
建筑类题库 2385

what can be seen as intention of speaker?

to become qualified interpreters, students have to be trained particularly on multitasking.

how can we get speaker’s intention better? a. use information as clue

how can we get speaker’s intention better? b. use speech as clue

in an argumentative speech, which kind of the following information carries the most value?

which of the following statement can better describe the typical chinese speech composition?

for information structuring, the interpreter separates the speech into different parts based on major ideas and differentiates the value of information of each part, making the speech structure hierarchical.

how to make a speech with cloudy structure clearer? a. resort to the speaker’s to predict where the speech goes

how to make a speech with cloudy structure clearer? b. intentionally make the between ideas explicit when drawing the mental structure map

in interpreting, what skills can we use to remember more?

what makes an effective chunking?

instead of taking lots of notes, interpreters listen and process the information with full concentration, and at the same time remember the message.

to solve the “lack of clue failure”, interpreters can deliberately set retrieval for each chunk.

what are the distinctive features of notes in consecutive interpreting?

what can be noted down as retrieval cues in interpreting?

it is suggested that we take notes in a layout.

in interpreting, notes reflect our ysis and understanding of the speech. therefore, after thorough thinking, the key words we note down may better represent the ideas and activate our memory.

the “completeness of information” in interpreting notes means the full information structure of a given speech segment, including the topic and points of view of the speaker, the complete logic of narration or reasoning, and sufficient supporting details or illustration.

international conference on space technology

international conference on remote sensing technology



1. there was a grocery store in the past. now it’s a ________.

2. there was a high school in the past. now they’re ____________.

3. people walked everywhere in the past. now they _________.

what else has changed in their neighborhood?

1. before the automobile, __________________________________________.

2. before there were supermarkets, ________________________________.

3. about five hundred years ago, _______________________________.

4. in most offices today, _______________________.

5. in many cities nowadays, _________________________.

6. soon, ___________________________.

7. in the next hundred years, _____________________________.

8. sometime in the future, ____________________________.

3. if you don’t get enough sleep, _______________.

4. if you own a pet, ________________.

5. if you don’t get married, __________________.

1. if you eat less sugar, _____________ .

2. if you walk to work every day, _______________.

which two jobs do they find on the internet?

what's the phone number for the cruise ship job?

what are the work hours like?

what else does the job require?

i don't like

i'm not very good at

i'm good at

i hate

i can't stand

i'm interested in

i don't mind

i enjoy

i wouldn't want to be a nurse

i'd like to be a novelist because

i could never be an account because

i would make a bad waiter because

i could be a flight attendant because

what three things does the man ask about the eu?

the empire state building was designed by an american architect.

it was officially opened by the president of the united states in 1931.

it is located in new york city.

the construction of the building took five years.

it cost $2 million to build.

there are 102 floor in the building.

it is the tallest building in the world.

it was featured in the movie king kong.

frederic bartholdi designed the statue of liberty in 1884.

marie curie discovered radium in 1898.

gabriel garcia marquez wrote one hundred years of solitude in 1971.

woo paik produce the first digital hdtv (high-definition television ) in 1991.

salma hayek played frida kahlo in the movie frida in 2002.

many crops (grow) in taiwan.

some crops (consume) locally.

but others (export).

tea (grow) in cooler parts of the island.

rice (cultivate) in warmer parts.

a wide variety of seafood (catch).

many people (employ) in the electronics and textile industries.

who built the pyramids?

why were the pyramids built?

how big is the machu picchu?

when was machu picchu discovered?

why was the great wall built?

how long is the great wall?





agricultural products

choose the things mentioned in the recording

choose the things mentioned in the recording

a country i would like to tell you about

the man (look for) ______________________ a house to buy and finally found one last month.

the woman just (get) _____________ back from a vacation in italy.

she just (get) ______________ engaged to a man she met there.

my brother (snowboard) _____________ when he broke his leg in several places.

several years ago, i (have) ____________ problems with math, so i found a tutor to help me.

the couple (have) ______their first child when they were linving in a tiny apartment.

while i (drive) _____________ in ireland a few years ago, i realized i was on the wrong side of the road!

ulrike (read)_______________ a good book, but someone told her the ending.

while my mother (cook) ____________ dinner last night, the phone rang three times and then stopped.

tracy and eric (meet) when they were working at the same restaurant in vancouver.

a: what have you been doing lately? b: well, i ________________________ (spend) my free time at the beach.

a: have you been working part time this year? b: yes, i have. i (make) ____________ drinks at coffe time for the past few months.

a: how have you been feeling recently? b: great! i (get) _____________ a lot of sleep. and i haven't been eating as much since i started my diet.

a: have you been getting enough exercise lately? b: no, i haven't. i (study) ___________ a lot for a big exam.

talk about personal experiences, events, and interesting information

what happen next?

what do they decide to do?

what movie is describing in perspective 1?

what actor is describing in perspective 2?

what movie is describing in perspective 3?

johnny depp is a very _______________ actor.

i find animated films ______________.

i'm not _________________ in science fiction movies.

i'm _______________ by watching television.

i thought jurassic park was an _____________ book.

i'm ___________ by j.r.r. tolien's novels.

it's _____________ that horror movies are so popular.

ang lee is a movie director ___________ made the film hulk.

pirates of the caribbean is an acton movie _______________ stars johnny depp.

chicago is a musical about a girl ____________ becomes a celebrity.

john grisham's latest novel was a great book ______________ was hard to put down.

first conversation

second conversation

third conversation

fourth conversation

paulin rate the movie with

colin rate the movie with

maybe it means that raj doesn't understand.

it might mean that raj doesn't agree.

it could mean that raj agrees.

what does raj find unusual about the way people in north america communicate?

the man hasn't had a parking ticket lately.

parking isn't allowed there during working hours.

the fine for parking is $16.

the woman is driving faster than the speed limit.

there are other cars in her lane.

the lane is reserved for buses and taxis.

the other drivers are flashing their lights.

he's driving with his lights on.

the other drivers are giving him a warning.

what is wrong with driver 1?

what is wrong with driver 2?

what is wrong with driver 3?

what would phil do if he found $750,000?

a: if you _______(have) three months to travel, where would you go? b: oh, that's easy! i ___________ (fly) to antarctica. i've always wanted to go there.

a: if your doctor __________ (tell) you to get more exercise, which sport would you choose? b: i'm not sure, but i ___________ (go) jogging two or three times a week.

a: what would you do if your car __________ (break down)? b: if i couldn't afford to fix it, i _____________ (have to) walk everywhere.

a: would you break into your house if you __________ (lock) yourself out? b: if i ___________ (not have) another key, i'd ask a neightbor for help.

a: the cashier gave me too much change. what should i have ________(do)? b: you should have __________ (say) something. you shouldn't have ___________ (take) the money.

a: i ignored an e-mail from someone i don't like. what would you have __________ (do)? b: i would have _________ (reply) to the person. it just takes a minute!

a: i was watching a good movie when the phone ran. what should i have _______ (do)? b: you shuld have _________ (take) the call and _________ (tell) the person you'd call later.

a: we left all our trash at the campsite. what would you have _______ (do)? b: i would have ___________ (take) it with me and ___________ (throw) it away later.

the teacher borrowed my favorite book and spilled coffee all over it.

i saw a cte cheating on an exam.

i hit someone's car when i was leaving a parking lot. luckily no one saw me.

my aunt gave me a wool sweater. i can't wear wool, so i gave it back.

two people were fighting in the street.

a friend lost all her money while traveling.

a friend has a serious shopping problem.

you should have told them about it.

you should have cleaned it immediately.

you should have offered to buy them a new couch

i would have called him right away.

i would have sent him a nice birthday present.

i woulnd have invited him out for a meal.

what does dr. hilda suggest the first caller should do?

what is the problem of the first caller?

what did the first caller do?

what does dr. hilda suggest the second caller should do?

what is the problem of the sencond caller?

what did the second caller do?

what does dr. hilda suggest the third caller should do?

what is the problem of the third caller?

what did the third caller do?

does daniel make an excuse? an apology?

how does albert respond? does he express anger? regret?

he asked me to play my music more quietly.

she told me not to come home after midnight.

she said to drink at least six glasses of water a day.

he said not to be late for practice again.

she asked me to pick up the kids after school.

he told me to bring a dictionary tomorrow.

he asked me not to tell anyone about his new girfriend.

had or would

had or would

had or would

had or would

meet at albert's apartment at 7:30.(amanda, tell)

can you bring a all gift for albert? (amanda, ask)

don't bring any food. (amanda, say)

can you bring your favorite cds?(amanda, ask)

don't spend more than $10 on the gift. (amanda, tell)

be careful not to say anything to him. (amanda, tell)

william and brigitee:"we're going out of town for the weekend."

james:"i promised to help dennis move."

anita:"i can't come because have the flu."

mark:" i'll be studying for a test all weekend."

david:"i may have to work late on saturday night."

what was scott's excuse?

fumiko's excuse is

manuel's excuse is

regina's excuse is

what happens on the the night of albert's birthday?

what's kim's problem?

who does chris suggest?

how willkim meet chirs's friend?

how did kim like him?

kim likes guys who




what job has tracy found?

tracy is going to work at children's world.

she will teach young kids intersting games.

she will wear a costume and greet people around the park.

she will teach computer.

who is this person? where does he/she work?

who is this person? where does he/she work?

who is this person? where does he/she work?

是哪个存储器的标识符。( )

ac是哪个存储器的标识符。( )

在第一个扫描周期接通可用于初始化子程序的特殊存储器位是0.1。( )

触点有常开触点和( )

语句表设计语言是由( )和操作数构成的。

功能块图属于plc程序设计语言中的一种。( )


在梯形图上在左侧母线或线路分支点处初始装载一个常开触点,可用指令( )。

在梯形图中表示串联单个常开触点的是( )指令

在梯形图中表示联单个常闭触点的是( )指令


电路块根据触点的连接情况的不同可分为串联电路块和( )电路块。 a.串联 b.混联 c.并联 d.以上均可以

并联电路块与前面电路串联时,使用( )指令。 a.ald b.old d. on


逻辑堆栈指令包括:lps、( )、lpp a.lcd b.lfp c.lrd d. lan

逻辑进站指令即( )用于梯形图分支电路的开始 a.lps b.lrd c.lpp




定时器按照工作方式可分为( ) a.ton、tonr b.tonr 、tof c. ton、tonr 、tof

plc的时基脉冲按照周期分为1ms、10ms和( ) a.100ms b.1000ms c.10000ms

定时器的定时时间=( )×时基。 a.当前值 b.预置值 c.有效值 d.固定值



计数器是对( )或由程序产生的脉冲进行计数的。 a.内部输入 b.外部输入 c.内部时钟 d.外部时钟

西门子s7-200系列plc提供三种计数器,分别是( ) a.ctu b.ctd c.ctud d.以上都是

如果将计数器的( )作为复位输入信号,可实现循环计数。 a.常开触点 b.常闭触点 c.输入端 d.复位端




在plc运行时,总为on的特殊存储器位是 ( ) a 1.0 b 0.1 c 0.0 d 1.1


由离散信号经基本运算得到离散信号,其中不需要的基本运算为 。

已知序列,该序列的自相关函数 。

已知序列与的互相关函数 ,则=______。








已知某离散带通滤波器的频率响应如下图所示,若滤波器的输入 则该滤波器的输入=_____。














药物是用来预防、诊断和治疗疾病或者是为了调节人体机能,并规定有明确的适应症、用法、用量以及( )的物质。

药物是用来预防、诊断和治疗疾病或者是为了调节人体机能,并规定有明确的( )、用法、用量以及禁忌症的物质。




苯二氮䓬类药物的基本结构中,在1,4苯二氮䓬环的1,2位引入( )基团可提高其稳定性。

奥沙西泮是在体内的活性代谢产物,主要是在的结构上发生了( )的变化。

i相转化反应,又称为官能团反应,反应类型包括氧化、还原和( )反应。

艾司比活性强,是因为有( )结构的存在。

在肝脏经1位去甲基,3位羟基化代谢,生成的活性代谢产物已开发成药物为( )。

的7位取代基为( )。

母核上3位的取代基是( )。

抗癫痫药物在体内作用时间的长短与下列( )因素有关。



下列药物属于前药的是( )。

吩噻嗪类药物作用的靶点是( )。

下列药物中不属于吩噻嗪类抗精神病药物的是( )。

氯丙嗪在体内代谢中一般不进行的反应类型为( )。

氯氮平是( )抗精神病类药物。

经典的抗精神病药物最常见的副作用是( )。

的氧化产物主要是( )。

为酸碱两性化合物,是因其分子中含有( )。

以下药物为阿片受体拮抗剂的是( )。

下列镇痛药中可用于戒除成瘾的替代药物是( )。

盐酸纳洛酮中的17位的取代基团是( )。

对乙酰氨基酚的代谢产物中,可导致肝坏死是( )。

非甾体抗炎药的作用机制是( )。

贝诺脂是由阿司匹林与( )缩合而成。

下列非甾体抗炎药物中,代谢物也用做抗炎药物的是( )。

非甾体抗炎药通过抑制花生四烯酸合成( )而产生抗炎作用。

下列药物中没有抗炎作用的是( )。

阿司匹林在合成过程中所产生的会引起过敏反应的副产物是( )。

下列环氧合酶抑制剂中,对胃肠道的副作用较小是( )。

下列药物中,属于环氧合酶和脂氧合酶双重抑制剂的是( )。



组胺h1受体拮抗剂按结构类型可分为( )。

对氯雷他定的叙述错误的是( )。

以下药物中,不是原药代谢产物的是( )。

下列药物中,属于三环类h1受体拮抗剂的是( )。

可用于治疗胃溃疡的含咪唑环的药物是( )。

以“替丁”(-tidine)为词尾的药物的作用靶标是( )。

下列有关西咪替丁的叙述中是正确的是( )。

下列有关奥美拉唑的叙述中错误的是( )。

抗溃疡药法莫替丁含有的结构片段是( )。



下列药物中不属于胰岛素分泌促进剂的是( )。

下列不属于双胍类药物降糖机制的是( )。

阿卡波糖属于( )类降糖药。

苯乙醇胺类拟肾上腺素药物,侧链氨基上被非极性较大烷基(例如异丙基或叔丁基)取代后,其( )

在临床上被广泛用作鼻充血减轻剂的药物是( )。

选择性肾上腺素β2受体激动剂在临床上主要用作治疗( )。

下列与硫酸沙丁胺醇不符的叙述是( )。

以下拟肾上腺素药物中含有2个手性碳原子的药物是( )。


以膦酰基与ace的锌离子结合的ace抑制剂是( )。

属于1,4二氢吡啶类钙离子通道拮抗剂的是( )。

下列药物属于血管紧张素ⅱ受体拮抗剂的是( )。

下列药物中,不能起到降压作用的是( )。

下列具有降血脂作用的药物类型是( )。

盐酸胺碘酮属于( )。

羟甲戊二酰辅酶a还原酶抑制剂可以( )。

下列药物中可作为降血脂药物的是( )。

下列不属于心血管系统疾病的药物是( )。

甾体含有的结构类型是( )。

雌甾烷与雄甾烷在化学结构上的区别是( )。

可以口服的雌激素类药物是( )。

18位基团与其他几项不同的是( )。

苯丙酸诺龙是( )。


下面叙述不正确的是( )。

β-内酰胺类抗生素的作用机制是( )。

半合成青霉素的重要原料是( )。


下列关于头孢菌素类抗生素的描述中,不正确是的( )。

将氨苄西林与舒巴坦以1:1形式,以( )相连形成的化合物,称为舒他西林。

对听力神经有损害作用,可引起不可逆耳聋的药物是( )。

下列具有抗结核作用的抗生素为( )。

一个环内含氮的15元环的大环内酯类衍生物是( )。



喹诺酮类抗菌药物的作用靶点是( )。

磺胺药物的发挥其抗菌活性的基本结构是( )。

下述有关喹诺酮类药物的构效关系描述中不正确的是( )。


抗疱疹病毒的首选药物是( )。

抗病毒药奥司他韦是( )。

生物烷化剂以( )与肿瘤细胞的dna结合而使其失活或分子断裂。

烷化剂类抗肿瘤药物的结构类型不包括( )。

抗肿瘤药氟脲嘧啶属于( )。

下列天然来源的药物中不具有抗肿瘤活性的是( )。

环磷酰胺毒性较小的主要原因是( )。

下列药物中属于质子泵抑制剂的是( )。

对β2肾上腺素受体产生激动活性的贡献结构是( )。

可用于类阿片受体激动剂中毒的解救药物是( )。

抗晕动药晕海宁的复盐成分是( )。

甲氧苄啶的作用靶点是( )。

含芳环的药物主要发生的代谢类型是( )。

羟甲戊二酰辅酶a还原酶抑制剂的作用是( )。

经典的抗精神病药物最常见的副作用是( )。

与钙、镁等离子螯合,使婴幼儿产生黄色牙齿的是( )。

对乙酰氨基酚在体内代谢生成的具有肝毒性产物是( )。

图中所示结构的药物名称是( )。

图中所示结构的药物名称是( )。

图中所示结构的药物名称是( )。

图中所示结构的药物属于( )。

图中所示结构的药物用于( )。








以7-aca 或7-adca为起始原料,可以半合成头孢菌素类抗生素。









问答题5:儿童用药的安全性应予以足够重视,基于药物的副作用,说明下列药物中哪些不宜给儿童使用?并给出判定的理由(适宜儿童用药的不必解释)。 a. 布洛芬;b. 诺氟沙星;c. 金霉素;d. 链霉素;e. 可待因
背规(铁路信号工-普铁车站与区间)搜题app推荐 867