
管理学问答 3017


give the examples to explain the economic utility of logistics, including the possession utility, form utility, place utility and time utility.

which of the following is not a benefit to utilizing information in logistics?

how do data and information differ?

___________ refers to the collection of large amounts of near-real-time data collected through a variety of sources such as sensors and art phones.

4. ___________ provide effective ways to process organizational business data, to perform calculations, and to create documents.

what has emerged as the measuring stock for logistics information technology in the twenty-first century?

which of the following refers to a network of satellites that tranits signals that pinpoint the exact location of an object?

electronic data interchange (edi) represents what general type of information management system?

the most popular automatic identification system currently in use is ___________.

___ is the actual, physical movement of goods and people between two points.

there are ___________ modes of transportation.

__________ are generally the fastest form of transportation for shipments exceeding 600 miles.

the primary advantage for motor carriers is ___________.

___________ is the most reliable form of transportation.

rail gauge refers to the thickness of rail track.

pipelines are a unique mode of transportation because they are the only one without vehicles.

with intermodal transportation, two or more modes work closely together in an attempt to utilize the advantages of each mode while at the same time minimizing their disadvantages.

holding high levels of inventory results in ___________ inventory carrying costs and ___________ stockout costs

___________ stock refers to inventory that is needed to satisfy normal demand during the course of an order cycle.

inventory costs in the united states in the twenty-first century represent approximately ___________ of total logistics costs.

___________ stock refers to inventory that is held in addition to cycle stock to guard against uncertainty in demand and/or lead time.

which of the following is not an assumption associated with the basic economic order quantity (eoq) model?

inventories are stocks of goods and materials that are maintained for many purposes.

safety stock refers to inventory that is held in addition to cycle stock to guard against uncertainty in demand and/or lead time.

the economy order quantity (eoq) is the point at which carrying costs equal ordering costs.

high inventory turnover indicates that a company is taking longer to sell its inventory.


source, plan, make, and enable are processes associated with the ___________.

what is a perfect order?

what concept refers to the variability in demand orders among supply chain participants?

research on underperforming supply chains suggests that logistics can be crucial to achieving desired levels of supply chain performance.

the creation across the supply chain and its markets of a coordinated flow of demand is the definition of ___________.

__________ refers to finished goods that are produced after receiving a customer order.

surveys and og techniques are examples of ___________ forecasting.

___________ refers to the management of various activities associated with the order cycle.

__________ refers to the time from when the seller receives an order until an appropriate location is authorized to fill the order.

demand management is important because efficient and effective supply chains have learned to match both supply and demand.

simple moving averages and weighted moving averages are examples of judgmental forecasting.

in general terms, order management refers to management of the various activities associated with the order cycle.

there are four possible ways to tranit orders.

demand chain management is where supply chain partners share planning and forecasting data to better match up supply and demand.

1.会计的基本职能是 (  ) 。

2.在我国会计法规制度体系中,属于最高层次地位的是(  )。

3.会计核算使用的主要计量单位是 (  ) 。

4.近代会计形成的标志是 (  ) 。

5.世界上第一部系统阐述有关簿记和借贷记账法的著作是(  )。

收回应收账款 50000 元,存入银行。这一业务引起的会计要素的变动是 (  ) 。

2. 不属于资产的项目是 (  ) 。

属于非流动负债的项目是 (  ) 。 

属于所有者权益的项目是 (  ) 。 

属于企业主营业务收入的是 (  ) 。

负债是指企业由于过去交易或事项形成的 (  ) 。

企业生产经营过程中的在产品属于(  )。

属于负债的项目有(  )。

复式记账法对每项经济业务都必须以相等的金额在两个或两个以上账户中同时登记,其登记的账户是(  )。      

复式记账法对每笔经济业务都以相等的金额,在(  )中进行登记。

会计科目是对(  )的具体内容进行分类核算的项目。

总分类科目和明细分类科目,是按照反映经济信息的(  )程度进行的分类。                           

会计科目与会计账户的根本区别是(  )。

在借贷记账法下,“借”、“贷”的含义是 (  ) 。

在总分类账户及其所属明细分类账户之间必须采用的登账方法是(  )。

在借贷记账法下,账户的借方表示(  )。

会计的基本职能是 (  ) 。

在我国会计法规制度体系中,属于最高层次地位的是(  )。

收回应收账款 50000 元,存入银行。这一业务引起的会计要素的变动是 (  ) 。

不属于资产的项目是 (  ) 。

属于非流动负债的项目是 (  ) 。

. 属于所有者权益的项目是 (  )

属于企业主营业务收入的是 (  ) 。

负债是指企业由于过去交易或事项形成的 (  ) 。

企业生产经营过程中的在产品属于(  )。

属于负债的项目有(  )。

复式记账法对每笔经济业务都以相等的金额,在(  )中进行登记

会计科目是对(  )的具体内容进行分类核算的项目。

总分类科目和明细分类科目,是按照反映经济信息的(  )程度进行的分类。

会计科目与会计账户的根本区别是(  )。

在借贷记账法下,“借”、“贷”的含义是 (  ) 。

在总分类账户及其所属明细分类账户之间必须采用的登账方法是(  )。

在借贷记账法下,账户的借方表示(  )。

不属于产品成本项目的费用有(  )。

企业购入材料发生的运杂费等采购费用应计入(  )。

(  )不应计入当期损益的。

资本公积是企业(  )中的主要组成部分。

企业应交纳的教育费附加应计入(  )账户贷方。

“生产成本”账户属于(  )账户。

“累计折旧”账户属于(  )账户。

年末,应将全年累计实现的净利润(或亏损)转入(  )账户。

“销售费用”账户,用来核算企业在产品销售商品和材料、提供劳务的过程中发生的各种费用。其不包括(  )。 

企业生产完工验收入库的产成品,应于月末确定其实际生产成本,从(  )账户结转到“库存商品”账户。

所得税费用”账户的贷方登记(  )。

采购员出差预借差旅费时,应借记(  )账户。

固定资产因损耗而减少的价值,应贷记(  )账户。

8月31日“本年利润”账户有贷方余额50000元,表示(  )。

企业收到投资者投入设备一台,原价 60000 元,双方评估确认价 50000 元(暂不考虑固定资产增值税问题)。则实收资本账户贷方登记的金额为(  )元。

世界上第一部系统阐述有关簿记和借贷记账法的著作是(  )。

下列材料中,不是电机常用的材料是( )。

下列绝缘材料等级最高的是( )。

空气中,有一单根长直导线和两根并排构成回路的长直导线,导线电流均为100a。距离它们1m远的磁密分别是( )。

有一单匝线圈,有效导体长度0.3m,以1500r/min的转速绕其轴线旋转,转动半径为0.1m 。假设两个有效导体所处的磁场大小相等、方向相反,b=0.7t,该线圈的电动势为( )。

铁磁材料的饱和程度是根据( )判断的。

关于永磁材料,下列说法不正确的是( )。

如图所示的均匀截面方框铁芯,绕组接50hz、有效值为220v的交流电源。不计绕组电阻和漏磁。若交流电源频率改为60hz,电压不变。铁耗的变化情况是( )。

如图所示的均匀截面方框铁芯,绕组接50hz、有效值为220v的交流电源。不计绕组电阻和漏磁。若交流电源频率改为60hz,电压不变。电流i的变化情况是( )。

如图所示的均匀截面方框铁芯,绕组接50hz、有效值为220v的交流电源。不计绕组电阻和漏磁。若交流电源频率改为60hz,电压不变。铁芯线圈的电感的变化情况是( )。

直流电机的电枢铁芯所用的材料是( )。

一台并励直流电动机带恒转矩负载运行,增加励磁回路的调节电阻,稳定后,电动机的运行状态是( )。

他励直流电动机起动电流的大小取决于( )。

直流电动机外加直流电压,流过电刷的电流是( ),导体中的电流是( )。

串励式直流电动机,若要改变其旋转方向,应当( )。

一台四极单叠绕组直流发电机一个元件断线时,下列哪一项保持不变( )。

直流电机换向片与电枢绕组保持相对( )关系,而电刷与主磁极保持相对( )关系。

一台直流发电机的额定空载电动势230v,当励磁电流减少10%,则电动势( )。

对于一台并励直流电动机,如果电源电压保持不变,制动转矩为恒定值,励磁电流保持不变,在电枢回路串进电阻并达到稳定状态后,且不考虑电枢反应的影响,电动机的电枢电流会( )。

直流电机的励磁方式有( )。

直流电动机常用的启动方法有( )。

他励直流电动机的常用的调速方法有( )。

一台三相变压器,dy联接,额定数据:sn=500kva,u1n/u2n=10/0.4kv,则一次侧额定相电流是( )a。

一台变压器空载运行,若将其一次侧外加电压u1和频率f1同时提高10%,则空载电流将( )。

一台单相变压器空载运行,电源电压为正弦波,当铁芯出现饱和时,空载电流的波形是( )?

电网电压不变,变压器从空载到负载,铁芯主磁通φm将( )。

变压器的励磁参数由( )试验测取。

变压器一次绕组接额定电压,二次绕组的输出电压高于额定电压,其负载性质是( )负载 。

在三相变压器中,不可能出现的联接组号是( )。

某变电所有二台额定电压相同,组号均为yyn0的三相变压器并联运行,其数据为:第一台:sni=5000kva,uki=6%;第二台:snii=6300kva,ukii=7.5%。试求当总负载为11300kva时,第一台变压器分担( )kva负载容量?

yyn联接组式三相变压器二次侧不能带单相负载的原因是( )。

yy联接的组式铁芯三相变压器空载运行时,考虑铁芯饱和时,主磁通的波形是( )。

一台电力变压器,当负载系数β=0.4时达到其最高效率,则空载损耗(p0)与额定负载损耗(pkn)的关系为( )。

下面说法错误的是( )。

三相交流绕组,极距为14槽,若要消除相电动势中的7次谐波,绕组节距应取( )槽。

δ接法三相对称交流绕组外接对称电源,若有一相绕组发生断线故障,产生的基波磁动势性质是( )磁动势。


三相对称交流绕组通三相对称电流电流,合成磁动势基波幅值为f1,基波绕组系数为kw1,3 次谐波绕组系数为kw3,则合成磁动势中的3 次谐波幅值为( )。

三相交流绕组,采用短距和分布后,其基波电动势和谐波电动势( )。

三相合成磁动势中的五次谐波,在气隙空间以( )基波旋转磁动势的转速旋转。

为同时削弱交流绕组中的五次和七次谐波磁动势,可以采用短距绕组,其节距的最佳选择是( )

三相对称交流绕组通三相对称电流产生的v次谐波磁动势,其旋转速度( ) 。




两对极的三相对称交流绕组中通50hz三相对称电流,当电流经过一个周期时,基波合成磁动势在空间上旋转了( )个圆周。

下列材料中,不是电机常用的材料是( )。

下列绝缘材料等级最高的是( )。

空气中,有一单根长直导线和两根并排构成回路的长直导线,导线电流均为100a。距离它们1m远的磁密分别是( )。

有一单匝线圈,有效导体长度0.3m,以1500r/min的转速绕其轴线旋转,转动半径为0.1m 。假设两个有效导体所处的磁场大小相等、方向相反,b=0.7t,该线圈的电动势为( )。

铁磁材料的饱和程度是根据( )判断的。

关于永磁材料,下列说法不正确的是( )。

如图所示的均匀截面方框铁芯,绕组接50hz、有效值为220v的交流电源。不计绕组电阻和漏磁。若交流电源频率改为60hz,电压不变。铁耗的变化情况是( )。

如图所示的均匀截面方框铁芯,绕组接50hz、有效值为220v的交流电源。不计绕组电阻和漏磁。若交流电源频率改为60hz,电压不变。电流i的变化情况是( )。

如图所示的均匀截面方框铁芯,绕组接50hz、有效值为220v的交流电源。不计绕组电阻和漏磁。若交流电源频率改为60hz,电压不变。铁芯线圈的电感的变化情况是( )。

直流电机的电枢铁芯所用的材料是( )。

一台并励直流电动机带恒转矩负载运行,增加励磁回路的调节电阻,稳定后,电动机的运行状态是( )。

他励直流电动机起动电流的大小取决于( )。

直流电动机外加直流电压,流过电刷的电流是( ),导体中的电流是( )。

串励式直流电动机,若要改变其旋转方向,应当( )。

一台四极单叠绕组直流发电机一个元件断线时,下列哪一项保持不变( )。

直流电机换向片与电枢绕组保持相对( )关系,而电刷与主磁极保持相对( )关系。

一台直流发电机的额定空载电动势230v,当励磁电流减少10%,则电动势( )。

对于一台并励直流电动机,如果电源电压保持不变,制动转矩为恒定值,励磁电流保持不变,在电枢回路串进电阻并达到稳定状态后,且不考虑电枢反应的影响,电动机的电枢电流会( )。

一台三相变压器,dy联接,额定数据:sn=500kva,u1n/u2n=10/0.4kv,则一次侧额定相电流是( )a。

一台变压器空载运行,若将其一次侧外加电压u1和频率f1同时提高10%,则空载电流将( )。

一台单相变压器空载运行,电源电压为正弦波,当铁芯出现饱和时,空载电流的波形是( )

电网电压不变,变压器从空载到负载,铁芯主磁通φm将( )。

变压器的励磁参数由( )试验测取。

变压器一次绕组接额定电压,二次绕组的输出电压高于额定电压,其负载性质是( )负载。

在三相变压器中,不可能出现的联接组号是( )。

某变电所有二台额定电压相同,组号均为yyn0的三相变压器并联运行,其数据为:第一台:sni=5000kva,uki=6%;第二台:snii=6300kva,ukii=7.5%。试求当总负载为11300kva时,第一台变压器分担( )kva负载容量。

yyn联接组式三相变压器二次侧不能带单相负载的原因是( )。

yy联接的组式铁芯三相变压器空载运行时,考虑铁芯饱和时,主磁通的波形是( )。

一台电力变压器,当负载系数β=0.4时达到其最高效率,则空载损耗(p0)与额定负载损耗(pkn)的关系为( )。

下面说法错误的是( )。

三相交流绕组,极距为14槽,若要消除相电动势中的7次谐波,绕组节距应取( )槽。

δ接法三相对称交流绕组外接对称电源,若有一相绕组发生断线故障,产生的基波磁动势性质是( )磁动势。


三相对称交流绕组通三相对称电流电流,合成磁动势基波幅值为f1,基波绕组系数为kw1,3 次谐波绕组系数为kw3,则合成磁动势中的3 次谐波幅值为( ).

三相合成磁动势中的五次谐波,在气隙空间以( )基波旋转磁动势的转速旋转。

为同时削弱交流绕组中的五次和七次谐波磁动势,可以采用短距绕组,其节距的最佳选择是( )。

三相对称交流绕组通三相对称电流产生的v次谐波磁动势,其旋转速度( ) 。




两对极的三相对称交流绕组中通50hz三相对称电流,当电流经过一个周期时,基波合成磁动势在空间上旋转了( )个圆周。

三相交流绕组,采用短距和分布后,其基波电动势和谐波电动势( )。

一台50hz三相感应电动机的额定转速为,该电机的级数和同步转速为( )。

笼型三相感应电动机的额定转速下降10%,该电机转子电流产生的旋转磁动势相对于定子的转速( )。

一台三相感应电动机拖动额定恒转矩负载,运行时若电源电压下降10%,此时电机的电磁转矩( )。

三相异步电动机气隙增大,其他条件不变,则空载电流( )。

三相感应电动机等效电路中的附加电阻 上所消耗的电功率应等于( )。

与普通三相感应电动机相比,深槽、双笼型三相感应电动机正常工作时,性能差一些,主要是( )。

适当增加三相绕线式感应电动机转子电阻时,电动机的( )。

三相绕线式感应电动机拖动恒转矩负载运行时,采用转子回路串入电阻调速,运行时在不同转速上时,其转子回路电流的大小( )。

电源频率一定时,三相感应电动机电磁转矩的大小和( )成正比

设计在电源上运行的三相感应电动机现改为在电压相同频率为60hz的电网上,其电动机的( )。

异步电动机起动时定子绕组接成星型,起动后接成三角形,实为:( )。

如果有一台三相感应电动机运行在转差率为s=0.25,此时通过气隙传递的功率有( )。

同步发电机的额定功率指( )。

一台2极同步电机稳态运行时定子电流频率为50hz,则其电枢反应磁场相对于转子的转速为( )。

三相同步发电机稳定运行,外接电感性负载,则该电机的电枢反应性质为( )。

凸极同步发电机的电抗大小排列顺序为( )。

凸极同步发电机带感性负载运行,电枢绕组感应的电动势由( )产生。

同步发电机稳定短路电流不很大的原因是( )。

同步发电机并联运行的条件不包含( )。

下面有关额定运行时同步发电机功率和损耗从大到小排列的是( )

隐极同步发电机静态稳定运行的极限对应的功率角为( )。

当同步发电机的负载减少时,其转速和功率角的变化情况是( )。

一台同步发电机在额定负载时增加励磁电流,则( )。

同步调相机的作用是( )。

直流电机的励磁方式有( )。

直流电动机常用的启动方法有( )。

他励直流电动机的常用的调速方法有( )。

阿兰·b·阿尔巴特认为:传媒经济学研究的是传媒产业如何使用稀缺资源来生产一定的( )以满足社会公众不同的( )














传媒经济学关注和研究的是形形的媒介运营者,如何在各种资源非常有限的前提下,满足受众、广告业者与社会在资讯和娱乐等方面的各种( )

中西传媒经济学在研究方法类型上差异,国外研究中多用( ) 研究方法,国内实证方法较少。





当劳动供给曲线与需求曲线相交时,市场达到均衡状态,此时的工资水平为( )








补偿性工资差异是 特性而产生的工资差别

政策收紧,好莱坞劳动市场供给可能会 。

可以替代某种劳动的其他生产要素(替代品)供给增加,会导致(该种)劳动需求 ,劳动需求曲线向内移动。劳动互补品供给增加,会导致劳动需求增加,劳动需求曲线向外移动。



在考虑长期生产时,在长期这一时间段上,所有投入的成本都会发生变化,唯一不变的是将投入转化为产出的方法,即 。


科罗拉多实验证明: 当想法类似的人聚在一起讨论时, 他们通常会达到一个比讨论前的倾向更为极端的立场。因此_______现象在生活中普遍存在。


新闻传媒业中“ ”的概念,指的是釆集同一个内容素材进入全媒体数据库,媒体内各类传播渠道、子媒体根据需要对这些素材进行二次加工,生产出各种形态的新闻产品。其理念是一体策划、一次采集、多种生成、多元传播、全天滚动、全球覆盖。









传播学的四大奠基人之一的库尔特·卢因(kurt lewin)在研究群体中的信息流通渠道时提出在群体传播中存在着_________,只有符合群体的规范的信息内容才能进入信息传播过程中。










从经济角度看,媒介产业不同于一般产业,媒介生产一种产品,却参与两个独立的商品与服务市场。每一市场的表现都会影响到另一市场,这一市场模式被称为 。




生产规模经济能够( )

市场行为内化,可 交易成本、 效率(规模经济 范围经济),但与此同时组织成本 ( )

当( )时,企业实现了规模经济。






则是指企业生产或经营两种以上产品或劳务时, 或者企业沿着生产链扩展企业的生产经营范围时,平均成本下降的现象。

传媒分合——寻求市场交易成本与企业内容管理成本平衡点过程中 发生的位移。

当资源的分配达到所生产的最后一单位的社会效益( )生产它的社会成本,配置效率最高。

社会收益=( ) 外部收益

完全竞争市场,在 下,消费者和生产者剩余达到最大化。

规制的主要方式有间接规制、经济性直接规制和社会性 规制。


当资源的分配达到“ ” 时,配置效率最高 。


市场失灵是规制的( ) 。


传媒行业中的规制方式包括( )。




公共物品具有非排他性和 。

在经济学中,凡是资源配置已经达到“不可能在不降低其他人福利的情况下,改善某些人的福利”的境界,则达到 或称帕累托效率。



最适合水彩绘画的纸为( )



常用水彩颜料可分为( )






牛胆汁的作用是( )


水彩画中留白的效果实现依靠( )












what is the most important quality that characterizes a good speech?

which one is not one of the cs that makes a great speaker?

which is not a tip that that you can utilize to overcome stage fright when giving a public speech?

which you should try to avoid when giving a public speech?

public speaking is more than delivering information.

stage fright actually is quite normal and often occurs to most people including experienced speakers.

the use of public speaking for conveying message and ideas is only applied by people from certain occupations.

sometimes, if speakers are so concentrated on delivering their presentations, they don’t need to care about the needs of their audience.

eye contact helps establish a personal connection, and even a quick glance can keep people engaged.

feedback is important in public speaking because it allows you to know if you are successful in being understood.

during the preparation of a speech, in order to place the audience in the center, a speaker should consider the issue of ______

which of the following is not one of the features of a speech that the audience usually cares about?

when choosing a topic, a speaker should ask him/herself the following questions except ______

which of the followings is not the general purpose of a speech?

for the preparatory work of a speech, yzing the audience is not as significant as choosing a topic.

when conducting a demographic ysis of the audience, the speaker should take into consideration the age, gender, profession, educational and cultural background of the audience.

generally, the persuasive speech aims to change the audience’s mindset or motive them to take actions.

the central idea usually serves as a guidance for both the speaker when preparing the speech and the audience when listening to it.

when choosing a topic, you have to consider your audience’s interest without necessarily thinking about your own interest in a topic.

your area of expertise might be a good topic to give a speech about because you already possess a familiarity with it.

what benefits can we get from a well organized speech?

the best way to set out the body of your speech is ______

the closing of the speech is an opportunity not to ______

what is the most important reason for limiting the number of main points in a speech?

in the introduction part, we should______,________.

there are 3 parts in a speech, they are ______, _______and __________.

in an introduction, ___ steps are included.

in the preview step of introduction, a brief _______ is given.

the ______ part is the largest part of your speech.

impromptu speech is ______ than a prepared speech for it happens on the spot.

according to the lecturer, the 3 tips to learn in making impromptu speaking are stick to the truth,______________, and practice out loud.

the process of organizing the body of a speech begins when_____

which is not the tip for preparing main points mentioned in the lecture?

the famous speech i have a dream made by martin luther king junior is a good example of repetition.

but, in a larger sense, we cannot dedicate, we cannot consecrate, we cannot hallow this ground. this is an example of paralleled sentence pattern.

the pattern which you use to describe things according to the time sequence is named _______ .

cause-effect pattern is used when you have____ main points; the first point is about the cause of a problem, and the second is the effects of the problem.

i love seafood. however, i can't eat shellfish. ( the transitional expression is _____)

when you have several ideas to present and one idea naturally follows on from another, you use ________pattern.

the following are the functions of an effective beginning of a speech except ______.

the objective of composing a good conclusion for a speech is ______.

the end of a speech usually refers back to the beginning in the way ______.

in order to demonstrate credibility of the speech, the speaker should not use his/her personal experience with or knowledge of the topic of the speech.

the closure is not as important as the beginning of a speech since it just signals the end of it.

answering the “so what” questions in the end can give the audience a feeling that the questions have been answered, tasks accomplished, and the audience inspired.

if you have are constrained by a time limit of a speech, a conclusion then becomes not so important.

the following passage is an example of____. "i am not unmindful that some of you have come here out of great trials and tribulations. some of you have come fresh from narrow jail cells. and some of you have come from areas where your quest -- quest for freedom left you battered by the storms of persecution and staggered by the winds of police brutality. you have been the veterans of creative suffering. continue to work with the faith that unearned suffering is redemptive. go back to mississippi, go back to alabama, go back to south carolina, go back to georgia, go back to louisiana, go back to the slums and ghettos of our northern cities, knowing that somehow this situation can and will be changed." (i have a dream” by martin luther king jr. august 28th, 1963)

the centers for disease control recommends getting a flu vaccine each fall. this statement is an example of ___.

nearly 25% of all car accidents are caused by drivers using cell phones while driving, so it is really risky to texting when you are driving.

if you are running out of the time for story telling, you’d better rush to finish it.

if it is a humorous story, it does not matter if the story is related with the subject of the speech.

“freedom is like a drum; strike it anywhere and it resounds everywhere” is an example of_______.

“memories are like fingerprints—no two sets are ever the same” is an example of____.

you are encouraged to use repetition and paralleli to enhance the______ of your speeches.

which of the following words is the most concrete and specific?

we will be candid, consistent, and confident” is an example of________

which statement below is more figurative than literal?

“let us never negotiate out of fear. but let us never fear to negotiate” is an example of___.

the meaning of a word that you find in a dictionary is its__________.

what is the essence of informative speaking?

which of the following is an instance of persuasive speaking?

which speech type is most appropriate for a speech about how to repair a motorcycle?

the three types of questions that give rise to persuasive speeches are questions of ____.

to establish, maintain, and sustain your credibility as a speaker, what quality must you convey?

“animal testing is inhumane” is a question of__________

“to persuade my audience that long-term exposure to electromagnetic fields can cause serious health problems” is a specific purpose statement for a persuasive speech on a question of______.

which of the following steps is not a guideline for the speech in which you are presenting an award?

when offering a brief salute to a special occasion or person, you are giving______.

the first step in an acceptance speech is usually to________.

which part of an argument explains why? ________

which part of an argument tells the main point? _______

which part of an argument gives proof that your main point is correct? ______

to be a great debater, it is important to do the followings except ________

if there is a general statement in the premises, the argument will always be inductive.

if the conclusion of an argument is a generalization (all) from evidence in the premises (some), the argument will be inductive.

for arguments with conclusions that involve a prediction about the future, we can never be certain about such conclusions no matter how much evidence is presented in the premises.

choose the category that the following motion falls into____ th standardized testing is the enemy of learning.

motions of fact focus on whether something is ______ or not.

motions of value focus on whether something is or is not of inherent _______.

motions of policy focus on whether something should be _______.

unfair definitions have one of these characteristics: trui, ________, squirrel, and unreasonable time/place set.

which of the following is not the duty of the prime minister?

which of the following is not the duty of the deputy prime minister?

which of the following is not the duty of the leader of the opposition?

which of the following is not the duty of the deputy leader of opposition?

to make a good member speech, you should not___

in whip speeches, you can not___

in “no necessity” strategy, the opposition defends the _______, arguing that to maintain it will be a much better idea than to change it.

the opposition may argue that the plan cannot solve the problem, in other words, question the _________ of the proposal.

the opposition needs to examine the ______ link to the issue and find if the proposition has identified a wrong cause.

the strengths of conclusions in inductive reasoning are never going to be as strong as they are in deductive reasoning. the statement is _____

which of the following statement is not true about refutation?

which of the following statement is not correct about refutation?

which is not a method for refutation?

which of the following statements is not true?

what is not a role of whip speakers?

which of the following sequences best describes the deductive logic of inquiry?

which of the following is not one of the questions to consider when selecting a topic?

which of the following is not appropriate when choosing support for a speech?

the is the longest and most important part of the speech.

what is the most important reason for limiting the number of main points in a speech?

what organizational pattern would probably be most effective for arranging the main points of a speech with the specific purpose “to inform my audience about three major ways to block junk mail from their e-mail system”?

words or phrases that indicate when a speaker has completed one thought and is moving on to another are called _______

one goal of your conclusion is to_______

which of the followings is not a guideline for using language appropriately?

using repetition and paralleli to enhance the______of your speeches.

which of the following is not an example of inclusive language?

when practicing your speech delivery, you should do all the following except____

what is the essence of informative speaking?

audiences find well-organized speakers to be more credible than poorly organized speakers

speeches arranged in spatial order follow a time sequence.

your introduction and conclusion provide your listeners with important first and final impressions of both you and your speech.

the more abstract a word, the more ambiguous it will be.

in dealing with technical topics, a speaker has little choice but to use technical language.

denotative meanings are ideas suggested by a word.

inaccurate use of language can harm a speaker’s credibility.

using inclusive language is an important part of being an audience-centered public speaker.

speaking from a manuscript allows for greater spontaneity and directness than does speaking extemporaneously.

speaking from memory is less effective when a speaker wants to be very responsive to feedback from the audience.

varying your pitch is much desired when giving a speech.

bp debate has 8 people: 2 teams of 4 people.

the debate starts with the 1st speaker of the 1st gov (prime minister). the opposition leader will then rebut the government and present new arguments.
党史考试怎么快速搜题 101