and develop relations with other developing countries.

【判断题】a merger describes two firms, one apparently stronger than the other, joining forces to move forward as a single new entity.

【判断题】the 1998 merger of daimler-benz and chrysler is considered a vertical merger.

【判断题】although the buyer acquires all assets and liabilities in a stock purchase, it may contractually allocate unwanted liabilities to the seller by selling them back to the seller.

【判断题】the acquisition is time efficient growth strategy which helps the company to acquire the core competencies and resources which are not currently available.

【单选题】which one of the four expressions has different meaning with the other three?

【单选题】which one of the four words has different meaning with the other three?

【单选题】which one of the four words has different meaning with the other three?

【单选题】which of the following words shows a repeated change?

【单选题】which of the following words shows a fairly steady movement?

【判断题】a bar chart or bar graph is a chart that uses vertical bars.

【判断题】bar charts are particularly good for making comparisons.

【判断题】line graphs are those that use lines or curves. they have an x-axis and y-axis.

【判断题】as a result is used to introduce a summary.

【判断题】furthermore is used to to introduce an additional idea.

【单选题】in a formal business email, which salutation can you use if you know the name of the contact?

【单选题】which should not included in the heading of a memo?

【单选题】agenda should be composed __________ the meeting.

【判断题】electronic mail. often abbreviated as email or e-mail, is a method of exchanging digital messages, designed primarily for human use.

【判断题】the primary differences between a resume and a curriculum vitae are length, what is included, and what each is used for.

【判断题】a resume usually contains many pages introducing your experience and skills., chronologically.

【判断题】in a email writing, bcc line can be used for recipients you don’t want other people to know.

【判断题】a good subject in a email may make difference between your email being opened promptly or sinking into the bottomless pit of unopened emails.

【单选题】电路如图所示, ao两端电压vao为( )。(设二极管是理想的)

【单选题】电路如图,二极管为理想二极管,则uo为( )。(设二极管是理想的)

【单选题】电路如图,二极管为理想二极管,则uo为( )。

【单选题】如下图连接,则二极管( )。

【单选题】工作电压较大的稳压管应工作在( )。

【单选题】稳压性能好的稳压管其动态电阻rz( )。








【单选题】信号由基极输入,发射极输出是( )

【单选题】信号由基极输入,集电极输出是( )

【单选题】决定放大电路能否正常工作的前提是( )

【单选题】通常,输入电阻( ),其从信号源取用信号越多。

【单选题】通常,输出电阻( ),其带负载能力越强。

【单选题】静态工作点是指( )







【单选题】温度变化会引起电流放大系数β( )

【单选题】温度增加,静态工作点会( )

【单选题】分压式偏置放大电路与基本共射极放大电路相比,其输入电阻( )

【单选题】分压式偏置放大电路与基本共射极放大放大电路相比,其输出电阻( )

【单选题】分压式偏置放大电路与基本共射极放大电路相比,其放大倍数( )

【单选题】采用分压式偏置放大电路的目的是( )

【单选题】分压式偏置放大电路其输入与输出之间满足相位( )

【单选题】共集电极放大电路信号是( )

【单选题】下列不是共集电极放大电路的名称是( )

【单选题】共集电极放大电路,其放大倍数( )

【单选题】一般地,共集电极放大电路输出电阻( )

【单选题】共集电极放大电路( )

【单选题】共集电极放大电路,其输入与输出之间满足相位( )

【单选题】共基极放大电路信号是( )

【单选题】共基极放大电路( )

【单选题】共基极放大电路,其输入与输出之间满足相位( )

【单选题】共基极放大电路,其输入电阻较( )

【单选题】共基极放大电路又称为( )

【单选题】直接耦合放大路( )。

【单选题】一个等效为pnp的复合管可采用的电路为下图中的( )。

【单选题】下图中复合管的等效类型为( )。

【单选题】同类型三极管构成复合管的原则为( )。

【单选题】不同类型三极管构成复合管的原则为( )。

【单选题】构成复合管的两只三极管应工作于( )。

【单选题】多级放大电路的放大倍数约等于( )。

【单选题】多级放大电路的输入电阻约等于( )。

【单选题】多级放大电路的输出电阻约等于( )。



【单选题】放大电路在放大信号时产生饱和失真是因为静态工作点q选得( )。

【单选题】在放大电路中消除饱和失真的方法是将偏置电阻rb( )。

【单选题】在放大电路中消除截止失真的方法是将偏置电阻rb( )。

【单选题】放大电路在放大信号时静态工作点q选得过低,会引起( )。

【单选题】放大电路在放大信号时静态工作点q选得合适,也可能会引起( )。

【单选题】npn型三极管构成的共射极放大电路,输出波形顶部出现失真,是( )。

【单选题】pnp型三极管构成的共射极放大电路,输出波形顶部出现失真,是( )。




【单选题】场效应管的三个电极栅极、源极、漏极分别用三个字母( )表示。

【单选题】绝缘栅场效应管工作时的栅极电流( )。

【单选题】场效应管是一种( )型器件。

【单选题】场效应管中( )载流子参与导电。

【单选题】下图所示器件名称为( )

【单选题】下图所示器件名称为( )

【单选题】场效应管放大电路中,放大区又称为( )

【单选题】下图所示特性曲线对应的器件为( )

【单选题】下图所示器件名称为( )

【单选题】绝缘栅场效应管输入电阻( )。

【单选题】下图所示特性曲线对应的器件为( )




【单选题】场效应管放大电路中,栅极输入,漏极输出是( )放大电路。





【分录题】fet放大电路,静态工作点由( )决定,而增益、输入电阻,输出电阻等是由( )决定。(填字母) a:交流通路 b: 直流通路

【分录题】跨导gm反映了场效应管( )对( )的控制作用。(填字母) a:栅源电压 b: 漏极电流 c: 漏极电压

【单选题】差分式放大电路对( )有放大作用。

【单选题】两个输入信号大小相等极性相同,即ui1= ui2,这样的输入称为( )。

【单选题】能抑制零点漂移的放大器有( )。

【单选题】多级放大电路的初级一般采用( )。

【单选题】差分式放大电路抑制零点漂移的效果取决于( )

【单选题】差分式放大电路中ui1=300mv,ui2=-200mv,分解为共模输入信号uic=( )mv

【单选题】差分式放大电路中ui1=300mv,ui2=-200mv,差模输入信号uid=( )




【单选题】差分式放大电路由双端输入变为单端输入,差模电压增益是( )

【单选题】共模增益越小,电路性能越( )

【单选题】电路的差模放大倍数越大,表示( )

【单选题】电路的差模放大倍数越大,共模抑制比越大表示( )

【单选题】理想运算放大器的理想化条件之一,开环放大倍数( )。

【单选题】运算放大器两输入端电位近似相等,称为( )。

【单选题】理想运算放大器的输入电阻为( )

【单选题】理想运算放大器两输入端电流满足( )关系。

【单选题】图示电路为( )






【单选题】电流负反馈可使放大电路的输出电阻( )。

【单选题】放大电路引入负反馈可使( )。

【单选题】欲使放大器的输出电压基本稳定并能提高输入电阻该放大器采用( )。

【单选题】并联负反馈可使放大电路的输入电阻( )。

【单选题】电压负反馈可使放大电路的输出电阻( )。

【单选题】运算放大器在信号运算方面的应用时常采用( )。




【单选题】功率放大电路一般用于多级放大电路的( )。

【单选题】在功率放大中效率最高的是( )。

【单选题】多级放大电路的末级一般采用( )。

【单选题】理想情况下,乙类互补功率放大电路效率可达( )

【单选题】乙类互补功率放大电路可能会产生( )

【单选题】为了消除交越失真,应使功率管工作于( )

【单选题】输出功率为100w的电路,若采用甲乙类功放,应选择pv大于等于( )的功放管?

【多选题】功率放大电路的主要研究指标有( )等




【单选题】正弦波振荡电路产生振荡的起振条件为( )

【单选题】正弦波振荡电路产生振荡的平衡条件为( )

【单选题】要产生频率稳定性高的正弦波电路,可采用( )

【单选题】正弦波振荡电路振荡频率主要决定于( )

【单选题】rc正弦波振荡电路中, 其它器件参数选择合适,当r=100kω,c=0.1uf,其振荡频率为( )








【单选题】单相半波c滤波,输出电压平均值uo与变压器副边交流电压有效值u2之间的关系为( )。

【单选题】单相桥式整流c滤波,输出电压平均值uo与变压器副边交流电压有效值u2之间的关系为( )。

【单选题】单相半波,带有电容滤波的整流电路,二极管承受的最高反相电压udrm与变压器副边交流电压有效值u之间的关系为( )。

【单选题】单相桥式整流,输出电压平均值uo与变压器副边交流电压有效值u2之间的关系为( )。

【单选题】整流电路的目的是( )

【单选题】滤波电路的目的是( )

【单选题】滤波电容应选用( )

【单选题】稳压电路的目的是( )

【单选题】7815输出电压为( )

【单选题】要得到输出为12v的稳压电源,可采用固定式三端器件( )

【单选题】图示电路中,已知r1=1kω,r2=1.5kω,iq=2ma,则输出电压vo为( )






【排序题】交流电路变成稳定的直流电路,需要( )、( )、( )、( )四个步骤(按顺序填写)
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