
经济问答 8125


针形阀装配图中,尺寸m 40x1.5-6h/5g是零件( )的( )尺寸。

在快速阀的左视图中,尺寸4xφ13和φ82是( )。

my dream of making the world a more musical place had fallen on deaf ears; the promise of using technology to bring more culture to the masses __________ by foo campers’ collective cry for a democratized media.

手压阀装配图中的标准件有( )种?

even though john's project was awful, i did not want to __________ his efforts so i went out of my way to pay him a compliment on his work.

结合本章内容,完成一篇500字以上的课后反思。要求自主选择一到两个问题,进行深入思考和研讨,严禁照搬或抄袭他人内容。完成后以“姓名 题目”的方式命名word文档并提交。

在快速阀的左视图中,尺寸φ38h8/h7的配合种类是( )。

快速阀装配图中,连接盖板11和阀体12的零件13是( ),在快速阀中,该标准件共有( )个。

the “monkey wrench” in the “complex global supply chains crisscross the world, making discrimination on the basis of nationality a throwback to another age and a monkey wrench in the machinery of modern global commerce.” means ________.

which of the following choices best explain what the underlined “which” in the following sentence refers to? i accidentally fell into the company of half a dozen gentlemen, who were engaged in a warm dispute about some political affair; the decision of which, as they were equally ided in their sentiments, they thought proper to refer to me, which naturally drew me in for a share of the conversation.

在装配图的规定画法中。对部件中某些零件的范围和极限位置可用( )线画出其轮廓。

球阀装配图主视图中,位于图中左侧的尺寸φ72 h11/d11(注:有另一尺寸φ72 h11/d11位于图中右侧)是( )尺寸。

france and germany are the two close allies of the us, while russia often disagrees with the us.

球阀装配图中的标准件有( )种?

莱昂哈德 欧拉(1707-1783)是哪个的数学家?





数据字典()所定义的对象都包含于( )。


下面关于计算机病毒的叙述中,不正确的是______。1、计算机病毒有破坏性,凡是软件能作用到的计算机资源,都有可能受到病毒的破坏2、计算机病毒有潜伏性,它可能长期潜伏在合法的程序中,遇到一定条件才开始进行 破坏活动3、计算机病毒有传染性,它能不断扩散,这是计算机病毒最可怕的特性4、计算机病毒是开发程序时未经测试而附带的一种寄生性程序,它能在计算机系统中 存在和传播

在计算机中,信息的最小位是( )。



1. 关于pet-ct对良恶变的鉴别描述正确的选项()




下面硬件描述语言实现的电路逻辑功能是什么?可选答案为: module test2(clk,nrst,itrig,otrig); input clk,nrst,itrig; output otrig; reg[7:0] cnt; reg dy1; parameter dy_time = 8'h09; always@( posedge clk or negedge nrst) begin if (!nrst) dy1 = 0; else if (itrig ) dy1 = 1; else if (cnt >= dy_time) dy1 = 0; end always@( posedge clk or negedge nrst) begin if (!nrst) cnt <=0; else if (dy1 = = 1 ) cnt <= cnt 1; else cnt <=0; end assign otrig =dy1; endmodule


人类社会第二次劳动大分工是指( )。

某一电极反应o ne « r的平衡电极电位为je,若对该电极施加一个净的反应电流i,此时电极电位变为ji,其中电极反应在电极材料e上进行,现改变电极材料e将导致

这段程序描述的逻辑功能是什么? module learn1_1(a,b,s,y); input a,b; input s; output y; wire d, e; assign d = a & s; assign e = b & (~s); assign y = d | e; endmodule

关于以下程序,下列说法中正确的是 module mux21 (a,b,s,y); input a,b; input s; output y; reg y; always @( a or b or s) if (!s) y = a; else y = b; endmodule

文化品牌和其他商业品牌的本质区别是( )

adc0809作为一款8位、8通道逐次逼近型集成a/d转换器,工作时钟为tcp,针对某一通道a/d转换器完成一次转换的时间为( )。

如果某一数据通信系统采用crc校验方式,生成多项式g(x) =xxxx xxx 1,接收到二进制比特序列为 1101111101(含crc校验码)。如果接收到的二进制比特序列长度正确,则发送端原始二进制比特序列的长度是( )位。

在策划前期,策划的重点在知名度的策划,所以内容策划重于技巧;在后期,策划的重点偏于美誉度,重于建立企业形象和好感。( )

城市规划的法规体系基本构成包括( )

城市人口中的社会劳动者按其从事劳动的行业性质划分,各占其总人口的比例是城市人口的( )

根据《城市规划编制办法》,城市总体规划纲要主要内容包括( )

根据程序描述的逻辑功能,下列说确的有 module learn7_2(clk,clr,q); input clk,clr; output[3:0] q; reg[3:0] q always @( negedge clk or negedge clr) begin if (!clr) q <= 3’b0000 else begin q <= (q >> 1) q[3] <= ~q [2]&&~q [1]&&~q [0] end end endmodule

在课程案例中,故宫博物院的消费群体就是参观的游客。( )

【填空题】亚马逊账户类型有如下两种:1.______________ (professional) 2.___________________(inidual)











请大家发挥社会学或传播学的想象力,在下列名词中,任选其一,谈谈你的理解。 要求:明确写出所选的名词;做简单解释;论述如何通过发挥社会学或传播学的想象力进而得出自己的理解。 可选名词:iphone手机;ysl口红;共享单车;拼多多;b站



【简答题】买家询盘通过____________ 查询。

what are the main features of consumption in western countries presently?

i don’t think it wise for judy to lose weight by substituting fruit ______ meals.

what goods were served as exchanging mediums in ancient time?



which satatement is not correct about the imperial examination?

banquet is also called “雅集” in chinese.


world enviroment day falls on july 5th.

which is the correct translation of the sentence: learning without thought is labor,; thought without learning is perilous. a 有教无类 b 学而时习之,不亦说乎? c 温故知新 d 学而不思则罔,思而不学则殆。


6. mayer took over as in 2012, and since then she has become one of the world's most recognizable female ceos.

__________ means 道家学说in english.

7. which proverb is based on speech and in it women are portrayed garrulous and obsessed with trivial things by nature? a. frailty, thin name is woman. b. a woman’s hair is long, but her sense is short. c. beauty and folly are often companions. d. words are women, deeds are men.

usually turn a blind eye to the people around them, but are cold about the virtual world.


what is the style of this article?


which one is the wrong attitude towards nature?

可以在存货核算与管理系统中查询输出的是( )。


sara believes that their home life is simplification, not ______________.

when“烧饼”is translated into pancake, what translation method is used?


although the couple don’t work harder, they can afford to live in the same _______ community.


图示结构中, ab杆的受力图画确的是()。

the sentence “reading gives a person charm and elegance”from sushi means to tell us that ________.

the culture-loaded words are those carry chinese _____ but hard to find their equivalence in the target language.
